
the standard way to write piano music seems to put something like this
in the score block:

  \context PianoStaff <<
    \context Staff = treble {
    \context Staff = bass {

However, for my first "masterpiece" (still the chaconne), there
are varying counts of voices happily jumping from one staff to the
other. That piece sometimes uses the two staffs as inidication what to
play with wich hand, sometimes to keep the notes readable by using staff
changes. In extreme situations, there are chords spanning both staffs
and simultanously two additional polyphonic voices running cross-staff
(of course with lots of beams and slurs, to keep everything awfully

So, what I really want is to define several parts and voices with explicit
(or automatic) staff changes where needed. For example:

partOneVoiceOne = \notes { \change Staff = treble ... \change Staff = bass ... }
partOneVoiceTwo = \notes { \change Staff = bass ... }
partOneVoiceThree = \notes {\change Staff = bass ... \change Staff = treble ... }
partOne = \notes >>
    \partOneVoiceOne \\
    \partOneVoiceTwo \\

But then, I've no idea how to use that definitions in the score block. Of
course, I could use

  \context PianoStaff <<
    \context Staff = treble {
    \context Staff = bass {
        % skip with length of part one

but that seems to be ugly and error-prone. Is there a clean way to use
a PianoStaff, create the two Staffs and let the \partOne do the staff


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