[Harbour] problem with link tools library

2009-09-05 Thread marek . horodyski
x -lrddntx -lrddcdx -lrddfpt -lhbuddall -lrddnsx -lhbrtl -lhbvm -lhbmacro -lhbcplr -lhbpp -lhbcommon -lhbpcre -lhbzlib -lkernel32 -luser32 - lgdi32 -ladvapi32 -lws2_32 -lwinspool -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -lshell32 -luuid -lole32 -loleaut32 -lmpr -lwinmm -lmapi32 -limm32 -lmsimg32 -lwinin et -ohomar.exe

[Harbour] error in zip file

2010-01-03 Thread marek . horodyski
In harbour-nightly.zip file is errror. Infotest from win rar in Polish : ! D:\download\harbour\harbour-nightly.zip: Błąd CRC w harbour\win-make.exe. Plik jest uszkodzony ! D:\download\harbour\harbour-nightly.zip: Archiwum jest uszkodzone Regards, Marek Horodyski

[Harbour] BeginEnd Sequence

2009-03-14 Thread marek . horodyski
e, but when it is executed, oErr is empty (error in error segment). I don't know (dont have info) where is error. When I try build with todays einvironment from naightly zip file, I dont have exe and any info/log file. Regards, Marek Horodyski ---

[Harbour] Begin/End Sequence

2009-03-14 Thread marek . horodyski
? 'No i mamy blad' ? oErr:osCode ? oErr:subsystem() ? oErr:severity ? oErr:subCode ? oErr:moduleName ? oErr:description ? oErr:filename ? oErr:operation ? oErr:genCode ? oEr

[Harbour] Trouble with c code.

2009-03-15 Thread marek . horodyski
ax error before 'hb_parnl'; probable cause: incorrectly spelled type name What is "spelled" type name ? What can I do ? Regards, Marek Horodyski -- Zawsze winny jest mezczyzna?! >>> http://link.i

[Harbour] Another problem with lib file

2009-03-15 Thread marek . horodyski
UN_WYBOR_ is an undefined reference Error! E2028: HB_FUN_META_ is an undefined reference Error! E2028: HB_FUN_KOMUNIKAT_ is an undefined reference Error! E2028: HB_FUN_ERRORHOMAR_ is an undefined reference Error! E2028: HB_FUN_CALLSTACK_ is an undefined reference They are function from homar.l

[Harbour] now try with correct format.

2009-03-15 Thread marek . horodyski
an undefined reference They are function from homar.lib. What I do wrong ? Regards, Marek Horodyski -- "Teraz gry" - program dla graczy, tylko w Interia.tv! >>> http://link.interia.pl/f2081 _

[Harbour] build error

2009-04-03 Thread marek . horodyski
Pls. ignore my last post. All is ok and perfectly work. My mistake in synchronize metod from nightly zip file. Regards, Marek Horodyski -- Kawalerka za 89 tys. zl! Sprawdz >>> http://link.interia

[Harbour] unreachable code

2009-04-03 Thread marek . horodyski
6s -fp6 -onaehtr -s -ei -zp4 -zt0 -oi+ -Id:\harbour\include;d:\watcom\h obj_ow\%1 -foobj_ow\ in poprawny.err file have I : obj_ow\POPRAWNY.c(132): Warning! W013: col(18) unreachable code in 132 poprawny.c file is : } while( 0 ); Regards, Marek Horodyski --

[Harbour] undefined symbol

2009-04-07 Thread marek . horodyski
defined symbol GUID_NULL file d:\harbour\Lib\hbwin.lib(D:\harbour\contrib\hbwin\win_ole.c): undefined symbol IID_IEnumVARIANT Regards, Marek Horodyski -- Kawalerka za 89 tys. zl! Sprawdz >>> http

[Harbour] hbmk2

2009-04-07 Thread marek . horodyski
20090331 (1).7z (║hbmk2 exe│ 847 369│30-03-09│11:50) then hbqtgen is correct build. Is code hbmk2 ok ? Regards, Marek Horodyski -- Nagrody w zasiegu reki! Sprawdz >> http://link.in

[Harbour] serious error in harbour (mistake field and variable)

2009-05-17 Thread marek . horodyski
7;, .f.) dbAppend() Field->Operator := '106' ? Alias(), Field->operator, ValType( m->operator), Version() // TEST 106 A Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 11001) ? operator[ 12]:Eval( '04') // Error BASE/1068 Ar

[Harbour] serious error in harbour (mistake field and variable)

2009-05-17 Thread marek . horodyski
7;, .f.) dbAppend() Field->Operator := '106' ? Alias(), Field->operator, ValType( m->operator), Version() // TEST 106 A Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 11001) ? operator[ 12]:Eval( '04') // Error BASE/1068 Ar

[Harbour] errors log from last nigtly zip file.

2009-05-21 Thread marek . horodyski
ion prototype ../../wvgsink.c(1024): Error! E333: col(123) cannot convert argument to type specified in function prototype make.exe[3]: *** [wvgsink.obj] Error 8 make.exe[2]: *** [descend] Error 2 make.exe[1]: *** [gtwvg] Error 2 make.exe: *** [contrib] Error 2 Regards, Ma

[Harbour] exit with switch and for each

2009-05-23 Thread marek . horodyski
How we can without additive rules use exit for escape from loop in this syntax : for each x in stringORarray switch x case 'a' exit // but we need exit from "for each", not only from switch end next Maby, for optimization, for escape from switch we need another rules wo

[Harbour] gpf

2009-05-23 Thread marek . horodyski
0x0001D000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL Called from RTZP(21) in rtzp.prg Called from KOMPILATOR(0) in kompilat.prg Called from BOSS(0) in boss.prg Called from START(0) in START.PRG Called from MAIN(163) in homar.prg Regards, Marek Horodyski -

[Harbour] Bug in GTWVT ?

2009-06-03 Thread marek . horodyski
This often does not occur, but are more common than not. It is on WinXP with Sp2 and Sp3. Regards, Marek Horodyski -- Sprawdz pogode na dzis! Kliknij >>> http://link.interia.pl/f217d ___

[Harbour] uhttpd v0.2

2009-06-12 Thread marek . horodyski
the mailbox to which I have "subscribed" this list, and from www site I can not give the "answer" on your post. Regards, Marek Horodyski -- Przekaz dalej wiadomosc: Zawsze warto oszczedzac. Teraz

[Harbour] bug in hbmk2 ?

2009-06-18 Thread marek . horodyski
led from MAIN(370) D:\LIBRARY.XHB\bin> Regards, Marek Horodyski -- Nowa akcja Pepsi - nagrody za kody spod nakretek. Zarejestruj sie! http://link.interia.pl/f21cc ___ Harbour mailin

[Harbour] "blind" window from mingw

2009-06-20 Thread marek . horodyski
│2248│ 0│ 0│ ▒ What I make wrong ? Regards, Marek Horodyski -- Dobra czy zla wiadomosc? Zawsze warto oszczedzac. Teraz 5,5%. Sprawdz > http://link.interia.pl/f21b0 ___ Harb

[Harbour] nation chars in PDF file.

2009-06-21 Thread marek . horodyski
pdf) is somewhat complicated. Regards, Marek Horodyski -- Nowa akcja Pepsi - nagrody za kody spod nakretek. Zarejestruj sie! http://link.interia.pl/f21cc ___ Harbour mailing list Har

[Harbour] gpf in GT

2009-06-23 Thread marek . horodyski
in code ( in different GT) : Function Main() Cls ? hb_gtinfo( 43) __Wait( '...') Return Nil Regards, Marek Horodyski -- Dobra czy zla wiadomosc? Zawsze warto oszczedzac. Teraz 5,5%. Sprawd� > http://link.int

[Harbour] Order Keys

2009-07-03 Thread marek . horodyski
How we can use fields type : {{ 'DATA', 'D', 3, 0}, ... to build orders ? When I use DATA or DtoS( DATA), dbSeek() do not can find records. Rdd is DBFCDX. A similar phenomenon when field is type I. Rega

[Harbour] temporary table

2009-07-03 Thread marek . horodyski
Hi, I'm try create temp table with : hb_dbCreateTemp( , , , , ) -> All parameters are required, but nowhere writes in doc and changelog file, what that should be given. Firs 3 parameters are clear, 4 can we guess, but what is ? Why 3,4 and 5 parameters are not optional ? Regard


2009-02-08 Thread marek . horodyski
When I have installed OW 1.8 with option to Linux (experimantal), can I to compile on Windows executables under Linux? Regards, Marek Horodyski -- 169 stacji TV! Naziemne i satelitarne! Sprawdz program TV w kilka sekund

[Harbour] uHTTPD build.

2009-03-01 Thread marek . horodyski
OCKET_GETPEERNAME_ file uhttpd.obj(D:\harbour\contrib\examples\uhttpd\uhttpd.c): undefined symbol HB_FUN_SOCKET_GETSOCKNAME_ file hbrtl.lib(D:\harbour\source\rtl\gtsys.c): undefined symbol HB_FUN_HB_GT_wvg_ What is wrong ? R

[Harbour] hbhpdf

2010-05-09 Thread marek . horodyski
ib When I try build apps, see I : d:\mingw\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: cannot find -lhbhpdf Regards, Marek Horodyski -- Kup wlasne mieszkanie za 72 tys. zl. Sprawdz najlepsze oferty >>