What wrong is in this code ? : Function Poprawny( txt, wykonanie, wynik, x, video) Local poprawny := .t., oBlad, oldBlock := ErrorBlock( {|oE| Break(oE)}) #include 'homar.ch' DEFAULT wykonanie TO .f., video to .t. Begin Sequence If ValType( x) == 'B' ElseIf Left( StrTran( txt, ' ', ''), 2) != '{|' ; x := &( '{|| ' + txt + '}') Else ; x := &txt // w x mamy blok kodu End If wykonanie ; wynik := x:Eval() End RECOVER USING oBlad If video ; Opcja( oBlad:description + ':' + oBlad:operation ,{ 'Ok'},, .t.) End poprawny := .f. End ErrorBlock( oldBlock) Return poprawny
When I compile it with /n/w2/l/gc3/o.\obj_ow\ and after this wpp386.exe -zq -bt=NT -bm -w3 -6s -fp6 -onaehtr -s -ei -zp4 -zt0 -oi+ -Id:\harbour\include;d:\watcom\h obj_ow\%1 -foobj_ow\ in poprawny.err file have I : obj_ow\POPRAWNY.c(132): Warning! W013: col(18) unreachable code in 132 poprawny.c file is : } while( 0 ); Regards, Marek Horodyski ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kawalerka za 89 tys. zl! Sprawdz >>> http://link.interia.pl/f20fb _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour