
You had also asked a question on how much epoxy to buy. I ended up using 4-5 
gallons of epoxy, but I am also scratch building all the way. I bought a 
gallon at a time as I needed it, not all at once, and bought the next gallon as 
was getting low. That way you don't have epoxy sitting on your self for 
several years. Some epoxy does have usage dates. I've used West, T-88, 
Aeropoxy, and 
the dreaded vinyl-ester for the fuel tank.

Rob Schmitt

Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 9:55:08 -0500
From: <>
To: KR builders and pilots <>
Subject: Re: KR>Fiberglass
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Message: 19

wicks aircraft supply lists a kr glass in its list os glasses and coverings. 
google will give you the address. I think it' they will 
send you a catalogue also for asking. good reference--I've had good results 
with them since the 1970s--were just a few miles from the farm.
> From: Gavin Donohoe <>
> Date: 2003/10/30 Thu AM 04:50:09 EST
> To: KR builders and pilots <>
> Subject: KR>Fiberglass
> Well I guess all of you have nothing holding your KR's together other than 
epoxy!!!!! I thought this list was to help people like myself who are all 
alone out here with no local help.
> You know I really don't have the information in my instruction book or the 
plans. Why doesn't someone tell me what weight glass you have used and where 
you get the information ?  it's ALMOST AS IF I've BEEN BLACKLISTED  this isn't 
really such a silly question is it compared to some I've read on here.  
> Gav

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