Re: cfengine3 copy+action

2010-01-14 Thread Frans Lawaetz
This may not be the Cf-approved way but based on some on other thread I have been getting by doing the following: files: "/etc/mail/" copy_from => mycopy("${g.masterfiles}/farm/etc/mail/","${g.phost}"), classes => satisfied("sendmailmake"); comman

Re: cfengine3 copy+action

2010-01-14 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Is there a better method for chaining commands outside of dropping them in a shell script? I've tried tried grouping them, separated by ";" but that was rejected by cfagent. Thanks, Frans ___ Help-cfengine mailing list https

cf-serverd segfaulting

2010-08-16 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Hi- I'm running cf-serverd 3.0.5p1 and have started (rather suddenly) experiencing regular segmentation faults. I've run cf-serverd in both debug and verbose mode and neither report anything useful. The segfaults look like the following: # grep segfault messages.1 Aug 9 18:21:18 cfengine3 ker

File descriptor... higher than MAX_FD, check for defunct children

2010-09-18 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Hi- I am frequently getting emails (and seeing syslog messages) from hosts running cfengine3. File descriptor 26 of child 13217 higher than MAX_FD, check for defunct children File descriptor 26 of child higher than MAX_FD, check for defunct children File descriptor 26 of child 13218 higher than

exec_timeout for execresult?

2010-10-15 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Hi, I use execresult to poll a job management system. The results determine a class based on some regex. Occasionally there are problems with the job management system which result in the processes never completing. With each subsequent cf-agent run the processes accumulate. I was wondering i

Re: Is it possible to turn off informational reporting associated with commands type promises?

2010-10-19 Thread Frans Lawaetz
I think you probably want the "contain" option to that command.     restartssh::     "/sbin/service sshd restart",     contain => "silent"; "This is equivalent to piping standard

Re: Cfengine Help: Re: Best platform to run cf-engine server (community)

2010-11-05 Thread Frans Lawaetz
cf-serverd on CentOS would segfault for me as well when many clients attempted simultaneous connections. I've compiled the latest 3.1.0 release and this problem has seemingly gone away. Frans ___ Help-cfengine mailing list

Re: MAX_FD complaints

2010-11-07 Thread Frans Lawaetz
As far as I know this is a bug with cf-execd where it does not release file descriptors and eventually runs out of them. I have a weekly cron job to restart cfengine3 services as a work around (non-ideal). I haven't upgraded to cf3-community 3.1.0 (Nova 2.0 for you) yet so am not sure if it has b

"was not able to copy file" - critical corruption during cf-agent run

2010-11-08 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Hi- I recently implemented a "service cfengine3 restart" weekly cron job as a workaround to the MAX_FD bug that others and myself have seen. I neglected to except the master from the restart so when cf-serverd was killed a number of hosts complained about in-flight transfers or not being able to

Re: "was not able to copy file" - critical corruption during cf-agent run

2010-11-09 Thread Frans Lawaetz
On 11/09/2010 05:46 AM, Seva Gluschenko wrote: > No, definitely. A file isn't installed in place of older one until > it's copied succefully. > Seva, that's what has me so alarmed. Like you and Neil pointed out, I can take steps to minimize the odds of cf-serverd getting terminated while e

Re: "was not able to copy file" - critical corruption during cf-agent run

2010-11-09 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Seva, I wish I had been able to inspect the system but with limits.conf corrupted I couldn't log in and opted to rebuild the OS as it was a production server. Next time (I'm really hoping there won't be one) I will pull a drive and mount it elsewhere. The syslog messages the host sent indicated t

Re: "was not able to copy file" - critical corruption during cf-agentrun

2010-11-09 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Mike, cf-serverd was terminated by pkill during the cron restart of cf3 services. pkill defaults to SIGTERM. I will attempt to reproduce using a test environment and a looping cf-serverd / cf-agent script that sigterms cf-serverd at increasing time intervals after cf-agent executes. Frans

Re: "was not able to copy file" - critical corruption during cf-agentrun

2010-11-09 Thread Frans Lawaetz
So you are quite right that there is more to the story. I dug around in my bundles and found that there was overlap with respect to this file. A generic "centos_5" promise included update of limits.conf whereas further down in the bundle I had a more specific class "centos_5.special_hosts" which

Preventing sigmask inheritance in commands?

2010-11-24 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Hi, It looks like cfengine3 masks the SIGPIPE signal. This mask gets inherited by any processes cf3 invokes which can cause undesirable behaviour. I've noticed, for example, that if sshd gets restarted by cf3 it results in shell behaviour as shown below. cat somefile | head -10 [sn

Re: Cfengine Help: lastseen db not updating

2011-01-13 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> This morning my lastseen report (c3.0.5p1) showed that all clients had not > checked in for a least 40 hours. The clients are running, I can run them > manually and confirm connections yet the server's lastseen reportl, after > running a new cf-report, shows no new checkins. Any ideas? > Th

Re: lastseen not updating

2011-01-19 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> I experienced the same issue running on Solaris 10, cfengine v3.0.5p1. > Any luck in finding out? Deb & Jim, I've opened a bug report on this issue if you want to keep track and/or chime in. Deb - I don't know if Nova (which is what I think you u

Feature request -regcmp / retursnzero / execresult combined

2011-01-19 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Hi- This is part feature request but I expect someone will have some insights on another way to accomplish what I'm asking with the existing tools in cfengine. It's very common, from examples I have seen, to use "execresult" to store output in a variable after which "regcmp" will active a clas

Re: Cfengine Help: Re: Feature request -regcmp / retursnzero / execresult combined

2011-01-20 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> If the execresult, in the vars section, fails from time to time then I either > have to live with that and know that it will be successful on a later run or > write other promises to ensure success. The example is really to vague for > me to offer anything else. The example is intentionally

Re: Cfengine Help: cfengine rpm spec file

2011-01-27 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> > Is it possible to get the spec file that is used to create the RPM I > currently download from the engine room for the free version of cfengine. I > would rather roll my own RPM's, however i do not want to attempt to reinvent > the wheel creating a new spec file. Or even letting us download t

Re: Cfengine Help: Cfengine 3.1.4 is released

2011-02-01 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> > The extended change log should be online within a few days, so will also > the Linux packages. > When generating the CentOS5 RPMs, might I request that the post-install logic be fixed to ensure binaries are in place in both /usr/local/sbin/ and /var/cfengine/bin? I filed a bug regarding such:

Re: Cfengine Help: Cfengine 3.1.4 is released

2011-02-01 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> > Please don't do this. RPMs should not install anything under /usr/local > as that's reserved for local modifications of the system. rpmlint warns > you if your RPM makes this mistake. > > I see your point however this is the existing behavior of the community RPMs. # rpm -ql cfengine-communi

Re: Cfengine Help: Re: edit_line on a symlink

2011-02-03 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> The promise is to edit a plain file at a specific location. Editing a file > after following a symlink is not the same thing to the agent. I think you'll > need a separate promise for the other location. Or place the file in the > same location everywhere and add a link afterward. > It's

Re: Cfengine Help: Re: two quick questions

2011-02-08 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> I look at Cftimes on occasion but I don't care for the format. It is too > difficult to navigate. The multi-column layout is particularly confusing. > This is unfortunate because the content, while infrequent, is of interest to > me. > I concur on the format of CfTimes being unhelpful.

Re: conditional command execution

2011-02-08 Thread Frans Lawaetz
You probably want something like the following. "restart_ssh" will only be activated as a class if the file needs to be copied. files: "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" perms => mog("644", "root", "wheel"), copy_from => secure_cp("$(g.masterfiles)/config/etc/ssh/sshd_c

Using soft classes in "vars:" section of bundle

2011-02-09 Thread Frans Lawaetz
I understand that cfengine's normal ordering is: vars, classes, outputs, and so on. What I'm trying to do is restrict an "execresult" call in the "vars:" section of a bundle to a particular class. I've tried defining the class globally as well as implementing a depends_on / handle dependency

Re: Cfengine Help: package yum install not working as expected

2011-02-14 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> Then, when I run it on a host, I see this (via 'cf-agent -I'): When debugging cf-agent behaviour you pretty much always want to run it in verbose mode with "-v". I usually do something like cf-agent -Kv | tee /tmp/cf which lets you see the live output but also saves a copy for review. This

Random and incorrect denial of client based on IP address

2011-02-23 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Has anyone else experienced sporadic, random, ongoing authentication failures related to cf-serverd seemingly misidentifying a client as not belonging to an authorized network? The frequency of these failures, based on estimated successful execution, is extremely low. ~.01% or so. The client

Re: Cfengine Help: Re: Random and incorrect denial of client based on IP address

2011-02-23 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> that looks pretty similar to the static buffer overlap problem which I'd > discovered in the cf-serverd as of 3.0.4p2. Mark corrected the mutex lock > since then, so the problem ceased to exist in 3.0.5, but I won't be surprised > much if it was reintroduced in later versions. > Interesting,

Re: cfengine-3; controlling Redhat/CentOS "chkconfig"

2011-02-25 Thread Frans Lawaetz
David, The community library has functions for handling switching services on and off. Here's an example. vars: "enabled_services" slist => { "sendmail", "snmpd", "sshd", "syslog", "sysstat", "xinetd", "ypbind" }; methods: "any" usebundle => enable_xinetd("$(

Re: packages: (yum) installing multiple architectures?

2011-03-03 Thread Frans Lawaetz
What version are you running? It looks like you might be hitting this bug: ___ Help-cfengine mailing list

Re: Cfengine Help: lastseen db not updating

2011-03-11 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> Any updates on this issue? I am experiencing the same problem on a RHEL > 5.3 host running 3.1.2. > There's a bug report that's being looked into. Feel free to add your own observations. Frans ___ Help

Re: Cfengine Help: lastseen db not updating

2011-03-11 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> Did you see this problem before 3.1.2? It would help tremendously if > anyone could figure out (by binary search) exact revision that > introduced this bug. > > Neil indicated he saw it in 3.0.5p1. It's interesting that, for me at least, the only host that reliably updates is the host running cf

Re: Cfengine Help: lastseen db not updating

2011-03-11 Thread Frans Lawaetz
On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Mark Burgess wrote: > > Do you replicate the cfengine key between multiple hosts? I had a > discussion about this earlier this week. Cfengine expects every host to > have a unique public/private key pair. > I do not. The only key that gets copied is that of the h

Re: Cfengine Help: Need help troubleshooting Remote Access key exchange

2011-03-21 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> community> -> Going to secondary storage for key > community> !! Unspecified srver refusal (see verbose server > output)community> Couldn't recv > community> !!! System error for recv: "Connection reset by peer" > community> -> Writing last-seen observations > > > Has anybody had this same

Preventing cf-agent process buildup / abortclasses

2011-03-28 Thread Frans Lawaetz
It happens from time to time that a NFS file system which cfengine uses becomes unavailable. This usually results in cf-agent processes building up until such time as connectivity is restored. In an attempt to thwart this accumulation I implemented an abortclass as follows: In

Re: Cfengine Help: Re: Preventing cf-agent process buildup / abortclasses

2011-03-28 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> If you have multiple agents running will the promise kill unrelated > processes? I agent might not kill itself, the parent or child processes. > I'm not expecting it to kill other cf-agent processes, I simply want it to bail out if it detects there are other cf-agent runs in progress. A "st

Re: Cfengine Help: Re: Preventing cf-agent process buildup / abortclasses

2011-03-28 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> If you set such an abort class does that not prevent any promises from being > kept? I worry that this might put CF into a state of never working until NFS > is fixed. > I'm ok with cf3 bailing out until NFS (or whatever is blocking the existing processes) is fixed. A lot of my promises are

Re: Problems with cf-serverd on policy host

2011-03-28 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> Everyday i get several messages with communication errors with the policy > server. This is complete random which node reports the problem. The size of > the cluster is 600 nodes. We use splaytime of 5 minutes so the load is > spread for the policy server. > > Are more people experiencing this p

Re: errors when defining classes based on built-in functions

2011-03-29 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> Is it something that I miss or things are not working the way the > documentation says? > Were I to hazard a guess I'd say it has to do with cfengine's normal ordering. See section 2.8.1 in the manual. Specifically, "In general it is wise to avoid class-variable dependency as much as poss

day splay / splaytime - missing each other?

2011-04-08 Thread Frans Lawaetz
I can't seem to figure out why a particular promise isn't activating universally. A few days ago I implemented the following promises: commands: day_splay.vmhost:: "/some/", contain => silent, module => "true"; day_splay.

Re: Cfengine Help: Best practices advice - Cfengine + network file systems

2011-04-11 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> I'm interested in hearing feedback from the development team and community > about using Cfengine with network file systems. Here's the specific problem > that prompts the request: > > I'm writing policy that creates directories and files on an NFS share if and > only if they do not already

Re: packages / yum weirdness

2011-04-13 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Michael, I don't have a cf3-specific tip for you but you might want to consider yum's package groups. Look into yum-groups-manager. I have a base package group with over a thousand RPMs in it. I then have cf3 do a "yum clean all; yum groupinstall basegroup" when needed and it will add any p

/proc file sizes

2011-04-13 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Hi, In executing the following bundle: bundle agent test { vars: "junkvar" int => readintarray("loadaverage","/proc/loadavg","^ "," ","2","99"); classes: "loadavgsafe" expression => islessthan("$(loadaverage[1])","1"); reports: loa

Re: /proc file sizes

2011-04-14 Thread Frans Lawaetz
You should run cf-monitord and then simply use $(mon.loadavg) variables (see ref manual) Mark, Maybe you can provide some insight on these vars. I actually did look into using them first but could not interpret their values in a manner that made them suitable as a replacement for standard l

Re: Cfengine Help: Editing only the first line in a file

2011-04-14 Thread Frans Lawaetz
There is an "occurrences" option to line edit promises. has the following: body replace_with value(x) { replace_value => "$(x)"; occurrences => "all"; } Try setting it to just "first". Frans ___ Help-cfengine mailing list Help-cfen

Warning email on promise not kept

2011-04-15 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Hi, There are regrettable instances when one can not simply dictate a promise but must hand off its implementation to others due to necessary coordination with other hominids, manual processes, and the like. I'm trying to use cf3 to nag people regarding things not being in the agreed upon st

Re: Warning email on promise not kept

2011-04-15 Thread Frans Lawaetz
You want to have the class set if the promise need to be repaired (if the file content is not right). So it's not *if_notkept* that you need to use, but *if_repaired* That doesn't seem to work either.. The promise wasn't legitimately repaired so I would not expect cf3 to execute down that

Re: Cfengine Help: Re: Warning email on promise not kept

2011-04-15 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Thanks, Neil, I will give that a try. Does anyone else see the worth in having a "mailto" override in reports: ? If so I'll file a feature request. Cheers, Frans ___ Help-cfengine mailing list

Re: monitoring cfengine

2011-04-22 Thread Frans Lawaetz
I rely on the lastseen database to validate whether or not cf-agent is running across the farm. I cross-reference the cf3 output with a list of hosts produced by our build system and diff out any stragglers for manual inspection. I think the lastseen database expires hosts that haven't been s

Re: Cfengine Help: Bug found while installing package with multiple architectures (patch submitted in bug tracker)

2011-05-03 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> Bug 584 has been submitted for this. > > If given a promise to install a package with multiple architectures, If the > first architecture already exists then the second does not get properly > marked for installation. > Huh... This was reported already and marked resolved.

Re: Cfengine Help: Restarting cf-execd ?

2011-05-06 Thread Frans Lawaetz
I have a weekly cron restart of cf-execd as there is a bug that seems to leak file descriptors until none are available. See:,19424,19990#msg-19990 I started with 3.0.5 so can not agree with the report that it was fixed in that rev. I've left the weekly cron

Re: Cfengine Help: Updating shadow encrypted fields

2011-06-14 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> Is there a better way? Has someone already done this, and if so, would you > be willing to share? I am not sure how to do this - It must be done only > once, and since the encrypted string will be different on each host, you > can't check for a static value that has been replaced on subsequ

Re: Cfengine Help: Re: Cfengine Help: Updating shadow encrypted fields

2011-06-16 Thread Frans Lawaetz
Also thinking out loud.. Why not make use of the public keys that reside on every host in order to store the password in host-specific files at some common NFS location? I tried getting OpenSSL to work with cfengine's keys (seeing as they're already stored on the cf-serverd host) but it steadfastl

Suppress SETUID warnings

2011-07-13 Thread Frans Lawaetz
This came up as a request a year ago and it didn't get any traction at the time so I figured I'd try again.. Is there any way to suppress cf3's warning of a file's permissions being SETUID? >> NEW SETUID root PROGRAM One can quiet commands with contain => silent. I really don't want to be n

Re: CFEngine Help: managing patchs with cfengine and Yum

2011-07-14 Thread Frans Lawaetz
> Im just wondering if any one has managed this or anything similar. Im > currently researching patch management solutions, and have had a few people > suggest CFengine, but CFengine is so sparse im not sure where to start. any > one know any useful post or mind sharing some of their scripts? >

Class locality clarification

2011-07-18 Thread Frans Lawaetz
The reference manual states that classes are local to a bundle unless defined in a common bundle. I just noticed some unexpected behaviour on some hosts where a class defined in one bundle was seemingly active in another bundle. Heavily redacted bundle below.. bundle agent base { file