I am new to Lilypond, cutting my teeth on a couple of pretty simple layouts -
this exercise is to reproduce a page of a Petrucci score.
I'm thrilled with this
but I would like to remove the space from around the notes and bu
Hi Giles,
> I am new to Lilypond
> I would like to remove the space from around the notes and bunch them up like
> in the original. I tried a couple of things I found that looked relevant -
> they're commented out in my snippet - and "\compressEmptyMeasures" but to no
> avail .
I had a similar question a while back [1], which Harm kindly solved.
Try something like this (it should work in older versions of lilypond):
\version "2.23.10"
\header {
title = "Odhekaton"
composer = "Obrecht"
piece = "Alto"
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }
On Tue, 2024-05-07 at 09:18 +, Giles Boardman wrote:
> By the way, I know it's not a Lilypond question, but if anyone can
> tell me how to interpret "Verte"(?) that would be a help too.
Sorry, I missed this part of your question. It just means "turn (the
page)" - much like the modern "V.S."
I have this code which uses \after to position dynamic marks in the right place
where I want them:
\version "2.25.14"
\language "english"
example = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 5/4
\after 2\< \after 8*7 \>
\repeat unfold 10 {e16 f} \!|
\score {
> % \after 2 \< \after 8*7 \!\> \after 2 \!
> s2 d8(c b2)
Make that
s2 d8(\< c \after 8 \> b2) <>\!
\after doesn't work the way you indented your code suggests you
think it does. The syntax is
and gives something roughly equivalent to
(copying the list, so that others can benefit/contribute)
I played around with this some more, and got slightly better results by
\override Score.SpacingSpanner.shortest-duration-space = #1
Another tip, which might be obvious: for proof-reading, I often play
the MIDI output and fo
I've set various instruments for my MIDI output (from an early 18th century
piece), but I have a new soundfont with better instruments. Is there any
way I can get lilypond to pick up, as it were, the instrument from this
soundfont? As it is, I just set the Staff.midiInstrument to one of t