>From groff-bounces+mexas=bristol.ac...@gnu.org Mon Jan 16 15:00:02 2017
>Is there a way to use troff symbols or unicode characters within eqn?
Maybe I misunderstood your question?
This works fine, e.g. with ms:
\[Po] \[:u] \['e] \[te] \[fa] \[st]
I often refer to groff_char(7) for the
>From gaius.mul...@southwales.ac.uk Thu Apr 14 20:37:49 2016
>I'd try changing it to:
>.if !'\*(.T'html' .na
>and also you could try:
>.if '\*(.T'html' .ll 20i
>.\" aweful hack I know
Doesn't make any difference, still
the white space between the last 2 words
in the longer headers is gon
>From gaius.mul...@southwales.ac.uk Thu Apr 14 16:02:42 2016
>I wonder if it might be worth commenting out the .RP and see if html
>generation works? It appears to be influencing the initial macros
>which might be conflicting with html.
Actually, after fixing the .XS/.XE placement issue,
the ou
> Do you otherwise find the output is OK?
I think I found the problem.
I cut down the document until the
html looked ok. The problem seems to
appear when I use XS/XE immediately after NH,
rat> cat bad.1
.NH 1
A title
A title
Some text
rat> /usr/local/bin/groff -ms -Thtml bad.1 >
>From ra...@inputplus.co.uk Thu Apr 14 12:50:29 2016
>I suspect the error can be ignored the two times it appears for you.
Ralph, thank you for a detailed analysis.
>Do you otherwise find the output is OK?
no, not at all:
I have other errors and warnings
.lf 1 ./doc.1
.\"$Id: doc.1 57 2016-04-13 14:34:10Z mexas $
.\" Copyright (c) 2016 Anton Shterenlikht, The University of Bristol
.\" See LICENSE for licensing conditions
.RP no
.hy 0
delim ##
Parallel programming with Fortran 2008 coarrays
and so on.
>From gaius.mul...@southwales.ac.uk Wed Apr 13 15:53:13 2016
>> soelim doc.1 | pic | tbl | eqn -Tps:html | pre-grohtml troff -ms
>> -Thtml | post-grohtml
>> What if I have a file that has already been processed
>> by soelim and refer?
>multiple preprocessing via soelim is fine - a no-op.
So how do I use grohtml?
As groff -Thtml?
Using groff -Thtml -V shows me this pipeline:
soelim doc.1 | pic | tbl | eqn -Tps:html | pre-grohtml troff -ms
-Thtml | post-grohtml
What if I have a file that has already been processed
by soelim and refer?
What does -Tps:html mean?
On FreeBSD 11-current, with groff 1.22 installed
rat> pkg info -xo groff
groff-1.22.2_4 textproc/groff
rat> pkg info -xl groff|grep groh
Before I contact the FreeB
>On 26/02/16 15:56, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
>> I've a document that is built with pdfroff.
>> I use mspdf macro package and also PSPIC.
>> This results in a document with 3 extra
>> pages after the cover page, where all PostScript
>> files, mention
I've a document that is built with pdfroff.
I use mspdf macro package and also PSPIC.
This results in a document with 3 extra
pages after the cover page, where all PostScript
files, mentioned in PSPIC requests are shown:
All my so
Hi Keith,
Does pdfroff + mspdf understand PSPIC?
When I use .PSPIC, the image appears twice -
once where it should appear, and second time
between the cover and TOC.
Is there any other way to add images
when using pdfroff + mspdf?
Many thanks
>> How can I make the title page be the
>> very first page in the final PDF file?
>Use the '--stylesheet' option to pdfroff; see the manpage for details,
>and the build procedure for pdfmark.pdf, in the groff source distribution.
ok, got it.
I have to hack my own cover page,
because ms' default
With pdfroff I get
macro error: RP is not allowed after the first page has started
even when RP is used before TL, AU, etc.
If I don't use RP, then the title info appears
after TOC and references, which is not great.
How can I make the title page be the
very first page in the final PDF file?
>This script will prefer environment variables GROFF_BIN_DIR then
>GROFF_BIN_PATH (why is all that, btw.? ph!) falling back to
>PATH as a last option only. So doing
> $ ( GROFF_BIN_PATH=/usr/local/bin/; $GROFF_BIN_PATH/pdfroff )
>should do it, no? Not seldom the quality of packages is r
This is on FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE-p9,
with base OS groff, /usr/bin/groff at 1.19.2,
and groff-1.22.2_3 istalled via packages
under /usr/local/bin.
When I try to run pdfroff 1.22, it pulls
groff 1.19:
$ /usr/local/bin/pdfroff --version
GNU pdfroff (groff) version 1.22.2
GNU groff version 1.19.2
Hi Keith,
spdf is a very useful macro, thank you.
I get good results with it:
(except for pdfroff errors reported in the prev. mail).
However, I get errors using both XN macros
with .pdfhref L requests. Is such mixed use allowed?
If not, how can I comb
>No, pdfmark doesn't, but if you use pdfroff rather than groff, then it
>will take care of TOC relocation for you; you will also need to use
>pdfroff, (or Deri's "-Tpdf" capability), to properly format active cross
>references within the document body.
>Finally, if you are using pdfroff, and you
I discovered pdfmark macro today.
I like it, and would like to use it's
facilities for hyperlinking and automatic
table of contents.
However, pdfmark.pdf included in groff-1.22.2
stops just at this point.
Section "The XN Macro" is empty,
as are all subsequent sections.
The intro says that
This is my FreeBSD build log:
Perhaps if you compare it with yours, you'll be able
to narrow down the problem.
Probably does not help you,
but since you are talking about BSD make,
groff 1.22.2_3 builds fine on FreeBSD.
(3 is the FreeBSD port revision for this groff version).
The port was last updated on 26-AUG-2015.
>So, having read the friendly manual, I decided to start working on my book.=
> I wrote the following:
>.RP no
>A Stranger World
>Koz Ross
>.AB no
I think you need .AE after .AB.
Ralph, thank you
This was a very useful Unix tutorial.
>From ra...@inputplus.co.uk Wed Sep 16 12:10:02 2015
>Why use head(1)? Why did Berkeley even bother to create head when sed
>already existed and had the functionality?
I didn't know that.
>I'm assuming you know about the SIGPIPE, or EPIPE return from write(2),
>that occurs when sed closes its
>$ (printf '.pl 1i\n.ll 2i\n'; yes 'a \n%') | nroff | sed 13q
>a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1
>a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1
>a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1
>a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1
>a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1
>a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1
>a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2
>a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2
>a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 a
>From carsten.ku...@arcor.de Wed Sep 9 15:14:26 2015
>It looks like that this is hard coded when using ".]<" ...
>You may do
>.rm ref*biblio-start-hook
>after the first list.
>Maybe a short example with actual and desired nroff output could help to find
I'm making a document with multiple lists
of references. Each list comes under its own
header, so I don't need "References" written
at the top of each list. I'm using ms.
How can I disable the printing of string "References".
In case it matters, I process each file with references
by refer
>From keith.d.marsh...@ntlworld.com Wed Feb 4 06:06:14 2015
>On 03/02/15 12:05, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
>> In the "UNIX processing handbook", 1988, there is a mention of .NP
>> macro for ms macros.
>I assume you mean the reference on page 105, (in th
In the "UNIX processing handbook", 1988, there is
a mention of .NP macro for ms macros.
I cannot find it groff 1.22 ms. Has it been
Also, if I put .NP in my document, it has
no effect, and no warnings/errors are given.
Is this normal groff behaviour - quetly to
ingore all unrecognised mac
>From ra...@inputplus.co.uk Thu Jan 22 14:07:02 2015
>If you look at the end of zz.ps there's no `%%Page' or content, so
>something's gone wrong.
>Taking your z.ps, I find
>$ psmerge z.ps z.ps | grep %%Page
>%%Pages: (atend)
>%%Page: 1 1
>%%PageBoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
>From mexas Thu Jan 22 13:34:59 2015
>To: groff@gnu.org
>Subject: multiple lists of references in a document
>Reply-To: me...@bris.ac.uk
>I need to prepare a document with 2 separate
>lists of references. I cannot see a way to
>do this directly. Is there?
>So I wanted to prepare two separate Po
I need to prepare a document with 2 separate
lists of references. I cannot see a way to
do this directly. Is there?
So I wanted to prepare two separate PostScript
documents and then merge them into one with
psmerge, part of psutils:
The two Post
>From mbian...@foveal.com Fri Dec 5 14:58:42 2014
> u stands for "basic unit" ...
> From https://www.gnu.org/software/groff/manual/html_node/Measurements.html
> gtroff (like many other programs) requires numeric parameters to
> specify various measurements. Most numeric parame
>From d...@oxytropis.plus.com Fri Dec 5 14:30:08 2014
>> The only thing I don't understand is
>> what is "u" in
>> lw(\n[w1]u)
>The default unit for the value in the w() modifier is en; so in my
>example w1 has value (in nroff) 144000 and if you leave u off it will
>be evaluated in en's (
Thank you, that's what I was looking for.
The only thing I don't understand is
what is "u" in
tbl says:
u,UMove the corresponding column up one half-line.
which I don't need, but if I remove "u",
the formatting becomes completely broken.
In my case I get good results wit
I want to make a document that can give good
ascii and Postscript results. I found that I need
to adjust the formating of tables. I'm trying to
to this with .ie/.el like this:
10 .TS H
11 expand,center;
12 .ie t lw(0.5i) lw(0.01i) lw(0.5i) lw(2.5i) lw(1.4i).
13 .el lw(1i) lw(0.
>From ra...@inputplus.co.uk Fri Sep 5 11:38:30 2014
>Hi Anton,
>> Of course the point of an abstract is to fit on one page.
>> However, it is always good to know the rules exactly.
>> So is ms supposed to behave in this way?
>It only has code to handle a cover *page*, so yes.
I have a document with an abstract,
inside ms .AB/.AE, that is longer than a page.
With groff -ms ... I get
macro error: cover sheet overflow
and the abstract is truncated at the end of
the first page. Is this the expected behaviour?
Of course the point of an abstract is to fit on one page.
>Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2014 12:31:09 +0200 (CEST)
>From: Carsten Kunze
>To: groff@gnu.org
>You could try
>.mk A
>and on the next page
>.sp |\nA
>(have not tested that.)
In UNIX Text Processing, p. 462, the advice is
.mk Q
.sp |\nQu
Neither your form nor theirs (with "u" at the end) work.
>From ra...@inputplus.co.uk Thu Sep 4 12:49:40 2014
>Hi Anton,
>> Also, in latex figures are treated as floats and the text can move
>> before the figure, even if it's later than the fiture in the src, if
>> there is some space left on the previous page, and the figure does not
>> fit. I'm us
I use .mk/.rt to place multiple pic drawings
side by side. I noticed that when the .PS/.PE
macros occur at the bottom of the page, and
the drawing does not fit, the drawings appear
on the following page one after another vertically,
no longer aligned.
Is this the expected behavior?
I might have mi
>Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 16:01:28 +0100
>From: Ralph Corderoy
>This works fine for me, putting a big space between the 1 and the 4.
>3 over { 1 "\h'1i'" 4 } = pi
yes, the warning has gone.
I presume it was a warning, because the
required spacing was created even without
the double quotes.
This line:
gives "unquoted escape" warning.
As far as I can see from the manual,
this horisontal motion is correct.
It is used to shift an equation right:
E =
{ mu ( 3 lambda + 2 mu ) }
{ lambda + mu }
~ ~~~
mark ;
~ ~~~
nu = lambda over { 2 ( lambda + m
To me
.char \[-+] \f[S]\v'.05v'\z+\v'-.3v'\-\v'.3v'\v'-.05v'\f[]
looks better vertically aligned, but it's just a bikeshed.
Many thanks for all replies.
>From groff-bounces+mexas=bristol.ac...@gnu.org Tue Jul 29 17:21:12 2014
>Try something like
>.char \[-+] \f[S]\v'.1v'\z+\v'-.25v'\-\v'.25v'\v'-.1v'\f[]
>The spacing needs more fine-tuning, I don't have time at the moment.
This is good, although it's a bit lower on the
line than \[+-]. Anywa
>From ra...@inputplus.co.uk Tue Jul 29 15:42:56 2014
>Hi Ted,
>> When you say 'I need "minus plus" as well as "plus minus", do you
>> mean that you also need a symbol consisting of a "-" sign above
>> a "+" sign?
>Yes. (I didn't spot the distinction.)
>$ curl -sS
> http://partners.ado
>From groff-bounces+mexas=bristol.ac...@gnu.org Tue Jul 29 13:41:51 2014
>> How can I access the "minus plus" symbol?
>"\(+-" works for me. Maybe the charactor order you use is wrong.
I need "minus plus" as well as "plus minus".
For plus minus you can also use \[+-].
But \[-+] gives warning, a
I'm looking at groff_char(7) and see
N/A \[-+]uni2213 u2213
or when I try using it:
full.1:5686: warning: can't find special character `-+'
How can I access the "minus plus" symbol?
>> To place two images side by side.
>Here is an example of how I do it usually:
>Finding a shortest path from node $a$ to node $e$ using Dijkstra's
>.PSPIC -L dijkstra.eps 10c
>.sp -0.7v
>.PSPIC -R dijkstra2.eps 10c
>Why the ".sp -0.7v" is needed to achieve alignmen
>> Is it possible to have bold greek letters?
>With groff as distributed, using the Postscript device,
>it's not possible. You will need to install either a bold
>text font that contains Greek letters or a bold symbol font
>(plus a corresponding non-bold symbol font for consistency).
>For the la
Is it possible to have bold greek letters?
Simply using
bold sigma
doesn't seem to work.
Please advise
At 730 pages, with dense maths,
extensive cross-referencing, multiple
bibliographies, index, etc. this book:
is the best recent example of
an engineering/science book in *roff,
that I know of.
>From the preface:
"Except for Chapter 9, I have formatted
the book using
I sent this to the list yesterday, but seems
it didn't reach it, so trying to send again.
ms table of contents (TOC) facilities are poor.
The groff manual agrees with me. Moreover it
suggests that NH macro should be modified [1].
Here's an easy macro that helps. Any comments?
$ cat msext.t
>To: groff@gnu.org
>Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 13:06:29 +
>From: Ralph Corderoy
>I read _The TeXbook_ and returned to troff. The input language of troff
>is superior for mark-up that doesn't clutter the prose, e.g. often small
Nobody I know of uses raw tex nowadays.
I'd advise against reading
>From: James Cloos
>To: groff@gnu.org
>Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 17:59:09 -0400
>Gnuplot would like an example document showcasing troff+pic, using
>gnuplot's gpic terminal to generate the pic, for regression testing.
>Does anyone have one handy?
>James Cloos OpenPGP: 1024D/
>From ted.hard...@wlandres.net Sun Mar 16 01:01:31 2014
>Here is a suggestion (it's a technique I use systematically for
>the purpose you describe). The following is in the context of ms
>macros, though the same (or possibly a slight variant) should work
>for other macro sets.
>**I first define
My groff experience is very limited.
I've been using latex for years, so
probably I just need to get used to
groff ways of cross-referencing.
I'd like to give a label to every
equation, and then use those labels
for cross-referencing, as in latex.
I've done someting like this with
mm EC + mmr
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 13:56:54 +0100
From: Tadziu Hoffmann
> image1 image2image3
>(a) (b) (c)
> Caption: a common caption for all (a), (b) and (c)
Use mark and return.
Here's how I would do it if
What is the best way to include several ps files
in one groff figure, e.g. two or more images side by side,
or an array of images, e.g. 4x4:
(a) (b)
Caption: a common caption for both (a) and (b)
From: Pierre-Jean
> This could help me to resolve my personal "TeX vs
> Groff" advantages and disadvantages dilemma (And other peoâ
> ple reading the mailing list too).
This has been discussed a lot here. It also have been
discussed on plan9 m
From groff-bounces+mexas=bristol.ac...@gnu.org Fri Sep 14 01:02:45 2012
Anton --
On Thu, Sep 13, 2012, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> I need to add book edition to a refer database entry.
> There seems to be no dedicated edition field. Which
I need to add book edition to a refer database entry.
There seems to be no dedicated edition field. Which
field should I use?
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 07:07:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Dorai Sitaram
To: "groff@gnu.org"
Subject: Re: [Groff] Indexing these days with groff
+1 on makeindex. See http://www.ccs.neu.edu/~dorai/troff2page (section
5) if one wants to work off a working example.
From groff-bounces+mexas=bristol.ac...@gnu.org Thu Sep 6 18:37:05 2012
> %X DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2010.03.013
> Should I use %O for it if I want to use mom?
If you want an annotation at the end of a reference, use %n rather
than %X (w
I'm just starting with mom.
I'm surely doing something wrong.
Please help
TZAV> cat try2.1
.TITLE "the title"
.AUTHOR "the author"
Here's Fokion's thesis
join-authors ", and " ", " ", and "
sort A1Q1T1B1E1
reverse A1
The mom manual doesn't mention %X refer field:
Does it mean mom will not understand, or ignore %X field?
I use for DOI information, e.g.
%X DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2010.03.013
Should I use %O for it if I want to use mom?
Thank you
refer(1) man page suggests that refer
output is incompartible with mm.
My quick check shows that ms and me
indeed work (produce the references
section with all references), but
mm does not.
Is that correct?
So if I want to use refer, I have
to use either ms or me, right?
From anton@gmail.com Thu Aug 23 14:43:42 2012
Keith Marshall:
> > That is solved by (thanks to Anton Shepelev > ton@gmail.com>)
> >
> > .hd@set-page -1
> >
> But that isn't really a good solution! It re-
Now that I sorted
From keith.d.marsh...@ntlworld.com Thu Aug 23 13:28:51 2012
On 22/08/12 23:49, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> Thank you. Here's a small document:
> \" process with mm
I'm not an mm user, but surely this is wrong
From anton@gmail.com Thu Aug 23 10:42:55 2012
Anton Shterenlikht:
> I want the cover page to show no page number, the
> front page to show no number, and the first normal
> page to show page number 2. All pages after that
From anton@gmail.com Wed Aug 22 23:23:14 2012
Anton Shterenlikht:
> This doesn't seem to have an effect on the cover or
> the front pages. Adding .PGNH removes page number
> from all consequtive pages, but not from these two.
From anton@gmail.com Wed Aug 22 12:47:08 2012
Anton Shterenlikht:
> I'd like to make a cover page with mm .COV-
> ER/.COVEND. How can I not number it, i.e. start
> numbering pages only from the following (front)
From groff-bounces+mexas=bristol.ac...@gnu.org Wed Aug 22 16:36:13 2012
Anton Shterenlikht:
> > Also, you can use the second argument to .GETST
> > to save the reference into a string and use that
> > in the caption.
From anton@gmail.com Wed Aug 22 12:47:07 2012
> I want to reference some figure in the caption of
> another figure.
Also, you can use the second argument to .GETST to
save the reference into a string and use that in the
Thanks, this
I want to reference some figure in the caption of
another figure. I tried:
.PSPIC rep-room-mises-nomesh.ps 6.0
.ds caption "Same as Fig. \"
.as caption ".GETST fig:room-mises-mesh,"\
.as caption " but with mesh not plotted for clarity.\"
.FG "\*[caption]" "" 0 fig:room-mises-nomesh
.SETR fi
I'd like to make a cover page with mm .COVER/.COVEND.
How can I not number it, i.e. start numbering pages
only from the following (front) page?
Also, ideally I don't want to show the number on
the front page. How to do this?
As an illustration, I'd like to have the page
numbering as in here:
From anton@gmail.com Wed Aug 22 09:28:08 2012
Using the psutils package, you can move the last
page containing the TOC to the beginning of the doc-
psselect -p_1,1-_2 in.ps out.ps
Thanks, this works fine.
From sinclai...@gmail.com Wed Aug 22 02:49:26 2012
groff mm macros defines four registers: Lf, Lt, Lx, and Le. The first
three are set to 1 (enable) by default. To disable printing of List of
figures, List of tables and List of exhibits set them to 0. The last
How can I make the ToC appear in the
beginning of the document, and not
at the end, with mm .TC macro?
Also, how can I disable the inclusion
of the list of figures and the list
of tables?
From werner.lemb...@gmx.de Mon Aug 20 01:14:00 2012
> which I'd like to break into several shorter
> lines, but this doesn't seem to work:
Yes, eqn inserts various computations so that line continuations in
macros don't work. As a rule of thumb, don't use e
In this fragment of a troff document
build on FreeBSD 10.0-current
pic z.1 |eqn|groff -mm > z.ps
I have a multi-line caption:
.PIC -C rep-peeq-srf.ps 5.0
.FG "Equivalent plastic strain ahead of the notch (if any) for all models at
$-196 sup{0}$C at the surface at $epsilon su
81 matches
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