Hi, I have some music written for instruments in ut. So I write \transposition c' in the source code. When I use \transpose to adapt the music to a clarinet, \cueDuring do not transpose the cue notes.
In the example below, - the violin gets the cue notes in ut which is good - ClarinetI has the notes written 1 tone up so that the clarinet sounds the same as the singer but the cue notes are still written in ut when it should be 1 tone up - ClarinetII has everything written for clarinet (1 tone up) but that required to writte \transposition bf in the music in ut (before applying \transpose) which looks strange to me. So I have the impression that there is a bug, i.e. that \transposition should be changed when \transpose is applied. Thanks, F \version "2.25.20" \language "english" Singer = \relative { \transposition c' c' d e f g a b c } \addQuote "Singer" \Singer Violin = \relative { \transposition c' c'' d e f \cueDuring "Singer" #DOWN { g a b c } } ClarinetI = \transpose c d \Violin ClarinetII = \transpose c d \relative { \transposition bf c'' d e f \cueDuring "Singer" #DOWN { g a b c } } \score { \new Score << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Singer" } << \Singer >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violin" } << \Violin >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "ClarinetI" } << \ClarinetI >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "ClarinetII" } << \ClarinetII >> >> }