From Wed Aug 22 12:47:08 2012

        Anton Shterenlikht:

        > I'd  like  to  make  a  cover  page  with mm .COV-
        > ER/.COVEND.  How can I not number it,  i.e.  start
        > numbering  pages  only  from the following (front)
        > page?
        > Also, ideally I don't want to show the  number  on
        > the front page. How to do this?

        I  don't  have time to check it, but here's a couple
        of things to try.  If  your  pagenumber  is  in  the
        header,  which is mm's default, then you can disable
        it with .PGNH.  To disable the footer you could tem-
        porarily rename (.rn) your .EOP macro.

This doesn't seem to have an effect on the cover or
the front pages. Adding .PGNH removes page number
from all consequtive pages, but not from these two.
The footer is fine. I put the date there.

Thank you


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