On Wednesday 27 December 2006 18:21, Daniel Tonda Castillo wrote:
> Claves/Llaves

I suppose one is "key" and one is "clef", but as they are both cognates 
of "clef", which is which?

> Métrica de compás
> Armaduras mayores y menores
> Valores rítmicos
> Sostenidos y bemoles

Some months ago Eudy was teaching an introduction to music notation and used 
this term. I took it to mean "sustained", and called sharp "diesis". I later 
looked it up in her dictionary (general, not musical) and found that "diesis" 
and "sostenido" both mean "sharp" and "sostenuto" is what I was thinking of.

> No se preocupe aún por los naturales/becuadros. Explicaremos esto cuando
> lleguemos a las armaduras.

I say drop "naturales". "Becuadros" is well known, at least to me who learned 
the French word first, and can't be confused with anything else.

> Cualesquier armadura que haya escogido, debe escribir el nombre exacto

"cualesquier armaduras" o "cualquier armadura"


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