I have this code which uses \after to position dynamic marks in the right place where I want them:
\version "2.25.14" \language "english" example = \relative c' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 5/4 { \after 2\< \after 8*7 \> \repeat unfold 10 {e16 f} \!| } } \score { \new Staff \example } which prints:
Trying it with a two voices fragment, doesn’t work: \version "2.25.14" \language "english" example = \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 5/4 << \new Voice { \voiceOne \stemDown <a c>2 \stemNeutral <f a>4 <f a>2 } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \after 2 \< \after 8*7 \!\> \after 2 \! s2 d8(c b2) } >> } \score { \new Staff \example } which prints wrong music:
commenting out the \after line, prints the right music: \version "2.25.14" \language "english" example = \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 5/4 << \new Voice { \voiceOne \stemDown <a c>2 \stemNeutral <f a>4 <f a>2 } \new Voice { \voiceTwo % \after 2 \< \after 8*7 \!\> \after 2 \! s2 d8(c b2) } >> } \score { \new Staff \example }
How can I have the dynamics in the same place as the first example in the two voices fragment? Thanks. Robert