
I used Aeropoxy on my wings, I used the gallon kit if I recall correctly. I 
 recommend making up the epoxy in small batches as you move along, not a 
large  pot - it will cook off. Aeropoxy comes with set mix ratio, I used a set 
of West  System pumps which matched the required ratio. I took the Aeropoxy 
resin and  hardener and put it in containers that the West pumps would mate 
to without  problems. This simplified things greatly and made for a way of 
mixing batches  quickly.


Rob Schmitt
_www.robert7721.com_ ( 

Subject: KR> Aeropoxy

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

I am wondering how much Aeropoxy I will need for wing construction  on my 
KR2S. How much should I have on hand while laying up the fiberglass ? I  plan 
just one layer of glass at a time with peel-ply.Is there is a method to  
figure how much to mix for a given area ? From previous experience with the  
older type Rand resins ,I always seemed to have extra resin gone to waste.   
Also is the one hour hardener enough time to wet out one layer of glass? I'm 
 thinking it's plenty of time with this lower viscosity type resin.

Happy  New Year 

Joe  Cruz

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