When I link app with :

hbmk2 -n -m -w2 -gc3 -std -gtwin homar.prg -lhbct -lhomar -lhbwin -trace

all is ok and app work in character mode.

But when my command is :

hbmk2 -n -m -w2 -gc3 -gtgui homar.prg -lhbct -lhomar -lhbwin -trace

I do not see it (any widow is created), but it is work, and I see it on OS 
process list :

╔═════════════════════════════ PROCESSES: ═════════════════════════[]═╗
║        Name        │  Size   │  Date  │Time │  PID   │  PPID  │CPU│ M
║..                  │<UP--DIR>│01-01-80│01:01│        │        │   │  ▒
║homar_mw_gui     exe│3 139 494│20-06-09│12:49│    2248│       0│  0│  ▒

What I make wrong ?

Marek Horodyski

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