Double Post

2004-03-10 Thread Will Oram
Sorry about the double post regarding 'Cadenza Break.' I got the answer the first time. No need to ram it into my skull. :) Thanks to all who gave the answer. ___ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Adjusting spacing between PianoStaff staves: Thanks (and apologies)

2004-03-10 Thread Ruven Gottlieb
Roland Goretzki wrote: Hello Ruven, the postings to the list need so loong time in these days, so I will forward the answer, which I sent to the list, directly to You: That was very thoughtful of you, thank you very much! I unfortunately posted several instances of this question to the list

Your message to Info-lilypond awaits moderator approval

2004-03-10 Thread info-lilypond-bounces
Your mail to 'Info-lilypond' with the subject Hey, ya! =)) Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval. The reason it is being held: Post by non-member to a members-only list Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive notification of the m

(de)crescendo error message

2004-03-10 Thread Doug Asherman
Just upgraded to 2.1.29. I have a construct like this: 8 dis'16 \>(cis16)\! and I get a warning "Can't find start of (de)crescendo:" The decrescendo draws fine, but the warning is new with 2.1.29. ___ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] h


2004-03-10 Thread David Bobroff
I seem to have figured out how to set up my percussion definitions. Now, I need to have a single staff which changes between non-pitch percussion and pitched percussion (e.g. vibraphone). The staff must start out as a \notes staff and change to \drums, and back and forth several times. How do I

Re: Cadenza Breaks

2004-03-10 Thread Ferenc Wagner
Will Oram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I'm lilyponding a violin cadenza that spans a full page. It's > unmeasured, so no barlines. Consequently, \break doesn't work > anymore. Use invisible bar lines, like \bar "" where you'd like to allow line breaking. -- Feri. _

2 Questions: spacing-increment and bar numbers

2004-03-10 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hello, I am using Lilypond 2.1.28 on Mac OS X 10.3.2. I can't manually set the horizontal spacing of my music. The example given in the reference manual, \paper { \translator { \ScoreContext SpacingSpanner \override #'spacing-increment = #3.0 } } does not work for me. I also tried pu

Re: heißen Was: Re: ess-tset again

2004-03-10 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Christoph, You wrote: > I couldn't find any special rules for the typesetting of songs. > The 21st edition of the Duden gives the following rules (corresponding > to the new orthography): > > - The ess-tset is usually treated like any other consonant. >An example similar

Re: Fingering or \Number font for \markup

2004-03-10 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Thomas, You wrote: > how can I use the font used for fingerings for \markup? > > I tried: > > \markup { \number \tiny 3 } Try: \markup { \finger 3 } This creates the normal fingering font for \markup. > but the resulting number is much too big. When I type:

Tempo changes for MIDI output.

2004-03-10 Thread Matthias Kilian
Hi, I want tempo changes to affect MIDI output only, i.e. there should be no metronome marks in the output. Just removing the Metronome_mark_engraver works: \paper { \translator { \ScoreContext \remove Metronome_mark_engraver } } However, now I get annoying warnings:

Re: ottava & polyphony

2004-03-10 Thread David Raleigh Arnold
On Thursday 04 March 2004 05:14, Mats Bengtsson wrote: > The question is what is the correct typesetting practice. > As a musician, how can I know if the ottava applies only to > the upper voice or to the full stave That's easy. It only applies to the voices that are marked. If you have 3 parts

LilyPond 2.1.28 packaged for Cygwin

2004-03-10 Thread Bertalan Fodor
Cygwin binary packages of LilyPond 2.1.28 are available from my homepage. The package can be installed by adding and selecting my homepage as mirror: Greetings, Bert ___ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECT

Your message to Info-lilypond awaits moderator approval

2004-03-10 Thread info-lilypond-bounces
Your mail to 'Info-lilypond' with the subject Hey, ya! =)) Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval. The reason it is being held: Post by non-member to a members-only list Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive notification of the m

Your message to Bug-lilypond awaits moderator approval

2004-03-10 Thread bug-lilypond-bounces
Your mail to 'Bug-lilypond' with the subject Hokki =) Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval. The reason it is being held: Message has a suspicious header Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive notification of the moderator's deci

coding problem with triplets

2004-03-10 Thread chip
I am trying to get a measure like this - 8thRest 8thNote 8thNote 8thNote 4Note triplet8thNotes using this code r8 a' csharp'' e'' csharp''4 \times 4/3 {gsharp''8[ gsharp'' gsharp'']} but it fails a bar check, and I don't understand why. Below is the complete text of the song I am working on (it's

Re: \acciaccatura in first measure makes odd staff

2004-03-10 Thread Doug Asherman
Edward Sanford Sutton, III wrote: Maybe a LilyPond bug; I don't know when that call is made. Should this be documented or fixed? I hope this helps; the following does 'make it work' by making the two stafflines once again line up: lowerOne = \notes \relative c { \voiceOne \partial 8

Re: \acciaccatura in first measure makes odd staff

2004-03-10 Thread Edward Sanford Sutton, III
Maybe a LilyPond bug; I don't know when that call is made. Should this be documented or fixed? I hope this helps; the following does 'make it work' by making the two stafflines once again line up: lowerOne = \notes \relative c { \voiceOne \partial 8 \grace s32 r8 } On Wednesday

Publishing using Lilypond ....

2004-03-10 Thread Hans Forbrich
I am have (re)started discussions with a local professional print/binding shop around professionally publishing some Lilypond-based work. In part, I'd like to set something up around Tex-based small-run business here (here being St. Albert - adjacent to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). Anyone have

Your message to Bug-lilypond awaits moderator approval

2004-03-10 Thread bug-lilypond-bounces
Your mail to 'Bug-lilypond' with the subject Wee! ;))) Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval. The reason it is being held: Message has a suspicious header Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive notification of the moderator's

Your message to Bug-lilypond awaits moderator approval

2004-03-10 Thread bug-lilypond-bounces
Your mail to 'Bug-lilypond' with the subject Pricelist Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval. The reason it is being held: Message has a suspicious header Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive notification of the moderator's dec

Re: \acciaccatura in first measure makes odd staff

2004-03-10 Thread David Bobroff
>I'm having a problem with the \acciaccatura when used as the first note >of a measure in a PianoStaff. With the acciaccatura in, I get a treble >staff that has a treble clef, key signature, time signature, the >acciaccatura, a time signature, then the start of the regular notes. > >In the bass

Your message to Bug-lilypond awaits moderator approval

2004-03-10 Thread bug-lilypond-bounces
Your mail to 'Bug-lilypond' with the subject ^_^ mew-mew (-: Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval. The reason it is being held: Message has a suspicious header Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive notification of the moderator


2004-03-10 Thread David Bobroff
I'm trying to understand percussion. I found the example in the manual for defining your own drum list, but I'm not sure it tells me everything I need to know. For example, I need to accomodate five temple blocks and four congas. In the manuscript the temple blocks are always on the staff lines,

PianoStaffs, polyphonic music and staff changes

2004-03-10 Thread Matthias Kilian
Hi, the standard way to write piano music seems to put something like this in the score block: \context PianoStaff << \context Staff = treble { \trebleNotes } \context Staff = bass { \bassNotes } >> However, for my first "masterpiece" (still the chaconne), th

beginning with grace with multiple staves

2004-03-10 Thread David Bobroff
The manual warns about starting a piece with grace notes if there is more than one staff. I have to do this. I've got time changes occuring at the same time I have grace notes at the beginnings of measures. Sure enough, it is giving undesired results. Is there a workaround? -David

Re: Adjusting spacing between PianoStaff staves

2004-03-10 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Ruven, > I'm using 2.1.28. How do I adjust (decrease) the distance between > systems of PianoStaff staves? I figured out how to adjust the distance > between the upper and lower staves within the systems. The following line in the paper block will enlarge the distance between

trouble with \set

2004-03-10 Thread David Bobroff
I'm having trouble with \set tupletSpannerDuration. Am I doing something wrong or have I found a bug? I need to make numerous changes to tupletSpannerDuration during a piece. After doing \set, when I need to change it, should I do \unset and then \set to the new setting? I'm getting "programmin

Re: Cadenza Breaks

2004-03-10 Thread Edward Sanford Sutton, III
On Wednesday March 3 2004 14:32, Will Oram wrote: > I'm lilyponding a violin cadenza that spans a full page. It's > unmeasured, so no barlines. Consequently, \break doesn't work anymore. > I can't use \partial anymore, either. How can I break one megalarge > cadenza passage at designated spots? How

Re: adding lyrics is baffling to me...

2004-03-10 Thread Edward Sanford Sutton, III
On Tuesday March 2 2004 13:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I need help with lyrics. I am using version 2.1.0-2 in Debian Sarge > (testing) and my lyrics are not lining up under notes. I need to know > how to install spaces in lyrics where there are rests. I think it is something

Re: ottava & polyphony

2004-03-10 Thread David Raleigh Arnold
On Wednesday 03 March 2004 20:12, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > Greetings, > > > > I am attempting to mix ottava brackets and polyphony. > > I have to following fragment: > > > > << { \skip 2. #(set-octavation 1) \acciaccatura cis' cis''4 > > \acciaccatura fis

Re: Cadenza Breaks

2004-03-10 Thread Richard Schoeller
If you insert a \bar "", that will not be visible in the score but will give you a place to hang your \break. On Wed, 2004-03-03 at 16:32, Will Oram wrote: > I'm not on the lilypond list for the time being, due to the volume of > virus spam I've been getting. If you respond please don't forget to

Re: Cadenza Breaks

2004-03-10 Thread Graham Percival
On Wed, 03 Mar 2004 16:32:51 -0500 Will Oram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I'm lilyponding a violin cadenza that spans a full page. It's > unmeasured, so no barlines. Consequently, \break doesn't work anymore. > I can't use \partial anymore, either. How can I break one megalarge > cadenza passage

Re: Bar numbers missing if page doesn't start on bar boundary

2004-03-10 Thread David Raleigh Arnold
On Tuesday 02 March 2004 15:06, Reuben Thomas wrote: > If a page break occurs half-way through a bar, because I have > something like: > > \time 4/2 > a1 \bar ":" a1 | > > then no bar number is printed on the page that starts half-way > through a bar. Is this a bug? It is a bug of *very* long stan

It Is Very Urgent Sir.

2004-03-10 Thread A Student
Hello dear, I am a student of information Technology, I have some troubles in developing the music to notation software I want to develop this in the Visual C++ Tool please help me to do this my e-mail address is as follows: [EMAIL PROTECTED] please replay me as so

feta chars in latex

2004-03-10 Thread Graham Percival
How does one use feta characters inside LaTeX (as part of lilypond-book)? I'd like to include some performance notes, including a segno symbol and a flat symbol. If I was doing it inside a lilypond header, I know I could do \fetachar\fetasegno and \fetachar\fetaflat, but when I try that within th

midi2ly: enharmonic respelling notes

2004-03-10 Thread Edward Sanford Sutton, III
I have a midi file that I have tried to import that was given to me in ees major. It imports with the flatted notes respelled as the enharmonic sharps. Should this also be controlled by the -k flag of midi2ly, is there some other parameter I am overlooking, or is this just something I need to

question: volta + dynamics

2004-03-10 Thread Edward Sanford Sutton, III
Is there a preferred way to have two different dynamics in a section of music to indicate that it is played at one level the first time and at the next level the second time? ___ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]