I'm writing a scale book. I would like to have the key signature but
also an accidentals in front of each note. For example, in d \major, I
would like to print f# c# as key signature and a # in front of each f
and c.
I see 2 possibilities:
1. define a custom Key_engraver which just prints the k
Hi David,
> \fixed c'
> { \key d\major \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
> c' d' e' f'
> cis' dis' eis' fis'
> ces' des' es' fes'
> }
I tested that one already but I do not want the natural signs.
> > \key d\major
> > \set Staff.keyAlterations = #'()
> > \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
> Obviously not \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic though.
> \accidentalStyle forget I think?
apparently, this doesn't work:
\version "2.19.0"
\language "english"
\key d \major
\set Staff.keyAlterations = #'
> \accidentalStyle teaching is close but parenthesises the accidental, so
> switch off the parentheses.
> {
>\override AccidentalCautionary.parenthesized=##f
>\accidentalStyle teaching
>\key d\major
>d'4 e' fis' g' a' b' cis'' d''
> }
This is really good and so simple!
Thanks a l
\caps does not work with non ASCII characters:
\version "2.19.84"
\markup { \caps "Blée" }
In this example, the 3rd character "é" is not converted to É.
Kind regards,
> > \caps does not work with non ASCII characters:
> Irrespective of the problem, the character 'é' is *not* part of ASCII.
> The ASCII character is quite an old 7bit character set, approximately
> what we have today in Unicode at positions U+ to U+007F.
yes, this is why I wrote it did not w
> See: http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/changes-big-page.html
> %\version "2.20.0"
> \version "2.19.84"
> \markup{ \override #'(font-features . ("smcp")) "Blée" }
You're right, that works although the size of É and E looks strange.
Thanks for the help.
I'm trying to generate scores from a web page but my http server
(apache) is not allowed to write in /tmp (SELinux). I am allowed to
write in a specific directory where I save the .ly and .pdf but
lilypond generates the postscript file /tmp which fails when ran from
the web site.
Can I specify
> You may set the TMPDIR environment variable when calling lilypond:
> TMPDIR=~/tmp lilypond --verbose file.ly
> > {
> >\override AccidentalCautionary.parenthesized=##f
> >\accidentalStyle teaching
> >\key d\major
> >d'4 e' fis' g' a' b' cis'' d''
> > }
> This is really good and so simple!
> Thanks a lot all of you for your help.
Halas, my web server is under raspberry pi which has only l
> You could try the attached, which is the 2.20.0 source code for the
> teaching accidental style (+some helper functions) with one change to
> accommodate 2.18 syntax, i.e. the key signature is obtained from the
> localKeySignature context property instead of localAlterations.
That's very close t
> Maybe the simplest way to achieve this is the good old "!"
You're right, that may be the easiest, in particular because I
auto-generate the score so it should be easy to add !
> > Maybe the simplest way to achieve this is the good old "!"
> You're right, that may be the easiest, in particular because I
> auto-generate the score so it should be easy to add !
it worked with "!". Was the easiest in the end.
Thanks to all of you.
In pdf files, you can have a navigation panel with bookmarks. This is
very useful to access a particular location in a document and is very
often a copy of the table of contents.
Is there any possibility that \tocItem generates such a bookmark?
Kind regards,
> It’s certainly possible using pdfmark commands, but not supported yet
> (actually, I’ve been investigating that feature for a little while).
Has anything been done yet? Can I help?
In the past, I've already added to a postscript file some bookmarks.
It was just adding postscript commands somewhe
> I'm currently writing some sheet music in 2/4. I'd like measures containing
> four eights to be all beamed together, but everything except that should use
> Lilypond's default rules. How can I achieve this?
I was wonderning if in the end you found a solution. I would like to
do the same a
> > I'm currently writing some sheet music in 2/4. I'd like measures containing
> > four eights to be all beamed together, but everything except that should
> > use Lilypond's default rules. How can I achieve this?
> I was wonderning if in the end you found a solution. I would like to
> do
> gruppetto = \after 8 \turn \etc
> should do it.
> The \etc acts as a pacifier.
Thanks a lot, it works!
Hi all,
Can I have \after 8 \turn in a variable so that I can call it with the
variable name and be able to change the duration delay in a single
I tried that:
gruppetto = \after 8 \turn
But I get an error: expecting music
I would like later to use it like \gruppetto a4 (of course
>> on the following music:
>> \times 4/6 { r16 -.[( -. -.-> -. -.)] }
>> I get what I expect:
>> \times 4/6 { r16 << {
>> fa-.[( sib-. re-.-> sib-. fa-.)]
>> } \\ {
>> re-.[( fa-. sib-.-> fa-. re-.)]
>> } >>
>> }
> I noticed that the third chord goes from high to low instead of low to high.
I want to adapt a piano score for a small set of instruments. The
right hand is already written as a set of chords with 2 notes
... Is there a way to turn it into a set of 2 voices { a b } \\
{ c' d' }?
Thank you all. I wanted to know if there was already something
available but I will build a python script for it. I'm also under
Linux and pretty used to that.
Here is an example of input:
lower = \relative f, {
\key f \major
\time 4/4
2 r
| r
| 1
| 2 r
| 1
| 2
| r
| 2. 4
| 1
I would like to use a single quote of a part (the entire part) in
other parts but I do not want to create a specific quote for each cue
notes section. I would prefer to create a single quote with the entire
music and later choose where my cue notes start.
For example, I can have:
Singer = \re
Hi Valentin,
I came to the same conclusion as you: prefer \new Voice << { notes1 }
{ notes2 } >> over a series of chords. After I split the 2 voices, I
was able to rebuild the original version like that so I could compare
the notes to the original score before going further with my
> Of course, there are so many ways to achieve this.
Thank you all. I ended with the same solution as Pierre-Luc shared.
I have some music written for instruments in ut. So I write
\transposition c' in the source code.
When I use \transpose to adapt the music to a clarinet, \cueDuring do
not transpose the cue notes.
In the example below,
- the violin gets the cue notes in ut which is good
- ClarinetI has the no
I want to show cue notes but only the first voice. Can I use \addQuote
with only voiceOne?
> I want to show cue notes but only the first voice. Can I use \addQuote
> with only voiceOne?
Oh, Copilot seems to have the answer:
voiceOneOnly = \extractVoice #'voiceOne \musicPart
but it seems to be hallucination :=)
> Try the attached file, which uses this snippet:
> This appears to work on 2.25.21. Does this do what you were hoping to
> accomplish?
Thank you so much William. It does exactly what I wanted!
Hi Knute,
Please let me first thank you so much for what you shared on this
topic of converting chords to multivoices. Thanks to you, I discovered
there exists a python lexer for lilypond files; this is really
On my side, I worked in a different direction, starting from your
first script
est réservé
aux mains immenses et aux coudes hyperlaxes.
bon bon je retourne travailler au lieu d'embêter les gens,
lilypond-user mailing list
I Wrote:
Va falloir ajouter les doigtés dans les traductions de la doc, alors, et
Shame on me!
Wrong addresses...(and Snippet?id=435)
lilypond-user mailing list
Do you know why the postscript files produced by lilypond (2.10.33,
cygwin) are not compatible with psbook and psnup?
To prepare the printing on A3 paper, I used to do the following with
lilypond 2.6.0:
psbook score.ps | psnup -2 > score.2.ps
With the output of 2.10.33, the output of psbook
What does this mean? (using 2.10.33, cygwin)
programming error: (de)crescendo on items with specified volume.
continuing, cross fingers
in the midi file, the voices disappear sometimes.
F. Bron
lilypond-user mailing list
I am using 2.10.33 (cygwin).
I like to use #(set-accidental-style 'modern-cautionary) because it is
easy to forget that a c sharp become c natural in the following measure
and this option puts an extra cautionary accidental (natural) in the
following measure.
However, I would like something
by the way, do you know how to change the default indentation in
lilypond files from 2 spaces to 1 tabulation?
lilypond-user mailing list
below the staff which is not very nice.
Any clue?
Frédéric Bron
lilypond-user mailing list
didn't do anything... but that
\layout {
\context {
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(0 . 0)
was 'working'.
Now, how do I keep the 'above default spacing' for the first verse?
Frédéric Moinard
Valentin Villenave a écrit :
Hi everybody,
Its sole purpose is to be pleasant to read, entertaining -- and to
make LilyPond look sexy. It's primarily intended for newbies,
and it works !! ;)
Frédéric Moinard
ps: and nice, just after re
Mats Bengtsson a écrit :
Frédéric Moinard wrote:
I'm beginning with 2.10: 3 voices + verses, and I'd like to keep the
default distance between music and verse 1 but a shorter vertical
spacing between the next lines of lyrics.
That's correct. This syntax
s too:
trumpet = {
\set Staff.instrumentName = "Trumpet "
\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Tpt "
% notes...
Frédéric Moinard
lilypond-user mailing list
our music, and click "play"
to hear it (with something like \set Staff.midiInstrument="voice oohs"
in your staff context).. (ok, I work with linux, on a "sort of
multimedia music oriented laptop", and it worked 'out
notes with the same
articulations c-. d-. e-. f-. g-. h-. ...
Many thanks in advance.
Frédéric Bron
PS : I use LilyPond 2.6.3 on Windows.
lilypond-user mailing list
\relative {
c4_\markup { \italic dim. } d e f
\bar "|."
Frédéric Bron ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Villa des Quatre Chemins, Centre Hospitalier, BP 208
38506 VOIRON
Why isn't this the default?
Would it be possible to add those rules to auto-beam.scm?
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
A better solution is to tell LilyPond to automatically beam the
triplets this way, see "8.6.2 Setting automatic beam behavior" for
more details. For Jutta'
I have already sent a font problem with lilypond on cygwin (2.6.4) but
nobody could answer: on cygwin, by default, the font is "sans serif" and
not roman. If I apply what's in the doc to be roman, then "\italic" does
not work anymore.
There is also the problem you mention: on cygwin, the versi
Is there a way to transpose a full score in one command instead of
applying the same transposition to each voice?
lilypond-user mailing list
Why did you install 2.6.0 while 2.6.4 is available?
Steve wrote:
Installed lilypond on my PC running Window XP Pro SP2. Installation completed
with error. Downloaded test.ly file and followed instructions on
Got error saying could not find te
I tried to compile 2.7.17 on cygwin but configure reports the following
which is not true:
ERROR: Please install required programs: gcc >= 2.8 (installed: 0.125)
g++ >= 3.0.5 (installed: 0.125) mftrace fontforge
I have gcc, g++ 3.4.4 installed. Why is it reporting version 0.125?
I do not kno
Same problem as the one I reported. Also solved in development version
2.7.17 (and probably later).
Gilles wrote:
Running lilypond 2.6.3 on the following:
\version "2.6.3"
theMusic = \relative c''' {
\time 4/4
\acciaccatura g16 f1 |
f1 |
\score {
\key a \minor
Some messages have already been posted on that subject (cygwin font
problem). Unfortunately, it seems there is no more cygwin expert. The
current version on cygwin does not work properly (default font is not
roman but sans serif).
The solution I adopted is to install the windows version and use
s somebody the same difficulty?
Frédéric Bron ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Villa des Quatre Chemins, Centre Hospitalier, BP 208
tél. : (33) 4 76 67 17 27
lilypond-user mail
Well, there is another case when this extra space is not nice and when UTF-8
cannot make it: \markup{ 1\super "st" clarinet } (space between 1 and st).
> In this particular case, it seems like a much better solution to use a
> text editor
> that handles UTF-8, but that's of course another di
Works fine with 2.6.5 on Windows.
> I'm not getting a cautionary naturalization on the lower A - and it
> sure would be nice to have! In other instances where the notes are in
> the same octave it works fine.
> #(set-accidental-style 'modern-cautionary)
> f''4 g''8 aes''8 a'4 d''4
> R
1. Even with a very small input file, I find a delay of 4-5 seconds
after invoking lilypond before I see anything happening. Is this
normal, or am I doing something wrong? It's the same whether I type
"lilypond filename" in a console window, or invoke lilypond through an
editor interface.
el Boronka
lilypond-user mailing list
F. Bron
F. Bron
Frédéric Bron ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Villa des Quatre Chemins, Centre Hospitalier, BP 208
tél. : (33) 4 76 67 17 27
lilypond-user mailing list
Using lily 2.8.7 on Windows.
Why \chords { gs:dim7 } gives G#07 in the output and not G#dim (\include
I want < gs b d f >.
lilypond-user mailing list
Does this mean that if I want all dim7 chords be written "dim", I need to code 12 exceptions, one for each note?Fred2006/11/1, Rick Hansen (aka RickH) <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:Frédéric Bron wrote:>> Using lily
2.8.7 on Windows.>> Why \chords { gs:dim7 } gives G#07
lilypond-user mailing listlilypond-user@gnu.org
http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user-- F. Bron---
Frédéric Bron ([EMAIL PROTECTED])Villa des Qu
Lily 2.8.7 on Windows but called from cygwin.I get the following output when compiling any file like just the following\version "2.8.7"{ c d e f g a b }output=erreur de programmation : Cannot find file for FontConfig cache.
poursuite ; croisons les doigtsTraitement de « test.ly »...which I can tran
\super "dim" } }
chExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions)<< \chords { \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions gs4:dim7 }
gs'4>>Fred2006/11/1, Rick Hansen (aka RickH) <[EMAIL PROTECTE
Many thanks, it works now! I needed also to remove G\sharp from the
markup as it is added automatically.
Rick Hansen (aka RickH) a écrit :
Frédéric Bron wrote:
I have tried to make a chord exception as indicated in the documentation
Your problem is just that you need to include your 2 voices between << >>:
<< \mel \\ \bas >>
Claus Rogge a écrit :
Am 01. Nov 2006 um 21:29 schrieb Frédéric Bron:
Just add { } around your music after \blg:
{ \clef "treble_8" ... \bas }
Hi Fred,
anned examples if you need.
Thanks for your answers,Frédéric Chiasson
lilypond-user mailing list
extra-offset = #'(x . y)
>> Is there a way to calculate the offset from the tip of the stem, or at> least the notehead, so I can use the same values for x and y, for each> of the many gracenote groups used in my pieces?
>> Frédéric>>> 2006/11/7, Mats Bengtsson <
Hi,I just saw a message about the tagline "Engraved by Lilypond" and I was wondering if it is legal to sell our own partitions of our own compositions engraved with Lilypond? Is there any limitation you put against a «commercial» use (for now, it is really «on the side» but still...)
Fred2006/11/15, Joseph Wakeling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Frédéric Chiasson wrote:> I just saw a message about the tagline "Engraved by Lilypond" and I was> wondering if it is legal to sell our own partitions of our own> compositions engraved with Lilypond? Is the
I may participate a bit if a project is started and there is no software
difficulty (I do not own my own PC, I work with Windows+Cygwin, I am not
administrator and I do not fully control the firewall...).
Jean-marc LEGRAND a écrit :
Hi all !
Two years have passed, and I'm still wonde
John Mandereau ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has already started a french
translation of the tutorial, which appears automatically if the site detects
your computer uses french. You can contact him using the french user forum :
Frédéric Chiasson
2006/11/21, Mats Bengtsson <[EM
You could do the following: install 2.6.5-1 for Windows from
and run it from Cygwin. This is perhaps easier.
Thomas Scharkowski a écrit :
"Thomas Scharkowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Is there any chance to reinstall 2.4.6?
When you run
character counter in
the editor would be great, since the error messages give the line number
where the bug is. It would be a great improvement.
By the way, is there any editor having LilyPond tool other than jEdit?
Frédéric Chiasson
2006/12/7, Andreas v. Heydwolff <[EMAIL PROTEC
Well, I never tried jEdit on Mac. But I tried it on PC and the LilypondTool
didn't work out and I had so many problems that I discarded it after a week.
Maybe I should give it a second shot. It migth work better on Mac OS.
Thanks for the comments,
2006/12/7, Bertalan Fodor &l
e-music 'BeamEvent 'span-direction -1)))
(make-music 'EventChord 'elements
(list (make-music 'NoteEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 3 0 1 1) 'pitch
(ly:make-pitch -1 1 0))
(make-music 'BeamEvent 'span-direction 1)
Sorry for not answering to everyone
-- Forwarded message --
From: Frédéric Chiasson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 8 déc. 2006 15:21
Subject: Re: Put a slash on acciaccatura beamed eighth notes
To: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Good, let's try it then. So in
tem (over the notehead), which can mean "slap tongue" in
modern saxophone writing.
Also, if you know the file where the slash is put with stroke-style =
"grace", please tell me so I can try to to put code for beamed notes with my
basic programming skills.
Is it also possible to make a \markup at a specified distance frome the
notehead? I have asked this question already but nobody seemed able to
answer me.
2006/12/9, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Use the staff-padding property to specify the distance from the
27;m working on Mac OS 10.4.8
The code :
\version "2.11.1"
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
#(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree "Times"
^\markup{\musicglyph #"
:3:54: ERREUR : cha^ine d''echappement inconnue (Unknown escape
string): << \musicglyph >>
\lilyvartmpd ^\markup{
-- Forwarded message --
From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 15 déc. 2006 15:31
Subject: Re: How to use ^markup in a scheme function?
To: Frédéric Chiasson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I'm certainly not any expert in Scheme coding for LilyPond. Please
always ke
Then, well, who can help me??
2006/12/15, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I'm certainly not any expert in Scheme coding for LilyPond. Please
always keep the discussion on the mailing list, for the
benefit of yourself since you get access to the collected
code )))
2006/12/16, Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Friday 15 December 2006 22:07, Frédéric Chiasson wrote:
> Then, well, who can help me??
> Frédéric
> 2006/12/15, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I'm certainly not any expert in Scheme codi
unctions in
LilyPond by composers and musicians who are NOT programmers to make the
LilyPond language more intuitive, so the learning curve would be less steep.
That would be a great thing to do for an eventual LilyPond 3.0. And I would
be willing to give some of my free time for that!
To answer Carl, yes! To put 2 notes instead of 3, I would put "2:3", which
means "2 instead of 3" or "2 for 3". As David Rogers said, it fits what is
printed, or what would be printed if the whole ratio was there.
Also, is there a reason why the function wasn'
Yeah, that would be a good solution satisfying everyone.
2006/12/18, Kress, Stephen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
You could compromise and use "2/3" to indicate current fractional time the
way it works now, but support using "3:2" to be more "musically
Maybe, but it is more that it is "7:8" that would be engraved, and not
"7/8". So it is alright to separate both options.
2006/12/19, Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Werner LEMBERG escreveu:
>>> I suppose you could add the command \times 3:2 {a b c} to do exactly
on (2/3) or the
engraved ratio (3:2).
2006/12/19, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Werner LEMBERG wrote:
>>> \tuplet 3:2 {...}
>> One minor detail is that the name isn't exactly appropriate when you
>> do
>> \set tuplet
-- Forwarded message --
From: Frédéric Chiasson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 19 déc. 2006 17:45
Subject: Re: Constructive Criticism and a Question
Yeah, I prefer to keep the punctuation ":" and "/" to avoid confusion.
Might be an idea, but why should we keep two functions making the same
Does it cost that much on functionality to use two differents syntax in the
same function?
2006/12/19, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Jonathan Henkelman escreveu:
> Erik Sandberg
d it's done.
And I definitely don't want \times #'(2 . 3) This pseudo-Scheme syntax is
very hard to understand for the beginner, especially the " ' " ! The least
Scheme syntax necessary, the better!
lilypond-user mailing list
2006/12/20, Kress, Stephen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Ok. Based on what everyone has been saying and seeming to come to an
agreement on, here's the details of the changes that we are proposing be
1. \times is replaced by \tuplet since tuplet makes more musica
You can use :
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-letters
to put boxes around letters
2006/12/20, Neuro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Excuse me, I am almost newbie...
I have a quick small question here:
How do you mark a extra "boxed" rehersal mark such as "
Yes, that makes sense.
2006/12/21, John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Frédéric Chiasson wrote:
> But to avoid repeating \tuplet functions for long passages with the
> same tuplets, we could admit that kind of syntax :
> \tuplet 3:2 {c8 d e f g a b c d
I tried for the first time to use parenthesises on notes but it doesn't
work. Am I doing something wrong?
\version "2.11.3"
\relative c'{
\parenthesize b1
lilypond-user mailing list
Might it be possible to use
\tuplet 3:2 {x x x}
for the usual operation, and if we want to have many tuplets of the same
kind, to use
\tuplet 3:2 { {x x x} {y y y} {z z z} }
Might resolve the clarity problems.
2006/12/22, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Using : LilyPond 2.11.4, Mac OS X 10.4.8
I think I have found a bug. When using changed fonts with the function
make-pango-font-tree, the functions \italic and \bold don't work anymore.
What do you think?
The input code :
\version "2.11.4"
Weird, it is supposed to reduce the font size (it works in my files). But I
know that for a single staff, you must use two commands to reduce the note
font and the spaces between the staff lines :
fontSize = #-3
\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3)
Hope that will help,
re? I really don't know. Maybe you could develop this!
Frédéric Chiasson
2006/12/30, Mehmet Okonsar < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Does anyone in the list knows some helper software for instrumentation
instruments ranges, fingerboard positions on strings etc..
Please forgiv
#(set-global-staff-size 13)
\set fontSize = #2
This diversity of syntax is hard to understand and very hard to remember for
a non-programmer. Maybe we could replace them by "\" functions??
By the way, happy new year to everyone!
2007/1/5, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAI
n to the sometimes too complex
syntax of LilyPond.
Also, thanks for the changes in micro-intervals symbols, especially the db
for -eseh!
Note, importantly, that, with the present tuplet syntax, lily handles
all tuplets -- *including broken ones* -- correctly out of the box.
This sort of th
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