KR> RE: Magic Carpet Flight

2012-12-10 Thread
Great info Dan! I love to see KRs with an Autopilot, not sure I'll ever go there myself but good to see all the gadgets working! Rob Schmitt N1852Z From: "Dan Heath" Subject: CorvAircraft> A flight in My Magic Carpet To: "'KRnet'" , "'Corvair engines for homebuilt aircraft'" Message-ID:

KR> KR Flying

2012-10-20 Thread
Boy what a great day for flying! I took 4 young eagles for rides in my KR2S this morning. It was so smooth I let 3 of them fly the airplane - just doing straight and level flight, plus shallow turns. They all did an excellent job! Think it will be easy to get another generation hooked on KR f

KR> Fwd: Fly in Marion Kansas

2012-08-09 Thread
Reminder on the fly-in on 18 August in Marion KS. Link posted on the EAA web site. _ ( > There will be a Fly in hosted by Terry Chizek again this year. The date is Saturday 1

KR> RE: 2300 Propellor

2012-08-05 Thread
Concur on calling Joe, and or Ed Sterba. I've got a Revmaster 2100, but I don't know of anyone running the 2300 on a KR. I could be mistaken. My prop diameter and pitch is 54" x 54" using on a trigear. Prop by Ed Sterba. 52" is common as well but not over 54 to keep tip speed below the magic

KR> RE: Kr2-egb

2012-08-01 Thread
Eduardo, Great video, she looks like a great flying airplane! Rob Schmitt From: "Eduardo Barros" Subject: KR> Kr2-egb (Zonda) in fly To: "KRnet" Message-ID: <14A28F52001E4281A8EAC47AA5F367FF@EDUARDO> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="iso-8859-1" Dear Friend, this is the video of 4th

KR> Re:VW enough for 2

2012-06-26 Thread
Brad, In a KR size does matter. The answer is yes if they can fit height and width wise. I've flown with two on board regularly and even fly Young Eagles. It starts getting cramped though if the passenger is over 5-10' and 200 pounds in my airplane. My max allowable pilot and passenger is 37

KR> RE Diehl Gear Conversions

2012-06-09 Thread
Dave, Sorry, I'm slow to comment on this one but I think important. Before you move the gear mounts out too far from the fueselage sides, consider whether or not you will be trailering the plane often and the width required. I think the normal width allowed on the roads is 8' so I would not

KR> Re: LSA Spec

2012-04-17 Thread
DJ, Yes, you understand it completely. Registering it as an LSA would have limited the airplane, not the pilot. If I chose to let my medical lapse, I can continue to fly it. Best of all worlds. Thanks, Rob In a message dated 4/17/2012 6:52:20 P.M. Central Daylight Time, wr

KR> RE Build Hours

2012-04-08 Thread
I spent 1500 hours over 8 years building (would have been 5 except for two military deployments). I documented the building time on a log as I went so I'm very confident in the hours. Mine is pretty simple and close to plans, not many modifications. Pretty simple interior, no flaps, and I p

KR> Re: Flight Test Plans

2012-02-25 Thread
, Rob In a message dated 2/25/2012 11:06:08 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes: Sorry, I would have posted sooner, but I was out of town this week on business. I've got a series of flight test plans I used for my Trigear Revmaster powered KR2S. Links to the file

KR> RE: Flight Test Plans

2012-02-25 Thread
Sorry, I would have posted sooner, but I was out of town this week on business. I've got a series of flight test plans I used for my Trigear Revmaster powered KR2S. Links to the files are on my web site at _ (

KR> RE Pitot Static Port

2012-02-05 Thread
Todd, My ASI acted similar to yours one day, it turned out to be a split in the pneumatic tubing developing near the instrument. It was very disconcerting but I also had the GPS running so I knew I had a major error. For the most part my ASI/VSI reading have been good. My pitot and static p

KR> RE: Aeropoxy

2011-12-31 Thread
Joe, I used Aeropoxy on my wings, I used the gallon kit if I recall correctly. I recommend making up the epoxy in small batches as you move along, not a large pot - it will cook off. Aeropoxy comes with set mix ratio, I used a set of West System pumps which matched the required ratio. I took

KR> Re: KRnet Digest, Vol 353, Issue 355

2011-12-26 Thread
Seth, I just used the zinc chromate spray can on my wing attach fittings as the primer then hit it with a black rustolem for the final coat. Works fine. Rob Schmitt N1852Z In a message dated 12/25/2011 11:00:57 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes: From: Seth and

KR> Re: KR2 model for MS Flight Sim

2011-10-30 Thread
Dave, Not for MSFS, but for X-Plane. When I was in Iraq a couple years ago, I spent some time on both MS FSX and X-Plane. I built the X-Plane model for my KR2S after I got back. I think I did find a couple of KR MSFS models on a site _ (http://www.s

KR> RE: KR Crash

2011-10-09 Thread
I found an article that gives some information from his family. It may have been his 1st flight. _ ( Rob Schmitt N1852Z From: "Tim" Subject: Re: KR> KR crash To: "KRnet" Message-ID: <867137A05731

KR> Gathering Travel and photos/video

2011-09-19 Thread
Josh, Chanel, and I made it home today. Had to wait out the low ceilings in Missouri till about 11:30 am this morning, but the rest of the trip was uneventful. Managed to download my pictures and video to my web site. They are not near as good as Marc Baca's . Main web site is _www.robert

KR> KR Gathering Homeward travel

2011-09-18 Thread
Weather trouble trying to get home. Josh, Channel and I made it as far as Columbia, MO today before weather stopped us. We hopefully should be home to Elsworth and Kansas City Monday afternoon. Not all is lost however, the hotel we are at in Columbia actually has a hot tub for Josh and Channe

KR> KR Gathering Homeward travel

2011-09-18 Thread
Weather trouble trying to get home. Josh, Channel and I made it as far as Columbia, MO today before weather stopped us. We hopefully should be home to Elsworth and Kansas City Monday afternoon. Not all is lost however, the hotel we are at in Columbia actually has a hot tub for Josh and Channe

KR> KR fly in and Fish Fry

2011-08-19 Thread
Reminder, Terry Chezik is having his annual fish fry and fly-in Saturday 20 August. The fun and food starts at 5:30 pm at Marion Kansas, 43K. There will be at least 2 KR's there. I'll be there and usually there is a pretty good crowd. Thanks, Rob Schmitt N1852Z

KR> RE KR Fuel System

2011-08-13 Thread
Dave, I run a Revflow on my Revmaster VW and have had no issues with vapor lock. I do run 100LL. I do not have a separate heat shield on the Gascolator but do have the line well protected with firesleeve. As far as "Unusual attitudes" go, the Revfow and gravity feed mean no fuel when you g

KR> RE: Fly In Marion KS 20 Aug

2011-08-07 Thread
Terry, I'll be there by 5:30 pm, I plan to spend the night and then fly over Sunday morning to see Josh's O200 KR2 in Elsworth. He says its flying pretty good now but would like to get the oil leaks to a more manageable level. Josh and I were talking about all three of us to fly-in in toget

KR> Home from Oshkosh

2011-07-31 Thread
I flew N1852Z home from Oshkosh Saturday to Kansas City. I had a great time as usual and it was good to see all the KR folks at the forum Monday, at Bob Gliddens cookout at Found-du-lac, and Larry's campout in Camp Scholar. Got to hang out at Larry's with Joe H, Mark L, Josh and Channel for s

KR> RE: KR2 Plans

2011-02-12 Thread
I'll put in an opinion for what it is worth. I built my KR2S pretty close to plans and am pretty happy with it. Just the RAF48 airfoils and VW engine. I went flying again this morning with our "Breakfast Club" and I really enjoy flying this great little airplane. When I tell folks I built i

KR> RE: Cylinder Head Reconditioning

2010-10-30 Thread
John, The engine had lost a bit of RPM/power so I started checking things out. I redid valve clearance check, all good, so I pulled the heads and found 2 burnt exhaust valves. I bought new replacement valves from Revmaster and new springs. I gave it all to a Cylinder Head shop here in Kansa

KR> KR Gathering Weather

2010-09-09 Thread
Weather between Kansas City MO and Madison KY is not looking great for Friday flying. We haven't given up yet, but the morning looks bad. Afternoon may be acceptable. Hopefully we'll make it. I'll be flying in with Terry Chezik. I'll be in my KR2S, Terry in his C150 Tail dragger. Rob Schmi

Subject: KR> Alternator Wiring

2010-08-29 Thread
Dave, I can not answer your question directly, but I did have the same problem. I recommend you put a lock (key or cover) on your master power switch prevent it from turning off while the engine/alternator is running. When the turn off master when the alternator is generating you get a volt

KR> RE: Charging System

2010-08-29 Thread
Jim, I have a Revmaster and use just a voltmeter. I get 14.1 volts when nothing else is running. When I turn on the lights/stobes/landing light it drops to 12 volts. Sounds like the volt regulator needs replacement, but I'd call Joe Horvath at Revmaster and discuss with him. He is very helpf

KR> Marion KS BBQ

2010-08-20 Thread
Terry Chezik is having his annual Fly-in/ BBQ at his airport in Marion Kansas (43K) this weekend. It will be Saturday the 21st, the food will be served at around 5:30 pm. He usually gets several local flyers to come in. I plan to be there with N1852Z. Thanks, Rob Schmitt Kansas City

KR> RE: Bob Hoover

2010-08-16 Thread
Thought I would past this on from the VW engine list. Bob Hoover (VW Guru) pasted away over the weekend. Definitely one of my hero's. Always a bit of an attitude with tons of knowledge that he pasted on to a great following of VW engine builders. Rob Schmitt N1852Z 1a. _bob hoover _ (ht

KR> Oshkosh

2010-07-25 Thread
N1852Z made it. Row 308 Homebuilt camping. Still no GA aircraft being allowed in at 10:00 this morning. Rob Schmitt Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

KR> Oshkosh weather

2010-07-25 Thread
N1852Z is in Baraboo WI and will try to fly in today (sunday). They have been turning GA planes back due to the ground conditions. Showplanes/homebuits have been getting in. Baraboo has the Wittman Tailwind Flyin which had 8 planes. Lots of Oshkosh traffic coming through here. Hopefully Mark

KR> RE: Oshkosh

2010-07-21 Thread
Larry, N1852Z (KR2S) should be at Oshkosh from Sunday 25 July through Saturday 31 July. That's the plan at least. She will be residing in the Home built camping area. I'll be in and around, my cell phone is 816-309-0099. Call me and we can probably get together at some point. Rob Schmitt

KR> Update KR2S N1852Z

2010-07-03 Thread
Thought I'd send an update on my plane since I've made a few changes lately and had some maintenance done on her as well. I passed the 250 hours mark on N1852Z and she is ready for another trip to Oshkosh and the KR Gathering this year. This spring I installed a Dynon D6 in the cockpit. I hav

KR> RE: Tubular wing tanks

2010-04-24 Thread
Ron, Bill Clapp has the PVC tubes in his wing tanks. Not sure it was irrigation tubing. Pretty sure Bill just used PVC and it looked like 2 each 3 " tubes. Should be able to find pictures and details of it somewhere on Mark Langford's site on one of the KR Gathering photos collections. Proba

KR> Re: Tonight's Flight and D6 Question

2010-04-04 Thread
Great Photo Mark! I got in 2 hours yesterday myself. Flew with 6 other RVs to breakfast at Miami Co. K81. (we'll I took off with them at least- could not keep up with their airspeed). Kind of a weekend EAA chapter ritual out of the Lees Summit, MO Airport (LXT). Flew around and did a touch

KR> RE:KR2S Flight Simulator

2010-03-21 Thread
Mark, I've done some stuff with X-Planes. I created a fairly plane version one of my KR2S. I posted it on my web site at _www.robert7721.com_ ( today for anyone who wants to download it. I've got the performance pretty close to what my plane can really do. Yes

KR> RE: KR Oshkosh 2010

2009-12-16 Thread
I'm in. Missed it last year, but should be no issues this year. Yes, flying in is an experience to remember - quite an adrenaline rush. I don't have 500 hours like Joe, but I don't have any crankshaft breaks behind my VW at 250 hours either ;-). Hope I didn't just jinx myself. Rob Schmitt N

KR> N1852Z returns to the air

2009-10-07 Thread
Jeff Scott sent me a note asking if I was back, so I figured I would let everyone know I'm finally home from my latest military deployment to Iraq and that my KR2S is back in the air. But I didn't get home until last Tuesday the 29 of Sep, so I've missed two KR Gatherings in a row, and yes

KR> RE Magellan 315A

2009-08-22 Thread
Mark, Sorry to say, it is probably the begining of the end for you poor 315A. I had the exact same model and did all the downloads you had recommended on the web for the aviation database. One day it started to do strange things. The whole sattelite screen went blank one day while flying

KR> Re: Progress Report

2009-08-22 Thread
Brad, Congrats! Good to hear. FYI, I flew off the test period myself - without insurance. I know it was a risk, but the price was so steep it was ridicous. Once the test phase was flown off I was able to get liability insurance?for under $600/year. Please send flight reports out, those

KR> Re: Progress Report

2009-08-22 Thread
Brad, Congrats! Good to hear. FYI, I flew off the test period myself - without insurance. I know it was a risk, but the price was so steep it was ridicous. Once the test phase was flown off I was able to get liability insurance?for under $600/year. Please send flight reports out, those

KR> (no subject)

2009-06-09 Thread
Sid, I've flown Young Eagles in my KR2S. Only requirement was to have a minium of liabilty insurance for the aircraft. Lot's of fun. Our chapter flies them in everything from Cessnas, to RVs, to my poor little KR2S. Rob Schmitt N1852Z Lees Summit, MO List-Post: Date: Tue,

KR> (no subject)

2009-06-09 Thread
Sid, I've flown Young Eagles in my KR2S. Only requirement was to have a minium of liabilty insurance for the aircraft. Lot's of fun. Our chapter flies them in everything from Cessnas, to RVs, to my poor little KR2S. Rob Schmitt N1852Z Lees Summit, MO List-Post: Date: Tue,

KR> RE: Ron Eason Sr. sad news

2009-05-04 Thread
Larry, I sent him a note, not sure how much I can help him as I am still in Iraq, but I will certainly link him up with our EAA Chapter. Yes, Ron Sr. will be missed. I remember having about a 1 hour discussion with him on the merits of gorrilla glue. Thanks, Rob Schmitt KR2S N1852Z Kansas Cit

KR> Turbo to maintain Sealevel intake manifold pressure

2008-10-12 Thread
Just did the same testing in my KR2S last week. At 10,000 I was still getting 200-300 fpm with my Revmaster 2100D (no turbo). That is the highest I've taken my plane at this time. I now have 73 hours on her since first flight last Sep. Rob Schmitt N1852Z _www.robert7721.com_ (http://www.r

KR> RE: Flying

2008-10-12 Thread
Ok I have one for you. I took my mother (75+) years old to breakfast yesterday (Saturday) for mother's day. Flew from Lee's Summit MO LXT to Miami Co Airport KS K81. Saturday was the best flying day so far this year for me as the wind was still and the sky was clear as I've seen this year.

KR> KR update

2008-10-12 Thread
I've gotten work some work done on my KR2S during the winter and I will be getting it back out to the airport this weekend (weather permitting). I painted her and added lights so I can operate at night. Paint was just a gloss white boat enamel. I painted her using a harbor freight air sprayer

KR> Great Plains Strobe Kit

2008-10-12 Thread
I saw some discussion on the Great Plains strobes this past week. I'm on the digest and don't catch up on my reading very quickly. So sorry if this is late. I purchased two Great Plains Strobe kits and didn?t have any trouble getting them to work. I?ve added a new page to my web site at _

KR> RE: RC Servo

2008-10-12 Thread
Larry, Jeff is pretty close to what the DAR said. The RC servo does needs power to hold position. The DAR stated that if it lost power it would not remain fixed in place and therefore would potentially cause flutter in the elevator - therefore unsafe. Right now I only have a ground adjust

KR> RE: Header tank

2008-10-12 Thread
Reference the header tank vs wing tank discussion. Just like most things on the KR, there are many ways to do things. My KR2S has just a header tank with approx 16 gallons. My reason not to put fuel in the wings was complexity. I simply didn't want to add a fuel pump and tanks to the wings.

KR> Wheel pant Ideas

2008-10-12 Thread
Chris, I found out that there really are no absolute answers on how to do it. Most folks buy wheel pants from a variety of different suppliers. Aircraft Spruce is just one of them. Some folks get one pant/fairing and make molds and copies of them themselves for the other legs. Some people mak

KR> RE: KR New Photos

2008-10-12 Thread
Mark, Good to see you are home and all in one piece. I always have had concerns about what would happen if I got stuck someplace remote and not knowing anyone. It is great to see these folks just practiaclly gave you the shirt and "trailer" right off their back. Cool! My trip home was uneve

KR> Re: KRnet Digest, Vol 348, Issue 436

2008-10-12 Thread
Jeff, Sorry I'm slow to respond. I've been flying my airplane this weekend quite a bit to get the 40 hours completed, and I've got it done. Looks good for a Thursday departure for me as well. I expect to depart KC around 1:00 pm and will be monitoring 123.45 once airborne. See you Thursday.

KR> Flight testing wrap up N1852Z

2008-10-12 Thread
I've completed all major items on the test cards for my planned Phase I testing. There are some items I did not complete, but I was not thinking of ever doing serious aerobatics in my airplane so I passed on some of the more rigorous aircraft testing such as accelerated stalls at high bank ang

KR> RE: Trim indicators

2008-10-12 Thread
Phillip, I've got a servo motor doing my elevator trim. I used a (Radio Shack) rotary potentiometer for the control (less than $5). I made a larger wheel for the pot out of plywood, painted it black, turned it sideways and put it in the instrument dash (lower left side in front of pilot). I ju

KR> RE: Trim indicators

2008-10-12 Thread
Larry, Servo motor came from "Hobby Town" it is a HITEC HS-300. Size 1.6 x .8 x 1.4". Plywood thickness was 1/4". I did build a small electronic control board for the management of the servo, but have lost the skematic since. Probably could find another copy on the web if necessary. It was n

KR>KR2S Belly Crossmember

2008-10-12 Thread
I installed belly cross member at station E only. No issues with this on my KR2S. I doubt it would make a large difference whether you have one at D and E. A little bit more work to install the floor insulation between the members before you cover it with plywood. Rob Schmitt ---Original


2008-10-12 Thread
Gav, You had also asked a question on how much epoxy to buy. I ended up using 4-5 gallons of epoxy, but I am also scratch building all the way. I bought a gallon at a time as I needed it, not all at once, and bought the next gallon as it was getting low. That way you don't have epoxy sitting o

KR>KR2S Checklists

2008-10-12 Thread
John, Here?s the link to the Pilot Operating Handbook which has several checklists in it: Afraid I?m still on active duty in Bosnia and haven?t made any updates to my web site in a while. Going to miss the Fly-in in September, I had made it every one f

KR>Value of a KR

2008-10-12 Thread
Eduardo, I've got $10,500 in mine, should add another $1,000 to that before I'm done. Should be about 1400 hours, however you want to calculate that cost. Rob Schmitt Subj:KR>Value of a KR Date:Sun, 13 Apr 2003 19:27:16 -0300 From:"Eduardo José Jankosz" To: Hi Ne