Spacing in mensural notation

2024-05-07 Thread Giles Boardman
Hello, I am new to Lilypond, cutting my teeth on a couple of pretty simple layouts - this exercise is to reproduce a page of a Petrucci score. [X] I'm thrilled with this [cid:710639fb-021d-4038-8cea-e057f36c7914] but I would like to remove the space from around the notes and bu

Re: Spacing in mensural notation

2024-05-07 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Giles, > I am new to Lilypond Welcome! > I would like to remove the space from around the notes and bunch them up like > in the original. I tried a couple of things I found that looked relevant - > they're commented out in my snippet - and "\compressEmptyMeasures" but to no > avail .

Re: Spacing in mensural notation

2024-05-07 Thread Graham King
I had a similar question a while back [1], which Harm kindly solved. Try something like this (it should work in older versions of lilypond): %~~~ \version "2.23.10" \header { title = "Odhekaton" composer = "Obrecht" piece = "Alto" } \paper { ragged-right = ##t }

Re: Spacing in mensural notation

2024-05-07 Thread Graham King
On Tue, 2024-05-07 at 09:18 +, Giles Boardman wrote: > By the way, I know it's not a Lilypond question, but if anyone can > tell me how to interpret "Verte"(?) that would be a help too. Sorry, I missed this part of your question. It just means "turn (the page)" - much like the modern "V.S."

\after positioning in voices

2024-05-07 Thread Robert Garrigos
I have this code which uses \after to position dynamic marks in the right place where I want them: \version "2.25.14" \language "english" example = \relative c' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 5/4 { \after 2\< \after 8*7 \> \repeat unfold 10 {e16 f} \!| } } \score { \new

Re: \after positioning in voices

2024-05-07 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> >   % \after 2 \< \after 8*7 \!\> \after 2 \! >   s2 d8(c b2) Make that       s2 d8(\< c \after 8 \> b2) <>\! \after doesn't work the way you indented your code suggests you think it does. The syntax is \after DURATION ARTICULATION MUSIC and gives something roughly equivalent to <

Re: Spacing in mensural notation

2024-05-07 Thread Graham King
(copying the list, so that others can benefit/contribute) Giles, I played around with this some more, and got slightly better results by setting \override Score.SpacingSpanner.shortest-duration-space = #1 Another tip, which might be obvious: for proof-reading, I often play the MIDI output and fo

Adjusting instrumentation of a MIDI output?

2024-05-07 Thread Alasdair McAndrew
Hello, I've set various instruments for my MIDI output (from an early 18th century piece), but I have a new soundfont with better instruments. Is there any way I can get lilypond to pick up, as it were, the instrument from this soundfont? As it is, I just set the Staff.midiInstrument to one of t