On Thursday 04 March 2004 05:14, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> The question is what is the correct typesetting practice.
> As a musician, how can I know if the ottava applies only to
> the upper voice or to the full stave

That's easy.  It only applies to the voices that are marked.  If you
have 3 parts on one staff, you are not going to use octaviation on
all 3 parts anyway.  I have a specific piece in mind to octaviate
2 parts on one staff with the 3rd part unchanged.  I intend to mark
each affected note in the bass with an 8.  I don't know of a published
example, but this is an arrangement of an old piece.  It really sounds
good, and it is not difficult.

> (how would you notate it
> if it only applied to the lower voice for some weird reason)?

Put it below.  It would be almost essential if the harmonics were
alternately top and bottom, then together, then none, etc., and any
example of 2-3 voices is certain to be that way.  daveA

It's not that hard to understand the lesson of Viet Nam.  Never never
never never defend one tyrant against another, because The worst thing
that can happen is you might win.  The *Gulf* war was worse than Nam.
D. Raleigh Arnold dra@ (http://www.) openguitar.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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