Rob Thornton wrote these words on 11/06/08 17:52 CST:
> There may be good reason for this but after building LFS for the 3rd
> time, I've come to realize there's no direct method of building BLFS
> packages with the final LFS system. No method for downloading packages
> exist if you're not build
Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> I don't know of any outstanding issues except the GMP issue with some
> combinations of hardware and CFLAGS setting. Although we recommend not using
> CFLAGS, that could be addressed with a note.
It has not even been one week since the RC1. I don't think that
is enough time
Ken Moffat wrote:
> #define RELEASE "stable"
> -#define VERSION "2.8"
> +#define VERSION "2.8-20080929-LFS"
> [snip]
> Is there any interest in doing something like this ?
I like it except the -LFS. As we don't modify it one bit, why
add the LFS? It is a stock weekly tarball unmodified. I don't
Jim Gifford wrote:
> I also hope anything from what people have done towards the LFS's 7.0
> goal, that the appropriate credit is giving.
This is funny.
They copy hundreds of BLFS pages (verbatim, mind you) into
the work at
and don't mention anywhe
Dan Nicholson wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 12:37 PM, William Harrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello Everybody,
>> Is there any way to get some of the archives from the mailing
>> lists? They are all error 403 right now.
> I could be wrong, but I think Gerard disabled the arch
Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> Can we please put aside the egos and pointing fingers and work together
> to reach the common goal?
Absolutely. More than anything, I got a chuckle this morning
reading this thread and ended up posting something that was
actually just me thinking out loud.
I apologize f
Dan Nicholson wrote:
> We can call CLFS whatever we want, but by typical open source project
> standards, it is definitely a fork.
I agree, that is why I've always referenced it as a fork. And
as Dan says below, I don't consider that a bad thing. It simply
is an accurate description.
> I don't
Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> I would love to see what you and Robert C. have suggested happen.
> [snip good stuff]
> Anyway, as far as I am concerned, I would be glad to give up any commit
> privileges I have in the projects and work only from the sidelines if it
> would help remove the
Hi all,
If anyone with privileges to Quantum could look in and see why the
Quantum server is so bogged down, I sure would appreciate it. It seems
as though it has been really, really sluggish the last few days.
Top shows that HTTP processes have the CPU running at 100%. Perhaps if
the Apache serv
Ryan Oliver wrote:
> Greg Schafer wrote:
Hopefully, there are others like me that do not mind this
banter between Ryan and Greg. I don't look at it as arguing,
or trying to one-up each other. It is simply their way of
expressing their own ideas. I like it. And I'm learning from
If you feel th
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 02/01/09 12:25 CST:
> Thanks for the tip Matt. I wasn't seeing the error on any browser so it was
> difficult to figure out. Perhaps we should just delete all accounts and ask
> everyone to re-register.
> The Admin page (for BLFS and LFS) shows a lot of add
William Immendorf wrote these words on 02/11/09 16:04 CST:
Why must you feel you have to shout in ALL CAPS? You'd be so much
more accepted if you just followed the decorum we've established over
the years. You continuously break the r
William Immendorf wrote these words on 02/11/09 16:37 CST:
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Let William post to -dev. If he demonstrates that he has an emotional age
>> greater than 12, we can consider restoring ticket privileges.
> And I am showing a emotional age greater
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 02/11/09 16:31 CST:
> Let William post to -dev. If he demonstrates that he has an emotional age
> greater than 12, we can consider restoring ticket privileges.
> Promises won't cut it. Only actions will be considered.
Very well put, Bruce, thank you.
It is
Hi all,
Though this topic may be borderline off-topic for the -dev lists, they
have the most traffic, and just may be relevant.
My question is this:
How do others handle the situation where directories are created by
a package during the package install, and then other packages install
other fil
DJ Lucas wrote these words on 02/12/09 17:18 CST:
> Randy McMurchy wrote:
>> I realize I could keep my old logs from packages I've since removed and
>> replaced, but I'm wondering how others do it.
> I didn't...hadn't even considered it when lo
Matthew Burgess wrote these words on 02/28/09 17:00 CST:
> Just to let you know that trying to build libusb-compat early on
> in a BLFS build fails (hard fail in ./configure) if pkg-config
> isn't installed.
I'll fix this right now. This situation with pkg-config is just
going to get worse and wor
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 02/28/09 19:33 CST:
> While I'm not completely against putting pkg-config in LFS, we could also put
> it
> into Chapter 3 of BLFS, 'After LFS Configuration Issues'.
It wouldn't surprise me if some LFS package looks for pkg-config in the
near future. At that time,
Jack Stone wrote:
> Matthew Burgess wrote:
>> Such a big warning is already present at the bottom of 5.3 (General
>> Compilation Instructions).
>> Does it really need repeating on each and every package instruction page?
> [snip]
> It just seems that people don't realise this so maybe it s
Matthew Burgess wrote these words on 03/20/09 07:02 CST:
> On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 12:35:06 +0100 (MET), Alexander Kozlov
> wrote:
>> there is no libidn/ in glibc-2.9 release, contrary to the contents
>> of Chap.6. It appears in gnu snapshots though.
> Could you be more specific please? I can't s
Hi all,
I'd like to announce that Guy Dalziel has accepted a position as a BLFS
Editor. Guy has been regularly contributing to the various LFS mailing
lists as well as sending in patches for the BLFS book.
Guy will make a fine addition to the BLFS team and I encourage everyone
to welcome him as t
Hi all,
So I don't have to try and scour through the archives, can someone help
me figure out why GDBM was added to chapter 6 of the book, yet BDB was
left in as well. Do we have packages in Chapter 6 that depend on both
being installed?
rmlscsi: [bogomips 1003.25] [GNU ld version 2.16
Matthew Burgess wrote these words on 07/17/09 06:24 CST:
> BDB was added ages ago when we moved to iproute2, whose arpd implementation
> links
> against BDB. Personally, I never use arpd, but I guess it's useful for some
> network-admin types. We could drop BDB and therefore lose arpd (potentia
Matthew Burgess wrote these words on 07/17/09 06:35 CST:
> I'd agree that your proposal is the right thing to do. Bruce, do you mind if
> we
> squeeze this in for 6.5?
We would also have to put back the short note in the program that builds
arpd, that if you need arpd, then follow BLFS to build
Matthew Burgess wrote these words on 07/18/09 10:05 CST:
> The Linux From Scratch community is pleased to announce the release of
> LFS Version 6.5 Release Candidate 1.
> [snip]
> It is our intention to release LFS-6.5 final within 2 weeks.
Just my opinion, but I think that is too aggressive of
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 07/18/09 10:53 CST:
> I understand your concerns, but let me mention an alternative view. If we
> wait
> too long, there will be updates to several packages and the longer we wait,
> the
> more pressure to incorporate those newer packages into the 'upcoming' r
Tobias Gasser wrote these words on 07/21/09 16:25 CST:
> conclusion / request:
> add a paragraph in the top of the changelog telling how to use the wiki
> log/trunk to get some more details.
> knowing about this wiki entries makes my life a lot easier (at least
> concerning lfs ;) ). up to today
Hi all,
I'd like to announce that Wayne Blaszczyk has accepted a position as a BLFS
Editor. Wayne has recently been sending in patches for the BLFS book to add
new packages.
Wayne will make a fine addition to the BLFS team and I encourage everyone
to welcome him as the newest addition to the edit
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 07/25/09 15:42 CST:
> If we do a -rc2, I'll update the md5sums in that version.
What do you mean "if"? We've updated multiple packages including a
toolchain package since rc1 was released. Certainly we'll release at
least one more candidate, right?
Matthew Burgess wrote these words on 07/26/09 15:22 CST:
> I'm intending to push 6.5-RC2 out midweek, at which point I'll
> also declare a full feature/package freeze.
Cool. It's at that point I build a 6.5 system and start testing
BLFS packages. But until then ...
rmlscsi: [bogomips
Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Bryan Kadzban wrote:
>> But we don't put *any* .so (or .a) files into /lib, because the only
>> reason for /lib is to hold libraries that are required before /usr may
>> be mounted (i.e. early bootscripts). And when you're compiling -- which
>> is the only time .so or .a fi
Dan Nicholson wrote:
> The major reason for the existence of the LSB is to support ISVs who
> want to distribute software for linux. They want to have some base to
> be able to say "here's a package that will work on your system". If
> you don't want or need to support that, the LSB is not for you
Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> clark hammer wrote:
>> It would be beneficial if the community added wget to lfs. This would allow
>> lfs users to download additional software once they build their own lfs
>> system.
> This has been discussed before.
One thing Bruce didn't mention is that you have full FT
Hi all,
Is it worth maintaining the Traceroute package in BLFS when Inetutils
from LFS ships a working traceroute program? Is one better than the other?
rmlscsi: [bogomips 1003.22] [GNU ld version 2.16.1] [gcc (GCC) 4.0.3]
[GNU C Library stable release version 2.3.6] [Linux i6
Hi all,
I have submitted a patch upstream to the E2fsprogs maintainers to add a
function to the libcom_err library so that it will be compatible with
Heimdal. Without the patch to E2fsprogs, Heimdal will end up adding a
new libcom_err library in /usr/lib and overwrite the .so file that points
to t
Chris Staub wrote these words on 03/12/10 13:09 CST:
> Hmm, then you might want to take a look at the LFS "Prerequisites" page,
> and the Less, M4, Groff, GCC, and Glibc pages in Chapter 6. Then again,
> it might be better for your sanity if you don't...
Entering late (on purpose) because it is
Hi all,
I've noticed that recently there are times (such as right now) that it
takes 3 or 4 hours for LFS mail to be delivered to my mail client.
However, that same mail hits the Gmane News server in mere moments.
Anyone have any idea what is going on with the Quantum server?
Sorry for the noise if it comes through, but David Jensen emailed to me
saying he hasn't received mail from these two groups in some time, and
he also sent a test mail.
rmlscsi: [bogomips 1003.22] [GNU ld version 2.16.1] [gcc (GCC) 4.0.3]
[GNU C Library stable release version 2.3.6] [Li
Robert Xu wrote these words on 03/28/10 16:38 CST:
> I'm just having the problem of getting all the emails about 6-10 hours
> late. Like now, I just got an email sent at 10:24 AM, and it's 5:38 PM now.
I also reported the same exact behavior from the mail server on
quantum to the sysadmin, but I
Randy McMurchy wrote these words on 03/30/10 18:06 CST:
> All the servers I feel pretty good about.
And not to exclude Ken, I've got Ghostscript and CUPS already updated,
Gutenprint is already being tested against the other two. Oh, and I
mix in Samba just to really test the inst
Randy McMurchy wrote:
> Randy McMurchy wrote these words on 03/30/10 18:06 CST:
>> All the servers I feel pretty good about.
> And not to exclude Ken, I've got Ghostscript and CUPS already updated,
> Gutenprint is already being tested against the other two. Oh, and I
Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> I have to say that I agree. In my mind, the current site is quite
> adequate. I'm not going to be 'for' or 'against' a change, but I don't
> see the value in changing.
> Ken, us old guys need to stick together. :)
Count me in as one of the old guys!
Ken Moffat wrote:
> Just for the record, BLFS is still targetted at LFS-6.5, so build
> instructions
> should be appropriate to that version.
That should probably change now. I'm not sure any active developers
are using 6.5. I am open to suggestions, but I feel BLFS may need
to just simply targ
Hi all,
I went to build a new LFS (development version) today so that I could
begin getting BLFS ready for a release. I got bit in that my host's
kernel version (an old LFS build from 2007) was one release too short
( instead of I've built 3 versions of LFS since this
host, but
is not located where the dev book says it is:
Would it be any different than the 163 version?
Unsubscribe: See
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 12/01/10 14:50 CST:
> In Chapter 5, we are not doing a full bootstrap, so we add
> -fomit-frame-pointer so it will produce the same codes as if it was a
> full bootstrap.
> In Chapter 6, we do the same thing. I think, but I'm not sure, that
> -fomit-frame-poi
xinglp wrote these words on 01/04/11 10:49 CST:
> It seems that man-db depends on xz-utils.
> The configure out puts below
> 111 checking for pic... pic
> 112 checking for gzip... gzip
> 113 checking for compress... no
> 114 checking for bzip2... bzip2
> 115 checking for xz... xz
> 116 checki
On 1/21/2011 3:18 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> There is another problem. In the command:
> for FN in `find /usr/bin -type l`; do
> if [ `readlink $FN | grep "\.\./texmf"` ]; then
> ln -svf `readlink $FN | sed 's|\.\./texmf|../share/texmf|'` $FN
> fi
> done&&
> unset FN
> I ge
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 07/31/12 16:25 CST:
> With great sadness, I have to report the passing of Andy Benton.
I am sorry to hear this news. Though Andy and I had our differences of
opinion on some things, I always appreciated and admired the work he did
for the (B)LFS community. He will
Hi all,
Though some may remember me from my work in the LFS community, many
of you will not. So, I would like to re-introduce myself. My name is
Randy McMurchy and I have been building LFS since March of 2004. Hard
to believe more than eight years have gone by since that first build.
Though my
Matt Burgess wrote these words on 08/20/12 15:04 CST:
> Pings are about right here ~300ms. That said, I was checking my email
> this morning using the web client on quantum and it saw the same delay.
> Odd. I'll see how things go tonight. Thanks for taking a look!
FWIW, I have been seeing in
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 08/20/12 17:41 CST:
> I think we've got it fixed. Mailman issue. Thanks for the test.
I'm seeing almost instantaneous response now. Thanks for fixing the
problem, Bruce.
rmlscsi: [bogomips 1003.24] [GNU ld version 2.16.1] [gcc (GCC) 4.0.3]
[GNU C Libr
Ken Moffat wrote these words on 08/20/12 15:50 CST:
> Who ? ;-)
Oh, just some guy that search engines took me to the LFS web site when
I was building GNOME back in early 2004!
> But seriously, Welcome Back!
Thanks, Ken. I look forward to working with you again.
rmlscsi: [bogomips
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 08/21/12 12:13 CST:
> I am proposing that we freeze LFS for 7.2 with the packages we now have
> in svn. There is one outstanding ticket to address glibc issues, but
> that does not require a package change.
> Util-linux may come out with a new release in the n
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 08/22/12 21:05 CST:
> I think the difference between GB and gigabytes is more style than
> grammar. I'd like other opinions.
You can use either. It certainly is not grammar. It is totally interchangeable.
> In one place you change "five gigabyte" to "5 gigabyte
On 12/30/2012 3:00 AM, Matt Burgess wrote:
> On Sat, 2012-12-29 at 21:40 -0800, Nathan Coulson wrote:
>> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:51 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>>> I would like to propose adding gptfdisk to LFS.
>> I do prefer it for it's simplicity over parted, but I think BLFS would
>> be good e
Hi all,
I just ran into a package (VLC from BLFS) that looks for the ncurses package
by checking for pkgconfig files. VLC fails to find ncurses because there are
no .pc files installed by ncurses using the LFS instructions. In order for
ncurses to install the pkgconfig files, you must use the --en
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 01/29/13 16:57 CST:
> Can you please post
> $ ls destdir/usr/lib/pkgconfig/*
LOL. Though not necessary as the names of the files are in the "name"
field of each of the files I posted, here is an ls.
rml@rmlinux: ~/build/ncurses-5.9 > ls -l destdir/usr/lib/pkgco
Armin K. wrote these words on 01/29/13 17:49 CST:
> I'd also recommend that you add symlinks as you do for libraries (form
> -> formw, menu -> menuw, etc).
Right. Good call.
rmlscsi: [bogomips 1003.23] [GNU ld version 2.16.1] [gcc (GCC) 4.0.3]
[GNU C Library stable release version 2.3
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 02/23/13 20:13 CST:
> I still am not in favor of putting this in LFS-7.3. It's so much easier
> to omit the .info build completely and, of course, there is no sense at
> all in building it in Chapter 5.
I really don't understand why texinfo-5.0 had to go into LF
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 02/23/13 21:23 CST:
> About the only reason why is to avoid questions like "Why isn't the
> latest version of package X in the book?"
Because it came out while LFS-7.3 was in package-freeze mode. Oh wait,
we don't do package-freeze! :-)
> I look at it as simila
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 02/24/13 17:45 CST:
> Ken Moffat wrote:
>> For anyone who builds ada (really ? why ? :) in BLFS, I guess they
>> are going to be missing the ada info files.
> I did some Ada coding once (1990s), but not for production. It has
> *very* strong type checking
Armin K. wrote these words on 03/02/13 11:28 CST:
> Dana 2.3.2013 18:14, Pierre Labastie je napisao:
>> I do not understand why the above has been done.
>> I understand XML::Parser is a Perl module.
>> But glibc (for example) is a C library, and we do not
>> put it on the same page as GCC...
I agr
cybertao wrote these words on 03/12/13 22:24 CST:
> I just realised I chose the development branch without much consideration,
> when the stable version my be more appropriate. If only for the
> convenience of release cycle guidelines. I focus on making a bootable CD
> and USB image for now using
Miguel Bazdresch wrote these words on 01/26/06 18:28 CST:
> I believe there might be a mistake in the kdegraphics instructions in
> the SVN book:
The book operates under the pretense that *all* sources (including
downloaded patches) are in a common directory. Then the main source
tarball is unpac
Miguel Bazdresch wrote these words on 01/26/06 18:28 CST:
> I believe there might be a mistake in the kdegraphics instructions in
> the SVN book:
> [/tmp]$ tar xf /src/kdegraphics-3.5.0.tar.bz2
> [/tmp]$ cp /src/post-3.5.0-kdegraphics-CAN-2005-3193.diff .
> [/tmp]$ cd kdegraphics-3.5.0/
> [/tm
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 01/26/06 19:57 CST:
> Can you please send me the original patch? I'm curious.
Curious about what? :-)
That they changed it?
Or that it used a different installation path prefix?
You can see that it changed as my earlier post shows it modifying
less files than
Hi all,
As discussed, I'm proposing to implement a new section to the "Notes on
Building Software" part of Chapter 2. The section could be titled
"Automation Procedures for Building BLFS Packages", or something similar.
Then, removing the automated agreeing to the licenses in the three Sun
Jeremy Huntwork wrote these words on 01/29/06 18:47 CST:
> Right. And, again, we're familiar with the spec. We have used it; *are*
> using it in stable and cross-lfs. Our tests and experience are based on
> it. To introduce a new method now would also mean we're introducing a
> whole new thing to
Jeremy Huntwork wrote these words on 01/29/06 19:13 CST:
> Ryan did that already.
Could you point me to that post where Ryan refuted some of Greg's
points? I saw a post where Ryan described why a particular method
was good, but from the best I could tell, didn't address any of
Greg's points why a
Jeremy Huntwork wrote these words on 01/30/06 19:22 CST:
> Excellent idea, because you ask some pretty stupid... Er. I mean,
> excellent idea! ;)
This must be FWD day.
I'll leave it to the imaginative to figure out what FWD is. :-)
rmlscsi: [GNU ld version 20041220] [gcc
Jeremy Huntwork wrote these words on 01/30/06 19:25 CST:
> Where would the right place be? Since, as Dan said, we have a whole
> Stripping section later in the book, this would kinda be pointless
> unless we drop that section.
We are talking about Chapter 5 right? I looked and the -s flags are
Dan Nicholson wrote these words on 02/08/06 13:29 CST:
> Randy, I just had another thought which you might not like. Why not
> just change Mozilla/Firefox/Thunderbird so that their {nss,nspr}.pc
> files are just symlinks to {nss,nspr}.pc?
> rm /usr/lib/pkgconfig/mozilla-ns*.pc
> ln -sv nss.pc
Archaic wrote these words on 02/08/06 16:42 CST:
> Leave it as is. Any change requires a new date. Only technical
> changes require a changelog entry. It's been done this way at least
> since the lfs-editor manual has been around and it seems overly
> reactionary to change it due to one report of
Alexander E. Patrakov wrote these words on 02/08/06 22:52 CST:
> But it is indeed better to say "no" to UTF-8 support now, because of
> BLFS issues and because UTF-8 support is a property of the whole system,
> not just its base. The blacklist approach ("If a package is not listed
> here, it me
Alexander E. Patrakov wrote these words on 02/08/06 22:52 CST:
> The blacklist approach ("If a package is not listed
> here, it means there are no known locale specific issues or problems
> with that package" on
Justin R. Knierim wrote these words on 02/09/06 09:50 CST:
> IMO he isn't blaming BLFS for problems with UTF-8.
Then you and I read plain English differently. IMO, the following
statement directly conflicts with what you say above:
"But it is indeed better to say "no" to UTF-8 support now, becau
Dan Nicholson wrote these words on 02/09/06 16:58 CST:
> On 2/9/06, Randy McMurchy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>1. Not put dvd_rw-tools in BLFS.
> No, I think it should be in there.
We agree on this point. I believe DJ offered an opinion on this
as well that dvd+_rw-tools
Alexander E. Patrakov wrote these words on 02/10/06 03:25 CST:
> I do not blame BLFS.
Thanks for personally clarifying this issue.
> I am just saying that it is a huge (but doable!)
> job for me to verify all BLFS packages. My point is that if we release
> both LFS and BLFS now,
I didn't rea
Hi all,
Now that I've actually *used* the Trac Ticket system, I feel I can
now provide comment as to its functionality. I never did provide
comments about functionality before, as I had not used it, I only
offered opinion on the reasons for changing and the method used to
implement Trac.
I don't
Randy McMurchy wrote these words on 02/12/06 11:18 CST:
> 2. Bugzilla, functionality-wise seems to be better.
f) (just noticed) In a previous entry I enumerated some items
as 1. 2. 3. ... Later in the entry I referenced one of the
enumerated items as #2. Unknowingly, and without
Jeremy Huntwork wrote these words on 02/12/06 19:20 CST:
> Randy McMurchy wrote:
>>1. Time-wise I feel that Trac and Bugzilla are about the same. I
>>don't see any real appreciable difference (or speed-up which was
>>claimed) using either one. There are still tremen
Jeremy Huntwork wrote these words on 02/12/06 19:20 CST:
> Randy McMurchy wrote:
>> [many things that show that Bugzilla might be better than Trac
>> for a bug-tracking system]
> [nothing substantial in reply]
Considering the remarks made so far, and the summary of yours a
Jeremy Huntwork wrote these words on 02/12/06 22:25 CST:
> And I'm done. I'm not going to say another word on this thread. Bruce,
> Randy is your boy.
I am not anybody's "boy", you asshole. I am giving my opinion. I'm
now asking what the benefit in changing was. You would not offer
(or cannot be
Justin R. Knierim wrote these words on 02/12/06 22:54 CST:
> If you think Bugzilla is
> better, it would have been really helpful if you tested Trac when
> politely asked to try it during the RFC phase so that everyone can hear
> the complaints and decide yes or no.
I voiced one opinion on Trac
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 02/27/06 11:26 CST:
> Interesting. I did build both with and without the
> #ac_add_options --with-system-nspr
> #ac_add_options --with-system-nss
Okay, after wading through that 25MB, I understand what is going
on here. Something is amiss with your system-inst
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 02/27/06 11:54 CST:
> I did:
> [/usr/src/seamonkey/mozilla]$ patch -Np1 -i
> /usr/src/mozilla/mozilla-1.7.12-system_nss-1.patch
> and got things like:
That patch is all wrong. That patch is for pre-1.8 versions of
Gecko code. You need to apply the patch desi
Archaic wrote these words on 03/01/06 01:02 CST:
> Oh bollocks!
Not sure what bollocks means, but if it means "I'm totally confused,
on what the original statement is, but I'll post something anyway",
then it is an accurate word.
> Wrong:
On Wed, 2006-03-01 at 07:12 -0500, Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> Granted, the $(...) may be easier to work with because of these caveats,
> but as it seems the behavior is known and documented, I'm not sure it's
> correct to say that `...` is broken.
I will retract the "broken" and would like to rep
On Tue, 2006-02-28 at 20:35 -0600, I wrote:
> echo ${BIGSTRING} | sed "s/^.*\($MYSTRING\).*$/\\${COUNTER}/"
> The word "string" was returned, as expected.
> JUSTFORBRUCE=`echo ${BIGSTRING} | sed "s/^.*\($MYSTRING\).*$/\\${COUNTER}/"`
> Woops, we didn't get what we
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 03/02/06 18:38 CST:
> There are several options: build vim early, open another window, use
> scripts like jhalfs. If we are going to an alphabetical approach, then
> lets leave vim at the end. Choices 2 and 3 above don't need it early
> and users are free to do 1
Dan Nicholson wrote these words on 03/03/06 08:25 CST:
> Is anyone else going to comment on the issue of
> libtool/autoconf/automake being used in each other's testsuites, thus
> causing circular dependencies?
> Specifically, if libtool is moved up to satifsy autoconf, grep must
> also move wit
Dan Nicholson wrote these words on 03/03/06 08:46 CST:
> Thanks for the reply, but this wasn't exactly what I was looking for.
Okay, I suppose I need to rephrase. How about: I think that whatever
order provides the best test suite coverage is the way to go.
Dan, you're asking questions that unle
Chris Staub wrote these words on 03/03/06 08:47 CST:
> Do you have any opinion on it,
> other than to needlessly continue to harp about the "alphabetical" aspect?
Chris, I am trying to be helpful. If I've misunderstood the question,
or even if my lack of knowledge about it makes my contribution
Chris Staub wrote these words on 03/03/06 09:29 CST:
> I'm sorry, you're right, that comment was not needed...I was typing
> without really thinking. I will (attempt to) keep from doing that again.
No sweat. Everything's cool. I just read Dan's message and he requested
input. I tried. I obviousl
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 03/03/06 10:40 CST:
> I don't think it is unreasonable to assume the developers
> have run all the tests with all the proper prerequisites in place before
> releasing a stable package.
Not trying to totally disagree with Bruce's take, I'd like to
present a differe
Richard A Downing wrote these words on 03/03/06 11:49 CST:
> I've written two wiki pages, Libgphoto2 and GPhoto2, as a start of set
> of packages on the general theme of Digital Photography.
> There doesn't seem to be a good place to link these into the index.
> What is suggested?
I would sa
On Fri, 2006-03-03 at 17:38 -0600, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> GPhoto2 seems to fit in the same place that Gimp is located: Individual
> Office Programs.
Man am I confused. And here I thought GPhoto2 was nothing more than a
utility to download stuff from a still camera. A very good utility
that suppor
Hi all,
GNOME-2 installation is accomplished by setting a GNOME_PREFIX,
installing the first GNOME package (ORBit2) and then every other
package is installed using the $prefix of the ORBit2 installation
as the prefix for everything else. The $prefix of the ORBit
installation discovered using pkg-c
Hi all,
Hopefully the name of the two different threads is not so similar that
it looks to all as one thread. :-)
I'm adding K3b to the book. Some preliminary testing has shown that
it will work when installed in a prefix other than $KDE_PREFIX. Note
that this is limited testing and most of my ex
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