On Sunday, January 04, 2015 09:01:46 Pierre Abbat wrote:
> DragonFly has 2.18.2. I'm going to try it on my DragonFly box; if it works,
> I'll let Ubuntu know that the package should be fixed.
Done. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lilypond/+bug/1295143
This was working in version 2.10. I ran it through the converter and got some
errors, like "unexpected header"; it turned out that the header has to be at
the end of the score block. That fixed, it's outputting a big space between
"אדון עולם" and the top of the chords. I fiddled with it (not rea
On Sunday, January 04, 2015 12:59:13 Thomas Morley wrote:
> Hi Pierre,
> looks like Issue 3642
> Fixed_2_17_30
> Please upgrade to 2.18.
> If it's not in your distribution do it manually, it's achild's play.
DragonFly has 2.18.2. I'm going to try it on my DragonFly box; if it works,
I'll let U
This was working in version 2.10. I ran it through the converter and got some
errors, like "unexpected header"; it turned out that the header has to be at
the end of the score block. That fixed, it's outputting a big space between
"אדון עולם" and the top of the chords. I fiddled with it (not rea
On Wednesday 28 February 2007 10:33, Francisco Vila wrote:
> I would like to contact all spanish-speaking users in this list, just
> to have an estimation of how many of us are there, and possibly
> foundate a lilypond-user-spanish list.
It's my third language, and I often mix it with French, my s
On Wednesday 14 February 2007 19:05, Kevin Dalley wrote:
> Remove "\relative <<" and its matching ">>". Your banjo will no
> longer need 64 frets.
Thanks both of you. I copied the code from an example in the manual, and
didn't know what to do with "\relative" that isn't followed by a note.
I'm writing a song with a banjo accompaniment. The melody line is relative and
comes out correct. The banjo line, since it jumps all over the strings, I
write in absolute notation, but Lily writes it as relative and goes all the
way up to the 64th fret. How do I fix this?
\paper {
I'm looking at the ps output of Lilypond ('cause I'm writing a completely
unrelated program that also outputs ps) and see this:
/set-ps-scale-to-lily-scale {
lily-output-units output-scale mul
lily-output-units output-scale mul scale
} bind def
Couldn't you say
On Thursday 28 December 2006 23:44, Manuel wrote:
> I think Daniel means the set of sharp or flats right from the clef.
I wouldn't call it just "armadura", as someone might try to put on the whole
key signature of God ;) which would be as silly as someone's signature on a
check being three flats
On Thursday 28 December 2006 18:39, Daniel Tonda Castillo wrote:
> Greetings to all fellow spanish-speaking-LilyPond-users!
> ¡Decision time!
> Clave or Llave?
> Armadura or Armadura tonal or Armadura de clave?
Does that mean the set of notes in a scale, or the set of sharps or flats used
On Wednesday 27 December 2006 18:21, Daniel Tonda Castillo wrote:
> Claves/Llaves
I suppose one is "key" and one is "clef", but as they are both cognates
of "clef", which is which?
> Métrica de compás
> Armaduras mayores y menores
> Valores rítmicos
> Sostenidos y bemoles
Some months ago
On Monday 25 December 2006 10:36, Geoff Horton wrote:
> It would be better to call them "brackets" or "braces" consistently,
> rather than switching.
The curly ones {} are braces. The square ones [] are brackets. Greater-than
and less-than signs, when used to enclose something , are called
On Sunday 24 December 2006 19:39, Manuel wrote:
> So, would the following be a clear way to put it?
> Chapter One.
> If you are using a Mac, open a new LilyPond window.
> If you are working with Linux open a new file in a plain txt editor
> (e.g. kwrite music.ly; music.ly; emacs music ly)
On Sunday 24 December 2006 14:16, Manuel wrote:
> I have no knowledge whatsoever about Linux, so maybe Pierre, or you,
> or any Linux user could complete the text where I put the "..." as
> well as any other necessary instructions for " invoking a lp
> compilation".
It depends on your desktop. GNO
On Sunday 24 December 2006 14:34, Manuel wrote:
> I'm sure you are right. My English needs you. "fourth", not
> "quarter", it should be.
The duration of a note, however, is a quarter.
lilypond-user mailing list
On Sunday 24 December 2006 15:10, Manuel wrote:
> Johan,
> Thank you! I have now corrected wether to whether (how did this
> escape the TexEdit spell check?).
"wether" is a valid word, meaning "sheep" (most often in "bellwether", the
sheep who wears a bell to lead the other sheep). Whether the
On Sunday 24 December 2006 12:39, Manuel wrote:
> I work with Mac OS X. I don't know what Kwrite is (what is your OS?)
> I have assumed - perhaps erroneously - than for all OS's it was
> possible to just "open a new LilyPond window". I select "new" from
> the "File" menu or press "command-n" and th
On Sunday 24 December 2006 08:01, Manuel wrote:
> Chapter One.
> Open a new LilyPond window and write this inside:
> { c' d' e' f' g' a' b' c' ' }
> Save the file and then select "Typeset file" from the "Compile" menu.
What OS are you on? I open a Kwrite window and type "lilypon
On Saturday 23 December 2006 07:42, Eduardo Vieira wrote:
> In the two syllables for one note you have 3 ways of doing it (And the
> manual is *very clear in the first two ones, just check it in the section
> of "entering lyrics"):
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.10/Documentation/user/lilypond/Enterin
I'm trying to write a hymn in Spanish. Sometimes there are two syllables on
one note (not uncommon in hymns in Spanish, usually two vowels come together)
and there are some pairs of notes which take two syllables in some verses and
one in others. I tried putting numbers after the syllables, but
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