KR> KR-2 upholstery inset

2021-01-14 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Steve Glover on his original KR-2 had the nicest seat emboss treatment that I can remember seeing. I'm not sure if it's for the S model though. Easy enough to modify I would think. At any rate, he may know something to help. Any relation

KR> Wing tanks

2020-12-14 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Larry said, > "Fuel in the outer wings also reduce the weight carried by the W.A.F.'s." That is so true. Tip tanks, or outer wing tanks, carry with them great advantages. Not only do they carry weight without affecting CG to any significant extent, but unloads stress at the wing root, making f

KR> Belly boards

2020-12-13 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "For anyone using a belly board on their KR's . . ." Joe, when I first got my plane from Steve I looked into the "holes vs solid" question and learned that the dive bombers such as the Douglas SBD used holes in the flaps to reduce weight and, more importantly, to reduce aerodynamic stress rela

KR> First Flight 722KC

2020-12-11 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Holy crap Chris . . . you did it!! The last time I looked at your build site your Corvair was in pieces (as you did the re-build) so to see that you made it through the long process of building such a wonderful plane is so admirable . . . I can't express enough congratulations on this. Did you

KR> Introduction

2020-12-08 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "Does you government have a database like the FAA in the USA that you can search to find (aircraft) KR owners?" I've never heard the term Centurian for that area but halfway between JHB and Pretoria would be Midrand with its airport named Grand Central and home, at least at one time, of Chapte

KR> Lance's KR

2020-11-27 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "I seem to recall that the Lancair series aircraft were designed by an early KR2 builder,: Yes Dan, Lance's KR built in 1982 is still in the database, based in Texas. The story goes that he felt he could use the same construction techniques yet produce something with greater performance and,

KR> KR amnesia

2020-11-27 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Larry said, > "I was disappointed to again find the KR a forgotten fact of history" * I've done the same thing several times myself Larry. Every time I come across a "Tribute to Rutan" for being such a pioneer in wood/foam/glass construction I respond with the actual dates a

KR> GP 2180 for sale

2020-11-16 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "2180cc Great Plains VW engine for sale near Atlanta, GA $1200 takes the whole firewall forward, engine and KR2 engine mount. See for details, photos, and contact." What a great sounding deal for a good KR engine. . Mike KSEE

KR> Chris Pryce's KR

2020-11-13 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "I am pleased to announce that 722KC passed inspection today after 8 1/2 years of construction." Congratulations Chris. You're an amazing pilot/person. Mike KSEE ___ Search the KRnet Archives at

KR> Marc's KR-1 in L.A.

2020-10-26 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Marc Baca said, Mike, "I sold Sam Bailey's KR-1 (N31SB) after installing a new canopy. If anyone is interested, I"ll try to contact the owner for you. Marc Baca East Los Angeles (323) 426-1462 ** Good to hear from you Marc. You've pinpointed the location of Sam Ba

KR> Cost of building

2020-10-26 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Larry said, "I've been ordering (and installing) parts on the KR and the Challenger recently and I'm reminded that to estimate the cost of building an airplane you take you best guess, double it, then add a 20% cushion." Mark Wegmet then said, "And you'll be 50% short! :)" All of which is why

KR> Oops

2020-10-24 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
The post I just sent had "although as a plane with conventional gear there's really nothing tricky . . .". I meant to say "as a plane with a nose gear . . ." All three of Sam's planes were tri-gear airplanes. Mike KSEE ___ Search the KRnet Archi

KR> Propellers

2020-10-24 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Jeff said, > "If the current owner ever sends that prop back to Prince for repair, he might want to have Prince add a bit of pitch into the prop." I had the 52 x 52 Sterba that came with my plane sitting in the hangar unused once I'd bought a Prince, then later on another Sterba (52 x 56). Th

KR> Propellers

2020-10-24 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Jeff said, > "Of course this depends on the induction system and carb as well." I keep forgetting not everyone has an Ellison :-). Mike KSEE ___ Search the KRnet Archives at Please see LIST RULES a

KR> Propellers

2020-10-24 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Sam said re his Sterba 56 x 56: "(I could only get 3000 RPM with wide open throttle) which saves a lot of wear on the engine internals . . ." There ya' go gentlemen. The fastest prop of the three he tried was the 56 x 56, a prop most KR people would almost unanimously presume would be too much fo

KR> Challengers, etc.

2020-10-17 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
"A bold free spirit charging fierce Across the fallow land ..." That couplet instantly brought to mind a Challenger. How disappointing it must be to hear this bold free spirit coming in the distance only to discover it was a Mexicn with a leaf blower the next block over. ***

KR> Challengers, etc.

2020-10-16 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "I'm not going backwards I downsizing and moving in to another phase of my 50+ year aviation adventure." I suppose if medical issues are involved going to a category of aircraft that doesn't require medicals can be a solution but other than that, I don't see any correlation between age and ul

KR> Covid poem

2020-09-26 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Nice Larry. If we had anybody on the list under 50 they'd make a rap song out of that. East County San Diego doesn't seem to be getting fanatical about what you've elequently expressed, but what you've written rings true. I don't like it either. Well done.

KR> Jeff's KR

2020-09-17 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Jeff said, "My former KR is now home in Vancouver." Congratulations on managing this major transition of yours so smoothly and successfully - this in addition to the other projects you've been successfully handling in recent months. You're an amazing person . . . Los Alamos lost quite a treas

KR> Engine query

2020-09-17 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Dr. Hsu said, > "I was wondering if anyone knows the weight of a Revmaster2100D engine? I am thinking of replacing it with a Jabiru 3100 engine . . ." Info on the particular 2100D you're referring to can be found, for that specific engine, at Revmaster. They keep meticulous records of each eng

KR> Dr. Hsu

2020-09-06 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
I sent this earlier and it bounced back. Maybe it'll go through this time. ** Dr. Hsu said, > "I see most of the older air planes (in the 60s, 50s or earlier) were taildraggers, including some of the war planes and even bombers serviced in the WWII... Am wondering why fo

KR> PNW Mini FlyIn #2

2020-09-03 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Sam said, > "Moral of the story... Fly a tri-gear." I don't know if flying a tri-gear is the moral of the story, however it surely does make ground handling more comfortable since you can see things better and are sitting in a level, more natural, attitude. I was amazed the first

KR> PNW Mini FlyIn #2

2020-09-01 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
"If you are getting your PPL, I'd strongly advise getting time in a J3 cub or aeronca champ or citabria." "The KR is shortly coupled flight characteristics in conjunction with the fact the rudder authority is limited." I may be misunderstanding things here and probably am since the statements

KR> N1213W

2020-08-26 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Happy for you Jeff that you found a qualified buyer for your creation . . . truly the best built, best maintained and best upgraded KR ever put on the market. Going back in memory I can't think of any KR's ever made available for sale that come close to your machine in all these aspects. Now we

KR> Roller bearings

2020-08-12 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
This isn't relevant to anything but I'll test the group's patience anyway . . . Over the last 25 years I've had two Suzuki GS-850G motorcycles. The first one, a '79, eventually blew a head gasket at 75+ thousand miles and I've kept it for a parts bike. The second one, an '82, is my daily driver.

KR> Wing gap covers

2020-08-07 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Bob Goodnight asked, > "What is used to cover the gap in the wings when bolted on?" Ken Cottle came up with a solution which has survived well for thirty years plus. I don't know just where he got them, but he installed brackets underneath both wings which can be tightened or loosened and have

KR> Flying Fool #1

2020-08-03 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Yes it's true Juno is a PITA but it's not a threat to security. Norton and McCafee are liable to say anything to make you think there's a threat involved but it's just an ad Juno tacks on to the bottom of their every email which is an annoyance. And I actually pay $30/yr to keep that address goin

KR> Goodnight's project

2020-08-01 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Bob Goodnight said, "I recently purchased a one flying KR2 project . . ." Sounds like its time to buy Jeff's plane. There's not likely to ever be a nicer and more airworthy KR on the market. This is a rare opportunity. * Any chance you are related to the famous Goodnights of

KR> Jeff's KR

2020-08-01 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Jeff said, "For building, I'm slogging along on the rebuild of the wrecked RV-6 I bought this spring." Traitor :-) Mike KSEE Sponsored by Accusat

KR> Panel Preferences

2020-07-29 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Dan said, " . . .they are in some ways more simple and if one instrument goes out, you don't have to replace the whole thing." That's a good point Dan and often overlooked as we stare in awe at the fancy displays. I get along with both steam and glass but for challenging flight conditions I much

KR> 1985 Falco, 720 hrs.

2020-07-09 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
A piece of aviation art, in annual with 30 hrs on a IO-320, just sold for 30K. The time and expertise that goes into one of these is taken on only by the best. I saw a red one on the ramp at Gallup very early one morning as I was leaving . . . one of the all-time m

KR> Tires

2020-07-06 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "I highly recommend Desser retreads if they have them in your size." I got my first set of tires from Desser in L.A. They were new Ching Shins. Great tires, great price and were mailed expeditiously and for free. Great experience with Desser. When I went to order more (we're talking quit

KR> Ellison EFS-2

2020-07-06 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> " Love to here any guesses or from anyone with experience." Mark has had an Ellison diaphram sitting in a glass jar of ethanol for the last ten years or more with no damage last I heard. Except for adjusting the idle up a tiny bit, I haven't had to touch my Ellison in the 14 years I've had

KR> Phone-based EFB/Tires

2020-07-05 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Thanks Mark & Larry for the feedback. I'll give kneeboards another look as I do my re-evaluation of cockpit configuration with whatever new navigator I buy. A kneeboard would sure solve the tablet-size situation. One needs a big screen for plates in any case and I carry in a side pocket a thin W

KR> Phone-based EFB

2020-07-04 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "for $100 more you can install Skybeacon with three screws and attaching two wires . . ." I'd heard they (Uavionix) are now selling only the "certificated" models of that design, but maybe that's true only with the Tailbeacon. I'd read on Avweb or somewhere that they're not selling those mod

KR> Phone-based EFB

2020-07-03 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
A while back some kind Netter mentioned how well a Wal-Mart $30 LG phone works as a back up with Avare installed. Indeed, I bought one and its amazingly useful for the money - basically a small, fully functional Android tablet. I currently use it as a radio to listen to the BBC. I haven't been f

KR> hat off to engineers

2020-06-24 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "I don't have cable tv and network tv offers me almost nothing. I've been watching a lot of YouTube, including some KR material." Good move Larry. I put my TV in the garage three years ago - an intermediate step on its way to the recyclers. At worst it spews toxic poisons and at best wastes

KR> Li-Iron batteries

2020-06-17 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Larry said, > "I've accidentally shorted them out rebuilding battery packs and it ain't a pretty picture." Larry used to fly a tri-pacer. ___ Search the KRnet Archives at Please see LIST RULES an

KR> Electric KR, New Zealand

2020-06-16 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Forwarded to KRNET by me (hope Robin doesn't mind!) Robin Macdonald ** Robin is replacing a HAPI with a 60 HP electric motor and is building his own battery modules with batteries (1865 Lithium Iron) bought in China! His email follows. I'm posti

KR> Maloof Prop

2020-06-15 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
" "Is the Maloof prop still around? It had a lot of caution areas and I guess somebody just liked to putt around at 2400 and lost a blade.Anyway my 2100-D engine came with it from Joe at Revmaster. Dobie KR-2 N233AD." I know someone with an unused (brand new) Maloof in their hangar who has no

KR> Electric

2020-06-14 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
John Mason said, "I will go one further and offer 81JM as a test bed to anyone who can put together a credible plan to electrify her. She is currently flying with all basic instruments working." That's a generous offer and surely will be of interest to any number of innovators in the electric wo

KR> Electric

2020-06-11 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Someone in the initial thinking/designing phase of a KR project might consider using electric power instead of our tried and true engines. Pipestrel just got their trainer approved by EASA and the FAA can't be far behind. Once the gate is open there will be a flood of electric planes getting ce

Re: KR> KRnet Digest, Vol 8, Issue 94

2020-05-09 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Hi Jeff, > ." . . that hand flying it placed more stress on the pilot which could magnify complications and it would put too much stress on the airplane . . ." Light chop, no problem leave it on. My comments apply more to strong turbulence. "Bad weather" with light turbulence is fine. It's

KR> Inexpensive autopilot

2020-05-09 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "As to the other part about stressing the plane, at least in the case of a KR, they are pretty tough and in any case there is always staying below maneuvering speed . . ." As soon as I'd sent the email I realized I'd left out that extremely important point . . . to slow down. I wish my Juno e

KR> Inexpensive autopilot

2020-05-08 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> " . . .lets say you venture into stormy conditions and want this unit as a safety . . ." Standard procedure with any autopilot is to turn it off in turbulence. The autopilot will fight what shouldn't be fought in those conditions. Not only will it stress the servos and other relevant component

KR> Inexpensive autopilot

2020-05-05 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "This is the auto pilot being talked about on the Thatcher talk group. It doesn’t attach to the ailerons or elevator, it attaches to small trim tabs added to elevator or ailerons. As talked about on the other group." TruTrak was working with this concept. They were going to charge $1000 fo

KR> Inexpensive autopilot

2020-05-04 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Just stumbled across this. Top of the line model with all the options seems to be about $700 whereas just a wing leveler with altitude hold appears to be less than $200. Worth exploring I think: Mike KSEE

KR> Revmaster 2100D - Electronic Ignition & Power Upgrades Sam

2020-04-27 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "This setup reportedly yields about 80 HP (according to the article), and right now I rate my 2100D about 70 HP (bone stock except for MOFOCO 041 heads). More importantly than HP ratings however, I'm curious to see how these changes affect my climbout performance, and also my static RPM on tak

KR> KR2 Super2

2020-04-21 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
I'm periodically astonished to see just wha a comprehensive membership of people who have a relationship with the KR series in one way or another, or just with subjects (engines for instance) which are associated in one way or another with KR's . . . or who just maintain their newsletter feed to

KR> Airborne Virus

2020-04-15 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "By the way, the virus does not infect aircraft." Are you sure? As soon as I read that C19 was capable of travelling by air I immediately bought a can of CamGuard and put it in the fuel for protection. I've also got the whole engine area draped with N-95 grade fabric. Can't be too careful jus

KR> Sam's Bendix 3000

2020-04-13 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
I forgot to mention when discussing radio interference from ignition sources the fact that I use Steve's "cans" that fit over the primary "magneto" plugs. I've never flown the plane without these "static protectors" that Great Plains used to sell (and still may) so I can't say how effective the

KR> Sam's Bendix 3000

2020-04-09 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Another sad Bendix 3000 story among many over the years. Those double mags must have seemed like a good idea at the time but they've sure been a source of trouble over the years. Great Plains had some green surplus Slick's that were great replacements for the 4316's and cost next to nothing com

KR> Hoop Pine

2020-04-09 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
"Now I find native to Australia another conifer called Hoop Pine which also does the job albeit it a little heavier and it is laminated to make select grade ply.cheaper again. This wood was also used in certain aircraft built over here during WW2 and there are aviation specifications still a

KR> Wunderbird

2020-04-09 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Great compilation of pictures Mark. Beautiful work . . . but after building three of these I'd imagine all improvements have been incorporated and this one can only possibly be a culminative result of your previous work. Thanks for taking the time for display this immaculate artwork. The maghony

KR> Spar Failure

2020-04-05 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Sparky has told me over the years about an incident at a KR Fly-In or Gathering (I think KR people just called them FLy-ins in the earliest get-togethers.) up in the Bay Area. In the late 70's I think . . . one of the first fly-ins. It wasn't Chino but someplace I can never remember the name of u

KR> Captain Disaray

2020-04-03 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Oscar . . . . .Christopher . . . . . Bou . . . . .this will be remembered . . . . (evil emoji here). I was half expecting Lee Van Dyke to announce he had grafted a Monnett-sized turbojet onto or into a KR boat . . . I was ready for that one but when this one came along I was looking in completely

KR> Yes, I fly again!

2020-04-01 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Maybe, but all your bases are belong to us. Oregon too. ** I do have more than just gibberish . . . as we know (I think we know) the largest percentage of aircraft engine noise is from the prop, especially the tips, beating their way through the ambient air at just under the

KR> Israelri Minister of Defense

2020-03-29 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
A brief, predictive no-nonsense realistic, optimistic take on where we're at and where we're going with this virus thing. It's a relief from the constant stream of negativity. It's unbelievable - everything from BBC to my local NPR to Radio 702 in JHB and you can bet your local radio as well -, t

KR> Carbs

2020-03-26 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Steve Glover posted recently regarding some things from his hangar he has for sale. I didn't notice any Ellisons on the list but last I spoke with him he was bringing the EFS-2 back into production so I'd send him a note just to establish the status of that project. There's a knock-off made in

KR> KR2S project for sale

2020-03-19 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
It's downright painful to see what would surely become a well-built and high-performance KR being sold for so little. A Corvair with the fifth bearing would surely be my engine of choice and this plane has two of them from which to assemble one that is perfect. Such a project is beyond me thoug

KR> Dan Diehl's comment, etc.

2020-03-17 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Deems Henning wrote: > "Variations in aircraft weight do not affect the glide angle provided that the correct airspeed is flown. Since it is the lift over drag (L/D) ratio that determines the gliding range, weight will not affect it." That's a good reminder for those of us who have lost that bit

KR> Glide Ratio

2020-03-16 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "That math works out to a 60:1 glide ratio . . ." Thanks to those who corrected my careless math. From 13K ASL an optimistic glide ratio of 13:1 renders a ballpark range of 30 miles, not 150. Still, there's few places in the U.S. that 30 miles doesn't put one within range of an airstrip or,

KR> Dan Diehl's comment to Lee

2020-03-15 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "With all that being said, Dan Diehl once told me that he would build another KR2 and change the angle of attack of the RAF airfoil by 2 degrees, so the speed of the plane would not make it “Plow” through the air. And increase airspeed by the loss of drag." Interesting Lee. Without a clear i

KR> RAF-48

2020-03-13 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Jeff said, "While many seem to poo-poo the RAF-48 airfoil, mostly for it's unknown data points, it is a gentle airfoil with plenty of warning for stalls." That's certainly been my experience. Maybe it's just an OWT but I read or heard many years ago that it's the same airfoil as the Spitfire.

KR> Die Grinders & ADS-B info

2020-03-10 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Those are invaluable little tools for so many things. I had to cut a hardened metal lock hasp once and my Dremel-like tool plugged into a portable inverter cut it like butter. * For those who don't subscribe to General Aviation News an

KR> Prop pictures & Misc.

2020-02-27 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet Mike Stirewalt - KSEE Urologist Tells Men To "Fix" Their ED With This New Trick! Med Journal __

KR> 2100D RPM

2020-02-26 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Dave said, My 'wide open' flying RPM is around 34-3500 if I remember right Most engine failures, usually valves, on VW's are due to heat. You may have really excellent cooling with your engine and if so maybe you can get away with those RPM's over time. Make sure you have a very accurate oil

KR> Trutrak ADI with GPS

2020-02-17 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
This is an excellent deal for anyone wanting an artificial horizon with integrated GPS-heading. I paid $1100 for mine from Gulf Coast and since these things are all solid state I doubt they wear out. Mine hasn't. This instrument has no lag and is perfect for our quick-responding KR's. https

KR> Avigas history & etc.

2020-02-01 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
This is an interesting article from General Aviation News on the topic of aviation fuels. The short link is a shortened version of the link that is below it. I use a link shortner since Juno usually breaks longer links that I include in emails. https://generalavia

KR> Internet click bait

2020-01-26 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
ML's point is well taken. I'll catch myself in the future if I'm about to post a link with such a vague description. Apologies for being so careless. Mike KSEE $4.95 CBD Oil Breakthrough Leaves Doctors Speechless worldhealthlabs.c

KR> Interesting find

2020-01-25 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet Mike KSEE Judge Judy Steps Down After 23 Years Over This Controversy _

KR> Ken's History

2020-01-24 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
I sure did a sloppy job so thank you guys for coming up with the actual materials. I left Stu completely out of my half-assed account. Mike KSEE 74 Year Old Grandma Shocks Doctors: Forget Botox, Do This http:/

KR> Global Flyer?

2020-01-23 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Sorry to all with better memories than mine . . . Rutan & Yeager's plane was called "The Voyager". Don't know where Global Flyer came from . . . probably from the solar-powered one that recently hopped around the planet using only power from the Sun. Mike KSEE _

KR> 2180cc & Corvair weight

2020-01-23 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Thanks for reminding us of what those numbers are Mark. 178 lbs. for an accessorized 2180 seems ridiculously practical for what these Ken Rand had in mind when he started this whole thing. I often see references in magazine or blogs that refer to the state of composite construction as having

KR> Starters

2020-01-20 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "The key piece of information would be to know exactly which automotive starter was used on it." Steve Bennett once mentioned to me that the starters he used on his Great Plains engines came from Subaru. In that same discussion he also mentioned that he had never had a failure with that star

KR> EarthX ETX680

2020-01-17 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
I just assumed the "scooter battery company" would have BMS built into their batteries. However, since you mention it Jeff, I see no reference anywhere on their webpage or any related links that references anything to do with a battery maintenance system - something to equalize the charge between

KR> Yes . . . I know

2020-01-16 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
I just noticed Jeff's battery is a LiFePO4 battery. I was thinking all along it was a Li-Ion battery. Sorry for all the misinformation. Erase my last three emails please. Perhaps the link I posted actually does have some good prices . . . but the sophistication

KR> EarthX ETX680

2020-01-16 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Last email I quoted the info "500-600 start cycles for a Li-Ion battery, It's possible I was quoting propaganda since I got it off of a competitor's site. If claims are that far off the mark, it would make me take a second look at the rest of the things they say about the LiFePO4 batteries on that

KR> Lithium batteries

2020-01-16 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
I'm clueless when it comes to the subtleties of these lithium-based batteries. Until recently all I knew about lithium was that I had to take some every morning with my Wheaties or the day wouldn't go well . . . :-) The main thing that catches my eye when it comes to batteries is "SALE!" and of c

KR> O-235 on eBay

2020-01-15 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Logbooks all there. Maybe some good bones for building a nice engine. A little big for a KR, but some have done it. Judge Judy Steps Down After 23 Years Over This Controversy http://t

KR> Odyssey PC680

2020-01-09 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Kayak wrote, > "I am unaware of any better alternative however. Maybe others here can share anecdotal experience with them, good or bad or if there are any true peers to consider." I've got a contender for consideration: I thought I'd look this Odyssey battery up and see why it's considered a

KR> 0-200 on eBay

2020-01-07 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet Do This (Before Bed) to Burn Belly Flab All Night Long ___ Search the K

KR> New Experimentals in the fleet 2019

2020-01-05 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Aircraft that were added in's a partial breakdown: Rotorway7 Murphy7 Glasair8 Bearhawk8 Bede8 Velocity8 Just9 Pietenpol9 Searey9 Pitts (EAB)10 Long EZ11 Avid13 Aircam14 Challenger16 Lancair23 Glastar26 Sonex31 Kitfox40 RANS45 Carbon Cub62 Zenith65 Vans249 The homebuilt model with

KR> 0-200 on the cheap

2019-12-31 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Victor Taylor said, "I bought the worst looking Cessna 150 I could find for cheap. I took it apart and sold everything but the motor." What a great idea! Urologist Tells Men To "Fix" Their ED With This New Trick! Med Journal http://

KR> Jabiru

2019-12-29 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Larry commented, "I also wonder about the Jabiru." We can learn from Colin Hale's experience when it comes to this engine. He himself said in one of his postings that the engine isn't very good. He knew the engine and its weaknesses and knew how to fix and deal with the Jabiru so he stuck with

KR> Subarus

2019-12-28 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Postings are scarce on KR net this holiday period so I'm putting this in for anyone that's bored. I admire you guys with your Subarus. A lot of engineering complexity goes into getting these engines to work well in an aircraft. Besides the thrust bearing issue Max Power is discussing, other Suba

KR> KT-76A

2019-12-25 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Larry said, > "I purchased one that looks like new for $150 and free shipping and it works fine." If it came with a tray and encoder you really did well. These KT-76A's are legendary. Mike KSEE 4 Worst Blood Pressure Meds simple

KR> On second thought . . .

2019-12-24 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
That deal from Sarasota Avionics isn't such a good deal on second thought. I'm seeing deals like the one below without even looking hard. The one below includes an encoder and tray for $175 BIN. Spruce has got the GDL-82 for $1695 so going this route brings compliance in for under 2K for those

KR> GDL-82 + GTX327

2019-12-24 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Good deal for someone. How To: Fix Sagging Skin (Do This Daily) __

KR> ACK A-30

2019-12-23 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Just looked on their website. Depending on which model you have here are the options: "Model A-30 Mods 4,5,8,9 altitude encoder. If not under warranty you may send in the encoder for test and evaluation there is no charge for this. We will quote you an overhaul or replacement cost." Both Sparky

KR> ACK Encoder

2019-12-23 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Larry, It's been several years since we did it, but Sparky and I sent our ACK-30's back to ACK for calibration and checking. As I recall they will do this for free. Give them a call and confirm this before you spend any money. Mike

KR> KR-2 for sale

2019-12-20 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
That's a darn shame this gorgeous plane is going for such a small number. I see stupid ultralights. . . aluminum tubes covered with fabric and a 2 cycle engine . . . selling for 10K and more . . . all the time. Can someone say "Challenger" without gagging? A friend here on the field who built tw

KR> Transponder

2019-12-15 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
I've got the same set-up - KT76A with an ACK AC-30. Both have worked flawlessly since I got them (used) from Steve Bennett when I bought the plane in 2006. He charged me an additional $600 over and above the $12,500 I paid for Ken Cottle's plane. They pass their transponder checks every two yea

KR> Zenith Cruzer

2019-12-08 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Larry wrote, "I made what would basically qualify for a first successful flight in a Zenith Cruzer yesterday." Looked it up out of curiosity. Kit is 18K+ plus shipping. Engine is another 6-10K or more, avionics & other extras could easily run another 5K. All this just to build a poor perf

KR> Artificial Horizons

2019-11-06 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
> "It's probably 10 years old but I purchased it for $200 from a friend . . . Looked it up and that instrument is hardly "cheap" . . . it's roughly $1500! You got quite a good deal. Looking further, I see Falcon is making a huge array of instruments and their website indicates a strong service

KR> Artificial Horizons

2019-11-05 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
As you probably already know Larry, Falcon is not known for their quality and reliability. They are better than nothing but are thought of as a Chinese product with a limited lifespan. Of course, everything has a limited lifespan. I've had excellent performance from a TruTrak artificial horizon


2019-10-29 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Thanks Jeff for the heads-up on the current deal from Spruce and Sporty's. I'm looking for a 1090ES Out unit that is not a transponder. I don't intend to replace my excellent old KT-76A with ACK encoder. Since I intend to finally upgrade my navigator from my reliable old AnywhereMap ATC, I lon

Re: KR> Interesting Engine for sale

2019-10-18 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
"I’d be on edge running a little Honda engine at 4000-5000 RPM for the duration of an entire flight." Me too. I saw with a hangar neighbor who built a Europa with the supercharged Suburu Eggenfeller reduction drive. He was an retired Area 51 engineer. Did meticulous work. Had a forced landing

KR> Interesting engine for sale

2019-10-17 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet Mike Stirewalt KSEE Melissa McCarthy Admits How She Really Lost 132 Pounds __

KR> MOFO Heads

2019-09-24 Thread Mike Stirewalt via KRnet
Looking at their .042 heads (which would be a match for my GP 2180), I see both with them and the .041 heads they come with an option for "heavy duty springs". At the revs we use with our aviation applications, using stiffer springs would just wear out the cam lobes. They also offer "stainles

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