KR> C.G. location / flying qualities

2010-04-08 Thread Ross Evans
will climb but as the speed bleeds off it will start to decend and as speed builds it will level off and then start to climb. The KR will fly a couple of knots faster loaded aft C of G I have noticed it on a few long trips with good conditions. cheers Ross Evans > From: phillipmathe...@bigpond.

KR> wanted transponder and radio!!!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI guys I am after a radio and all the wiring harnesses aerial etc I am chasing a transponder with mode "c" encoder again with all the gear I am putting it in my kr2S I have been taking prices in Austrailia! I have been looking at the Xcom 760 as it has a built in intercom and will

KR> motivation!!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
Awesome guys sounds nice too! [i.p.embeer.gif] cheers Ross _ Get Extra Storage in 10MB, 25MB, 50MB and 100MB options now! [1]Upgrade here! References 1.

KR> Sanding

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
I am sick of sanding sanding sanding!!! >From: "Mike Turner" >Reply-To: KRnet >To: "krnet" >Subject: KR> Sanding >Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 08:50:33 -0500 > >The net is so quiet and it's Friday, so I thought I'd let you all know what I'm doing. Sanding, sanding, sanding

KR> power/weight

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI larry nitrous will easy make another 50hp only if you don't mind bits of engine falling off you then might have a chance of catching the aussies cheers Ross >From: larry flesner >Reply-To: KRnet >To: KRnet >Subject: KR> power/weight >Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 19

KR> need more building info

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI Dan I have looked at this idea to get rid of the top cable from the sling seat in case some one steps on it! If you have the new aerofoil the rear spar sits higher in the boat and the tube can run underneath I have a friend who is doing that and I noticed it when I was looking at his plane!

KR> my aeroplane web site

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
[1] hey guys check this out! cheers Ross _ SEEK: Now with over 50,000 dream jobs! [2]Click here! References 1. 2.

KR> my aeroplane web site

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI dan I have own the mold for it and I have a guy that will build them using it! I may have to put blisters on it for the fuel injection rails to fit with out rubbing not sure yet! There is one cowl that is real good that my mate here in brisbane has done when I next go up I will g

KR> Corvair , 0 200 Prop Size , Clearance

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI the prop I am using for the RG2200 EFI is 58x70 due to the reduction drive it should give a cruise around 140knots as mine is light it should do it easily. cheers Ross >From: "Phil Matheson" >Reply-To: KRnet >To: "KRnet" >Subject: Re: KR> Corvair , 0 200 Prop Size , Clearance >Date: Sat,

KR> Fuselage Glassing

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI phil I have not glassed my boat sides bottom except I used tissue around the bottom corner "glass won't go around the tight radius and the edge of the ply after it is painted gets chipped and when moisture gets there it runs so I glassed it some people are putting a radius but be careful that

KR> delaminations!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
hi larry bubbles between the glass and the foam none on the spar lines at all just several on the foam! cheers >From: larry flesner >Reply-To: KRnet >To: KRnet >Subject: KR> delaminations! >Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 18:12:44 -0500 > >At 11:14 PM 4/22/04 +1000, you wrote: > >hi I am interested on

KR> delaminations!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
hi I am interested on what people have found on wing delaminations on fixing and prevention i have one wing that is perfect and one that has several I have used epoxy and drilled holes injected resin and sandbagged the area is this sufficient! cheers Ross __

KR> kr2S flying

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI guys I have just got home from narromine (natfly) Austrailia I flew gary morgans kr2S with 27 foot wings and and extra foot of horizontal stabilizer it has an aeropower vw 2180 and cruises easy at 115knots. I flew the plane upto 140 knots and it is a dream to fly! I am getting closer with my


2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
hi phil I could have purchased a 0200 with the project for about 12000 dollars the engine had 1700 hours until over haul I spoke with the engine overhaul guys and between 20 and 25000 to zero time. The particular engine had been sitting for 6 years and to strip down and check it over would be a

KR> O200

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
Hi gavin 0200's are expensive little engines there is on for sale in brisbane for about 17 000 to zero time in excess of 25 000 cheers ross >From: "Gavin Donohoe" >Reply-To: KRnet >To: "KR builders and pilots" >Subject: KR> O200 >Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 19:52:44 +1000 > >HI All, >I'm shying aw

KR>elevator mass balancing!!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI phil I have put the tubing with the lead at the tips I am going to glass around the tube and over the elevator to past the hinge point as I thought that a twisting problem could arise!! I would guess that after the elevator is properly balanced the extra weight would be less than 750 grams I

KR> EJ 22 engine mount

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI gavin my 0200 mount is 10mm aircraft grade chromolly I just bought some at archerfield half a metre cost me $10 for the elevator balancing arms cheers >From: "Gavin Donohoe" >Reply-To: KRnet >To: "KR builders and pilots" >Subject: KR> EJ 22 engine mount Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 09:51:09 +100

KR>how is your kr going barry?

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI Barry how are u how is your kr coming along? I have been real busy on mine I expect the engine in about 2 weeks time it is currently getting put into a car to have the fuel injection mapped and then all the reduction drive and aero gear will be put on it! I am going real well on the building

KR>elevator balancing marty roberts set up?

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
s the right way to do it! Any ideas would be great! on how to do it as I bought the project and other options of doing it would not be so fun and I want to fly soon!! cheers Ross evans brisbane Australia _ What's your house wo

KR>elevator balancing!!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
hi guys thanks for the info I estimate the balancing weights with the arms glassed on to be around 1.4 kg and the computer for the fuel injection weighs 3 kg so I am working with that idea I have not yet got weight and balance figures yet but I feel from how the project is going I should get cl

KR>aircraft performance how fast!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI Guys with regards to elevator balancing the guys that have bigger engines 0200's what are the typical performance figures and fuel burn per hour. With out balancing the plans show no elevator balancing and vne is 200mph does flutter become apparent and with balancing does the vne increase as

KR>aircraft performance how fast!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
formance how fast! >Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 19:30:24 -0800 > >Correct me if I appear to be misleading. However increasing weight up front >and flying faster with no counter-balance on the elevator should at the >very >least >make it more difficult to trim in the pitch mo

KR>elevator balance!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI guys thanks for the feed back! I have just asked the questions to get some oppions of other builders as I am no engineer and really want to fly and safely. I have been told by different fellows that elevator balancing is needed and have emphasised the need with more power but yes flutter can

KR>how long!!!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
life easy but u live and learn!! check out go to chapters go to queensland and click on the map check out chapter 15 there is some photo's of the plane. The last one is a month ago and the plane is much smoother now cheers Ross Evans brisbane

KR>Ross Site

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
hi Dan it is try getting on to and use the search engine it might help! Here is a photo! cheers Ross >From: "Dan Heath" >Reply-To: KRnet >To: "" >Subject: KR>Ross Site >Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 05:41:33 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time) > >Ross, > >I


2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
date hopefully april! cheers Ross Evans _ Hot chart ringtones and polyphonics. Go to


2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI Guys In regards to an extra 25hp I have flown a kr2S with 65hp engine direct drive with 2 people and fuel it climbed out at 60kts with the best rate of climb about 400ft/per minute I found that the take off run was a bit to long and on a short strip (grass) I wanted more power as I would no


2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
Hi Larry my kr2S has a 0200 mount it mounts at 290mm foorward of the firewall I am now using a type 4 vw from the vw engine centre it has a reduction drive and fuel injection all up weight is 97 kg with computer and all electrical gear starter and alternator. The balance of the engine is not at


2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
hi GUYS can u buy an 0200 mount for the kr2 and kr2s I would be interested on the lengths from the firewalls the engines mount at for both aircraft as a starting point so c of g comes out right does the 0200 vary in weight between models I know it is around 200 pounds. cheers Ross _

KR>kr2S photos of canopy

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI netters here is some photos of my kr2s we have been building the canopy for 2 weeks over christmas I am hoping to fly about easter. my engine is a type 4 with fuel injection and reduction drive of 110hp Cheers Ross Evans brisbane australia

KR>canopy hinges

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
heers Ross Evans >From: "Mark Langford" >Reply-To: KRnet >To: "KRNet" >Subject: KR>canopy hinges >Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 20:02:19 -0600 > >NetHeads, > >Several folks have asked about canopy hinges recently. If I were to do

KR>propellors for 100hp+!!!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
HI guys I am interested on what propellors are being used and what performance they are giving speed and climb and inrealation to fuel consumption I am using a type 4 engine from vw engine centre of 115 hp with reduction drive and fuel injection cheers Ross _

KR>propellors for 100hp+!!! more info

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
100hp+!!! >Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2003 12:04:40 -0600 > >Ross Evans wrote: > > > HI guys I am interested on what propellors are being used and what > > performance they are giving speed and climb and inrealation to fuel > > consumption I am using a type 4 engine from vw eng

KR>engine weights of 0200 engines

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
290mm and has a nose wheel. Also what fuel consumptions and speeds are being acheived with 100hp. cheers Ross Evans Brisbane, Austrailia _ Protect your inbox from harmful viruses with new ninemsn Premium. Click

KR>brake set ups!!!!!!!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
Hi Guys My kr2S has cleveland brakes and the pedals are mounted below the header tank and hang from a shelf down. The problem is connecting the hydraulic cyclinders to a toe brake set up as the length of the rudder pedal arm is shorter than the hydraulic ram what can be done to solve this proble

KR>brake set ups!!!!!!!!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
Hi guys I have celveland brakes for my kr2S. I have rudder pedals that hang down from a shelf and are not floor mounted as per most kr's. The problem is the rudder arms are longer than the hydraulic cyclinders what can be done so toe brakes can be set up. Photo's are great cheers Ross fly...@hot

KR>building counterbalance on elevator!!!

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
with 110hp with reduction drive? Cheers Ross Evans Brisbane Australia _ E-mail just got a whole lot better. New ninemsn Premium. Click here

KR>elevator balancing of kr2S

2008-10-12 Thread Ross Evans
hi I have purchased a kr2S project in Australia it has the turtle deck completeted and the glass around the tail is done. Is it necessary to balance the tail and how can it be done with out cutting into an already built plane as i have a engine of 110 hp with a reduction drive and I worry that