I am trying to get a measure like this -
8thRest 8thNote 8thNote 8thNote 4Note triplet8thNotes
using this code
r8 a' csharp'' e'' csharp''4 \times 4/3 {gsharp''8[ gsharp'' gsharp'']}

but it fails a bar check, and I don't understand why. Below is the complete text of the song I am working on (it's not too long).

Why is this failing a bar check?
I added the forced bar lines to see how they would effect the result. Without the forced lines there is no bar check error messages, but the bars do not print correctly, I get two measure with no bar line between them.

\header {
        title = "La Paloma"
        instrument = "Tenor/Clarinet" 
\include "english.ly"
\include "paper20.ly"

\score {
                %\property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'numbered
                \key a \major
                \clef treble
                \property Score.MultiMeasureRest \override #'expand-limit = #1
                \time 2/2
                \property Score.skipBars = ##t R1*15
                r4 r8 e' a' csharp'' a'4 |
                r8 e' a' csharp'' a'4 \times 4/3 {gsharp''8[ gsharp'' gsharp'']} |
                r4 r8 gsharp' b' d'' b'4 |
                r8 gsharp' b' d'' b'4 \times 4/3 {a''8[ a'' a'']} |
                r4 r8 e' a' csharp'' a'4 |
                r8 e' a' csharp'' a'4 \times 4/3 {gsharp''8[ gsharp'' gsharp'']} |
                r4 r8 gsharp' b' d'' b'4 |
                r8 gsharp' b' d'' b'4 \times 4/3 {a''8[ a'' a'']} |
                \property Score.skipBars = ##t R1*55 |
                r2 r8 e' a' csharp'' |
                e''4 csharp''8 e'' r a' csharp'' d'' |
                e''8 r r4 r8 e' gsharp' b' |
                d''4 b'8 d'' r e' a' csharp'' |
                e''8 r r4 r8 e' a' csharp'' |
                e''4 csharp''8 e'' r a' csharp'' d'' |
                e''8 r8 r4 r8 e' gsharp' b' |
                d''4 b'8 d'' r e' a' csharp'' |
                e''8 r r4 r8 e' a' csharp'' |
                r4 r8 e' a' csharp'' a'4 |
                r8 e' a' csharp'' a'4 \times 4/3 {gsharp''8[ gsharp'' gsharp'']} |
                r4 r8 gsharp' b' d'' b'4 |
                r8 gsharp' b' d'' b'4 \times 4/3 {a''8[ a'' a'']} |
                r4 r8 e' a' csharp'' a'4 |
                r8 e' a' csharp'' a'4 \times 4/3 {gsharp''8[ gsharp'' gsharp'']} |
                r4 r8 gsharp' b' d'' b'4 |
                r8 gsharp' b' d'' b'4 \times 4/3 {a''8[ a'' a'']} |
                \property Score.skipBars = ##t R1*64 |
                r4 r8 csharp''8 e''4 csharp''
                r8 a' csharp'' e'' csharp''4 \times 4/3 {gsharp''8[ gsharp'' gsharp'']}
                r8 b' r b' b' d'' b'4
                r8 gsharp' b' d'' b' \times 4/3 {a''8[ a'' a'']}
                r8 csharp'' r csharp'' e'' csharp''4
                r8 a' csharp'' e'' csharp''4 \times 4/3 {gsharp''8[ gsharp'' gsharp'']}
                r8 b' r b' b' d'' b'4
                r8 gsharp'8 b' d'' b'4 \times 4/3 {a''8[ a'' a'']}
                r8 csharp'' r csharp'' e''4 csharp''
                r8 a' csharp'' e'' csharp''4 \times 4/3 {gsharp''8[ gsharp'' gsharp'']}
                r8 b' r b' b' d'' b'4
                r8 gsharp' b' d'' b' \times 4/3 {a''8[ a'' a'']}
                r8 csharp'' r csharp'' e'' csharp''4
                r8 a' csharp'' e'' csharp''4 \times 4/3 {gsharp''8[ gsharp'' gsharp'']}
                \bar "|."

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