Maybe a LilyPond bug; I don't know when that call is made.
  Should this be documented or fixed? I hope this helps; the following does 
'make it work' by making the two stafflines once again line up:
lowerOne =
   \notes \relative c {
   \partial 8
   \grace s32

On Wednesday March 3 2004 23:00, Doug Asherman wrote:
> Hello:
> I'm having a problem with the \acciaccatura when used as the first note
> of a measure in a PianoStaff. With the acciaccatura in, I get a treble
> staff that has a treble clef, key signature, time signature, the
> acciaccatura, a time signature, then the start of the regular notes.
> In the bass staff, I get a treble clef, time signature, bass clef, key
> signature, then the start of the notes.
> The lilypond source is attached below. Even comments like "You're doing
> something stupid -- check out http://www.etc.etc...."; would be welcome.
> Well, as long as they're relevant.
> Thanks for any help.
> Doug
> Global = \notes { \time 2/4 \key g \major }
> upperOne =
>    \notes \relative c'' {
>    \voiceOne
>    \partial 8
>    %% PROBLEM: The \acciaccatura seems to mess things up
>    %\acciaccatura a'32 \stemDown g16\mf( fis32 g)
>    % comment out the line above, uncomment the following line, no problem
>    \stemDown g'16\mf( fis32 g)
> }
> lowerOne =
>    \notes \relative c {
>    \voiceOne
>    \partial 8
>    r8
> }
> % set up the whole piano context
> piano = \context PianoStaff <<
>         \new Staff <<
>         \Global
>         \clef treble
>          \context Voice = one \upperOne
>         \new Staff <<
>           \Global
>           \clef bass
>           \context Voice = one \lowerOne
> \score {
>    \notes {
>      \piano
>    }
>    \paper {}
> }
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