>On 26/02/16 15:56, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
>> I've a document that is built with pdfroff.
>> I use mspdf macro package and also PSPIC.
>> This results in a document with 3 extra
>> pages after the cover page, where all PostScript
>> files, mentioned in PSPIC requests are shown:
>> https://sourceforge.net/p/coarrays/svn/HEAD/tree/head/doc/doc.pdf
>> All my sources are at:
>> https://sourceforge.net/p/coarrays/svn/HEAD/tree/head/doc/
>> Is my cover.ps wrong?
>> Or perhaps pdfmark is incompatible with pspic?
>More likely PSPIC doesn't play nicely with pdfroff's crude, and
>extremely hackish method of relocating tables of content, which have
>been generated for output by ms' .TC; (I'm thinking, specifically, that
>PSPIC may emit output to the "paper", even when the typesetter is in
>"pen up" mode, where pdfroff expects nothing but entirely blank pages,
>which it suppresses, preceding the table of contents itself).
>What happens if you run pdfroff with its --no-toc-relocation option?

Keith, thank you for taking the time.
With --no-toc-relocation the duplicate images are gone:


This is much better, thank you.

I was thinking of using --emit-ps, and then
relocating TOC & references with psselect, but
the results are weird. It seems something is
wrong with page numbering
in the PostScript file produced with --emit-ps:


at least gv gets very confused with page down/page up,
and psselect results are unexpected.

Many thanks again!


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