I am using 2.10.33 (cygwin).

I like to use #(set-accidental-style 'modern-cautionary) because it is easy to forget that a c sharp become c natural in the following measure and this option puts an extra cautionary accidental (natural) in the following measure.

However, I would like something more custumizable: I would like to print a cautionary natural sign if the last same note had a different pitch in the last "given" duration. The "given" duration could be given in duration style of multimeasure rests 1*2, 4*4... This would make it possible to get a natural sign if the sharp sign was 2 measures before (which can be short in 2/4 time).

For example I would like that

\relative c' { \time 2/4 ces2 | d | c }

gives a natural sign for the last c

F. Bron

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