From Wed Aug 22 12:47:07 2012 > I want to reference some figure in the caption of > another figure.
Also, you can use the second argument to .GETST to save the reference into a string and use that in the caption. Thanks, this works: .DS CB .PSPIC 6.0 .ds caption "Mises stress in the 0.3 mm notch model\" .as caption " at \*[cold]\" .as caption " at \*[ep02]\" .as caption " at the notch root.\" .as caption " The fine grain material is at the top,\" .as caption " and the coarse grain material is at the\" .as caption " bottom. The discontinuity of stress at\" .as caption " the boundary is cleary visible.\" .FG "\*[caption]" "" 0 fig:cold-mises-mesh .SETR fig:cold-mises-mesh .DE .DS CB .PSPIC 6.0 .ds caption "Same as Fig.\" .as caption " .GETST fig:cold-mises-mesh,\" .as caption " but with mesh not shown for clarity.\" .FG "\*[caption]" "" 0 fig:cold-mises-nomesh .SETR fig:cold-mises-nomesh .DE Now the number of the first figure is included in the caption of the second figure. The only problem is that the strings cannot be used before they are defined. So if a reference has to be made from the beginning of the document to a figure (or table) at the end, then GETST must be moved to a place earlier than the first use of the string. Many thanks Anton