Sorry, I have too troble with format send mails from www.

adwice with FHANDLE -> HB_FHANDLE is "bingo" :).

But now, have I another problem.
I use owatcom.
Most of my prg code I compile to c a=
nd obj file :

harbour %1 /n/w2/l/gc3/o.\obj_ow\
wpp386.exe  -Id:\harbour\include;d:\watcom\h obj_ow\%1 -foobj_ow\

and after this inlude it in lib file :

wlib -p=3D64 -c -n -o=3Dd:\harbour\lib\homar.lib homar +obj_ow\%1

But when I try link :

harbour homar  /n/w2/l/gc3
harbour braki /n/w2/l/gc3
wpp386.exe  -Id:\harbour\include;d:\watcom\h homar
wpp386.exe  -Id:\harbour\include;d:\watcom\h braki
wlink.Exe  @lp.lnk >_LinkInfo

when in lp.lnk are :

NAME homar.Exe

FILE homar.Obj, braki.Obj

LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbrtl.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbvmmt.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hblang.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbmacro.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbrdd.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\rddntx.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\rddcdx.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\rddfpt.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbcommon.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\homar.lib <<- here is my lib file
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbpp.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbsix.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\gtwvg.Lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbct.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbpcre.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbusrrdd.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbwin.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbtip.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbmzip.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbzlib.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbziparc.lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\Kernel32.Lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\User32.Lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\Gdi32.Lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\WinSpool.Lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\gtcgi.lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\ComCtl32.Lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\ComDlg32.Lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\gtgui.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\gtwin.lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\AdvAPI32.Lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\gtwvt.lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\shell32.lib
LIBRARY d:\harbour\Lib\hbnf.lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\Ole32.Lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\OleAut32.Lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\Uuid.Lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\odbc32.lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\odbccp32.lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\IPHlpApi.Lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\Mpr.Lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\Version.Lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\WSock32.Lib
LIBRARY d:\watcom\lib386\nt\MSImg32.Lib

I don't have exe file, and in log are many info lines like :

Error! E2028: HB_FUN_WYBOR_ is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: HB_FUN_META_ is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: HB_FUN_KOMUNIKAT_ is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: HB_FUN_ERRORHOMAR_ is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: HB_FUN_CALLSTACK_ is an undefined reference

They are function from homar.lib.

What I do wrong ?

Marek Horodyski

"Teraz gry" - program dla graczy, tylko w! >>>

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