D:\harbour>find /i "error" log-owatcom.txt

---------- LOG-OWATCOM.TXT
../../wvgsink.c(313): Error! E473: col(59) function argument(s) do not match 
those in prototype
../../wvgsink.c(324): Error! E473: col(60) function argument(s) do not match 
those in prototype
../../wvgsink.c(334): Error! E473: col(109) function argument(s) do not match 
those in prototype
../../wvgsink.c(455): Error! E473: col(50) function argument(s) do not match 
those in prototype
../../wvgsink.c(597): Error! E333: col(78) cannot convert argument to type 
specified in function prototype
../../wvgsink.c(600): Error! E333: col(118) cannot convert argument to type 
specified in function prototype
../../wvgsink.c(872): Error! E333: col(74) cannot convert argument to type 
specified in function prototype
../../wvgsink.c(981): Error! E333: col(74) cannot convert argument to type 
specified in function prototype
../../wvgsink.c(1024): Error! E333: col(123) cannot convert argument to type 
specified in function prototype
make.exe[3]: *** [wvgsink.obj] Error 8
make.exe[2]: *** [descend] Error 2
make.exe[1]: *** [gtwvg] Error 2
make.exe: *** [contrib] Error 2
Marek Horodyski

Oryginalne przepisy na grilla. Zaskocz swoich gosci!
Sprawdz >>> http://link.interia.pl/f217c

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