From Thu Aug 23 10:42:55 2012 Anton Shterenlikht:
> I want the cover page to show no page number, the > front page to show no number, and the first normal > page to show page number 2. All pages after that > I want to be numbered consequtively. This is complicated and couldn't do it without fix- ing mm. Maybe it's not working correctly. The .PGNH is ignored because mm/ms.cov has: .pg@enable-top-trap which undoes its effect. To make it respect .PGNH, I have modified m.tmac's definition of .COVER to store the current setting in a number register be- fore the corresponding pg@disable-top-trap is called: ... .el .ds cov*cov-type \\$1 .nr prev-top-trap \\n[pg*top-enabled]\"<--Added this line .pg@disable-top-trap ... and instead of calling pg@enable-top-trap in ms.cov I am restoring the value from the register: .pg@enable-top-trap\" I deleted this line .nr pg*top-enabled \\n[prev-top-trap]\" and inserted this To fix the page numbering I called .hd@set-page -1 in the beginning of your source. Attached is your modified example that looks as want. My "fix" is probably a bad one, and maybe it would be better to pass a parameter to cover indicating the presence of another cover sheet and disabling the header on the next page... Yes, this works fine, thank you. However, I'm very reluctant to mess with mm/ms macro definitions locally. I'll live with the page number on the front page. The most annoying thing was the page number on the cover page, which is solved by .hd@set-page -1. Many thanks for your quick and helpful replies. Anton