Re: KRnet> Solder vs. crimp terminals.

2022-03-15 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I just cannot resist any further with a "Quinn" joke... What if my connectors are gender uncertain? I hear it happens a lot in today's world... M. From: KRnet on behalf of dennis lacy via KRnet Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 1:15 PM To: C

Re: KRnet> Instrument Panel for my KR2S

2022-03-20 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
REALLY nice looking! Suggest you go with different color LED if you do night flying - I found white and blue really mess with my night vision. M. From: KRnet on behalf of Luis Claudio via KRnet Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2022 11:26 AM To: KRnet Cc: Luis Claudio

Re: KRnet> Instrument Panel for my KR2S

2022-03-21 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
guy in the air... Luis On Monday, March 21, 2022, 12:14:22 PM CDT, Michael Quinn via KRnet>> wrote: I started flying the magenta line - and got a "blip" where I had lost my ADSB-in!!! I was completely lost for about 5 min (that is a LONG TIME in th

Re: KRnet> Instrument Panel for my KR2S

2022-03-27 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I believe the "intent" is that experimental aircraft fall into "Standard Category" - otherwise you could say you do not need a pilots license to fly experimentals Would love to see a plane that actually got thru a DAR's review w/o any instruments! M. From:

Re: KRnet> Instrument Panel for my KR2S

2022-03-27 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
We had some DAR's in this area (about 10 years ago) start making a big stink about needing​ one... frustrated completed aircraft that would not pass AW -- friends just went to the auto place and picked up a stick on digital one and got AWC (then tossed it I think). With all the glass panel

Re: KRnet> Composition of a KR 2 with Subaru EA 81

2022-04-09 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I look forward to seeing your progress on this M. From: KRnet on behalf of Robin Macdonald via KRnet Sent: Friday, April 8, 2022 11:45 PM To: krnet Cc: Robin Macdonald Subject: Re: KRnet> Composition of a KR 2 with Subaru EA 81 Hi Guys I am looking at an

Re: KRnet> Help with electrical diagram.

2022-05-13 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I HATE electricity! But here are some resources that even I can grasp and understand... Bob Nuckles called AeroElectric Connection []

Re: KRnet> Revmaster 2300

2022-05-31 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
If you are a member of your local EAA chapter, you may want to encorage them to get one in their tool library. I have met the guys who sell it (they were invited to a local fly in) and they did several paid demos on peoples planes on the spot. You might call them up and see if someone in your

Re: KRnet> check this one out - Gene Knight's inline twin

2022-06-28 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
That looks like a work of love! Wished Gene could have flown it more! Looks super well documented to boot! Hope someone gets this and finishes it up! M. From: KRnet on behalf of Mark Langford Sent: Monday, June 27, 2022 8:55 PM To: Subj

Re: KRnet> (no subject)

2022-07-02 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I think the premise is a leak proof battery - and of course weight is ALWAYS an issue. WW recommendation "works" for both of these under this premise. I am a fan of LiPo - but the challenge of charging and discharging safely is parmount. I think EarthX focuses on this - as well as the Tesla

Re: KRnet> ultra cruiser?!

2022-07-04 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
Yes, the Ultra Cruiser is (in the US) 103 compliant so you do not need a license. Ultra Cruiser – Hummel Aviation The UltraCruiser was designed as the first all metal ultra light in 1998. First flights were in 2000. First

Re: KRnet> A new wrinkle, now the FAA is involved

2022-07-05 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
You should be able to go to your local FSDO and get THE exact steps. Best to ask your local EAA how the FSDO feels about experimental. I have learned one that is friendlier towards homebuilts will guide you best. (And not just burden you down with 6 mo of paperwork - and send to Oklahoma your

Re: KRnet> KR parts from Lawn & garden?!

2022-07-08 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet [] Mr Wint and Mr Kidd - "If God Had Wanted Man To Fly" Mr

Re: KRnet> First landing in a KR

2022-07-19 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
Ken Rand's pixy dust! From: KRnet on behalf of Flesner via KRnet Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2022 9:40 AM To: Cc: Flesner Subject: Re: KRnet> First landing in a KR On 7/19/2022 1:57 AM, MS wrote: > "As should be known, a KR is miserable at af

Re: KRnet> Bounced landings

2022-08-02 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
lest we not forget the exponential multiplier when people watching WITH cellphones capturing video (or YouTube movie stars...) M. From: KRnet on behalf of Flesner via KRnet Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2022 8:49 AM To: Cc: Flesner Subject

Re: KRnet> Wing tank fittings

2022-08-12 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I have had good luck with the KBS product on metal and fiberglass fuel tanks on ground vehicles. I am SUPER nervous of doing any of them on untested surfaces! If the tank is used and not factory fresh - there is no telling what kind of contaminate and surface conditions you might be trying to a

Re: KRnet> sloshing Wing tanks

2022-08-13 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
The stuff is called pro-seal. thin layer between the sheets - and rivet it together. I know it works GREAT on metal - not sure about fiberglass. Do NOT get it on your skin or you will NOT get it off - stuff is messy and once you open the container - it have a very short life even if you seal

Re: KRnet> Tri wheel conversion

2022-08-17 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
Marc, Please do a bit more research as to the placement of the mains than "not falling on it's tail any more". It has to be a certain distance behind the CG and center of momentum to have the correct benefit of nose wheel aircraft. M. From: KRnet on behalf of

Re: KRnet> Oil Analysis Survey

2022-08-30 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I do this for all my aircraft - it helped identify a cam going bad! Cheap insurance to catch it on the ground rather than in the air!! I like Blackstone as they show trends - and even report what THEY suspect from the numbers given. Of course you may dismiss that if you want 😉 M. __

Re: KRnet> Engine Mount Right Thrust

2022-08-31 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
And rework the cowl to accommodate that change! M. From: KRnet on behalf of Mark Langford Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2022 12:41 PM To: phillipmatheson--- via KRnet Subject: Re: KRnet> Engine Mount Right Thrust Phil Matheson wrote: > Making a new engine moun

Re: KRnet> KR2 plans on eBay

2022-09-07 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
Waiting EAGERLY for FreeBird to be "released"!!!GREATLY appreciate all that have worked on this effort SO much! M. From: KRnet on behalf of Mark Langford Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 9:14 AM To: Subject: Re: KRnet> KR2 plans

Re: KRnet> KR2 plans on eBay

2022-09-13 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
If you want to see a spectacular "uplift" of newsleters you should check out what Mike Beasley has done with the Canard Newsletter for CSA! Michael Beasley ( [] M. From: KRnet on behalf of Mark Langfo

KRnet> VERY cool 6 pack PLUS autopilot!

2022-09-16 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
Ok - I have been looking at the AV30 for a long time as a good solution for our KR... I have always been a traditional steam gauges kind of guy - using foreflight as my moving map. In my research I came across [http://cdn.shopify.c

Re: KRnet> VERY cool 6 pack PLUS autopilot!

2022-09-16 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
ailerons or elevator unless he has made changes. The price is close to a normal autopilot that does move your ailerons and elevator Larry H On Sep 16, 2022, at 7:08 AM, Michael Quinn via KRnet wrote:  Ok - I have been looking at the AV30 for a long time as a good solution for our KR...

Re: KRnet> VERY cool 6 pack PLUS autopilot!

2022-09-17 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
Dr. Hsu please provide the information on that autopilot for under 1k with the six pack setup! I have not found anything like that (maybe your friend bought an old Dynon with old heavy servos on a killer deal that cannot be found anywhere else?) Larry - I did the cart add and mine came out to

Re: KRnet> pack PLUS autopilot!

2022-09-17 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
That is what Carlos basically did with the Aircraft Automation effort. Has some nice "recovery" features that are familiar with drones but coupled with the 6 pack and the ability to integrate with moving maps for full route (heading and altitude) is pretty cool. Yes, would be nicer to be

Re: KRnet> radio problems

2022-09-17 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I would think this sounds like a bad ground on the radio do you have an intercom? check that the ground bus for both of these are shared Also your antenna wire is ONLY grounded on the radio side and not allowing a ground to go "up" to the antenna and back... Good luck - I am NOT a f

Re: KRnet> radio problems

2022-09-17 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I had the weirdest radio problem one time - would be flying and when I got into the pattern - my PTT would show on the radio (even though I was not pushing the button!). A LOT of rewiring (on a certified plane so very ) and turned out to be a piece of metal vibrating cover panel on the ins

Re: KRnet> VERY cool 6 pack PLUS autopilot!

2022-09-18 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
Thanks Doug - this is one that I have on my list of possibilities - the weight is a lot more - however the amount of time the company has been around and the customer support were big pluses for your solution. How is the Dynon D10A working out for you? Any sqawks? M. __

Re: KRnet> anstennas

2022-09-18 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
Must be a good antenna if it involves a salt water sack! (we use these on VariEze, LongEz, and Cozy and they just work.. Remember - do not put in or around carbon fibre - it will cause interference. M. From: KRnet on behalf of Mark Langford Sent: Sunday, S

Re: KRnet> SuperECO Autopilot vs iLevil AP

2022-09-19 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
His name is Carlos Leon. He did a very cool counter rotating prop on a Cozy airplane - the guy is really into experiemetal stuff! It is his brother Rubin Leon that is in iLevel - so I am not certain if the "partnership" is to just leverage name recognition of iLevel or what. (I do not see an

Re: KRnet> SuperECO Autopilot vs iLevil AP

2022-09-19 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
it is the same unit (same family behind it - Ananda Leon spoke around the 7:35 min mark... Have you seen or used this Victor? What are your thoughts? M. From: KRnet on behalf of Victor Mueller via KRnet Sent: Monday, September 19, 2022 5:35 PM To: krnet@list.

Re: KRnet> question for chemist

2022-09-30 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
you can just add water to the gas and the water and gas will "bond" - and sink to the bottom. This is how we actually test for how much ethanol is in the gas... HOWEVER if you remove the alcohol from the gas - you also lower the octane... And can bump it up with good octane boosters... but t

Re: KRnet> Fuel price

2022-10-01 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
Let us please stay away from politics. It NEVER ends well. (to all - I am just responding on Mark's response to Colin - but we need to focus on our birds - not government/country issues) Thank you, and have a great build or fly day!!! M. From: KRnet on behalf

Re: KRnet> Gathering 2022 Photos Page Published

2022-10-10 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
yes... technically (to be humorous) it would be the FiFTIETH-SECOND - if you were playing the word game of the second celebration of the fifty years of KR2 (obviously the first one of the fiftieth was this year) - and the Fiftieth-fifty will be the Hundreth-First... (ok, switching to

Re: KRnet> wing skins, xpnder, headph etc for sale

2022-10-13 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I would have loved to get the Diehl wing skins for my project! I had a friend that was just up by there for the national airstream convention in Maine... could have gotten her to pick them up I am thankful of Kayak's forwarding! M. From: KRnet on behalf of MS

Re: KRnet> News from down under

2022-10-20 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I believe it is said than no accident is caused by one thing - it is usually 3 (or more). I read and lean from others mistakes - and do my best not to get on one of these reports. But alas, I am only human... (remember the checklist! remember good maintenance! remember "IMSAFE", etc) M.

Re: KRnet> Wing stubs

2022-10-30 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I recommend a microslurry (micro balloons mixed with epoxy with the consistency of mayonase/ or fluff (if you know what that is 😉 ) before laying up fiberglass (done in the same layup). If you are not able to - put peel ply (dacron) down and wet out. M. From: K

Re: KRnet> Has tank

2022-10-30 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
weld - and if any leaks use pro-seal. Anything else you are compromising the seam - and dealing with "glues" not specifically designed for being in fuel for extended amounts of time. M. From: KRnet on behalf of GARRY COWLES via KRnet Sent: Sunday, October 30,

Re: KRnet> Wing stubs

2022-10-30 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
ce up as close to shape as possible, then use micro. Dave On Oct 30, 2022, at 5:13 PM, Michael Quinn via KRnet>> wrote: I recommend a microslurry (micro balloons mixed with epoxy with the consistency of mayonase/ or fluff (if you know what that is 😉 ) be

Re: KRnet> Brake Fluid

2022-11-21 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I agree Mark. My question - how can you TELL if 5606 has lost it's will to be all that it can be... Does it show signs of water absorption? Change thickness at a given heat? Never been a fan of tossing out stuff without a (good) reason. M. From: KRnet on be

Re: KRnet> Winglets

2022-11-23 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
Are you asking about wing extensions? or the form of the wing tips? I understand the Free Bird is supposed to have a slightly longer wingspan - better load and lower stall would be my expected outcome. There are some great designs to help calm the vortex at the end. Mind you some really do not

Re: KRnet> corvair engine help needed

2022-12-12 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
ok... assuming everything was good before JUST the tach install - and NOTHING other than the tach was installed (please let us know if anything else was done) - I am guessing electrical, where the coil is getting bad signal now. Take the tach off and see if there is a change. M. __

Re: KRnet> Counterweight weight

2023-01-09 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
My understanding is that if your overweight the counterbalance you introduce a heavier input force - but reduce the chance of flutter. If you over counter balance the ailerons - you may also introduce additional strain and wear on the control rods and hinges (as they will be under constant load

Re: KRnet> Plans

2023-03-17 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
are you familiar with the freebird project? Many people with a LOT of experience of already building these great planes are doing it! Check it out at: I am certain contributors and editors are welcome to make this as great as the kr2 is. M. _

Re: KRnet> water injection

2023-04-20 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
Water injection has been around for a LONG time. Even "Mother Earth" magazine covers it: [

Re: KRnet> Need help starting my KR2 ..please

2023-05-13 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
That looks like a pulse pump - not a mechanical pump. It does not want constant vacuum- but pulse vacuum to make a pumping action (regulated by two valves on the intake and exit side of the pump). If you “t” the exit side of the pump, you should get 3-6 psi of fuel… M. Get Outlook for iOS

Re: KRnet> Starting my KR continued

2023-06-05 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
The way I do this: pull the prop thru with the plugs out and your thrumb over the hole. You should get pressure against your thumb - and that is the compression stroke. put a stick down the hole and let it come to TDC (the stick should start recessing when this happens) - a pointer to a mark o

Re: KRnet> Oshkosh KR's?

2023-07-31 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I remember seeing Chris' KR in the Wiliam Winn's Corvair booth. We chatted for a while. M. From: KRnet on behalf of robert7721--- via KRnet Sent: Monday, July 31, 2023 8:32 AM To: 'KRnet' Cc: Subject: Re: KRnet> Oshkosh KR's? John Schaff

Re: KRnet> Insurance

2023-08-17 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
And the worst part - is after you pay for 15-17 years - then you get an accident, they will figure a way to NOT pay you your declared value (even though your policy clearly states XYZ!). It is 100% gambling - and the number 1 rule of gambling is the house ALWAYS comes out ahead! (and strangely

Re: KRnet> Glide range

2023-08-18 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
We can guess - or realize that every one of these planes flys differently with an engine out situation. Put a pessimistic number in - then do not exceed that until you demonstrate it to be different. Actual testing is really the only way to get a "real" glide ratio for YOUR new plane. M.

Re: KRnet> KR-2 Project For Sale

2023-09-05 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I think American Airlines allows one carry on M. From: KRnet on behalf of victor taylor via KRnet Sent: Monday, September 4, 2023 10:32 AM To: KRnet Cc: victor taylor Subject: Re: KRnet> KR-2 Project For Sale If you weren’t so far away I would take it. V

Re: KRnet> KR light sport correction

2023-10-04 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
UNFORTUNATELY, Mosaic has been in the proposal state since 2018 (probably earlier - but that was the first FAA announcement that I went to at tripple tree (SC01). Back then it was written to mimic the canadian rules (making certified aircraft semi experimental) It is my understanding that

Re: KRnet> KR light sport correction

2023-10-05 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
This, just in!

Re: KRnet> KR clothing for sale

2024-04-15 Thread Michael Quinn via KRnet
I am interested in the Jacket - if it fits the same person of the flight suit it should fit me 😉 M. From: KRnet on behalf of Zachary Martine via KRnet Sent: Monday, April 15, 2024 6:20 PM To: KRnet Cc: Zachary Martine Subject: Re: KRnet> KR clothing for sale