HI guys I am after a radio and all the wiring harnesses aerial etc I am chasing a transponder with mode "c" encoder again with all the gear I am putting it in my kr2S I have been taking prices in Austrailia! I have been looking at the Xcom 760 as it has a built in intercom and will run my CD player need tunes! It is $1630aus I can get a full combo kit from micro air that will do the lot for $4400aus but I have only about 3200 aussie and I want to get flying!! Any ideas what can you get for a good price in the states? All up any transponders lying around cheap/working?
cheers Ross _________________________________________________________________ SEEK: Now with over 50,000 dream jobs! [1]Click here! References 1. http://g.msn.com/8HMAENAU/2749??PS=47575