> If the execresult, in the vars section, fails from time to time then I either 
> have to live with that and know that it will be successful on a later run or 
> write other promises to ensure success.  The example is really to vague for 
> me to offer anything else.

The example is intentionally vague to illustrate my point.

Cfengine already has the capability to both set a class based on a 
command exiting with status zero ("returnszero") as well as activating a 
class based on regex of command output ("regcmp" via "execresult").  
Merging the capabilities of these three into a "regreturnszero" or 
something of the sort would be helpful.

As contained a universe as cfengine is it is inevitable that promises 
will have to interact with outside mechanisms (e.g., job schedulers).  
Knowing the exit status of an outside call allows one to better guide 
system classification.  Indeed it seems a shame to throw away the return 
code passed to "execresult".  The exit status is, after all, part of the 

I feel this feature is lacking but I am a fairly new hand at cfengine 
and have had many a "ah, that's how you do it" moment before.
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