On 12/16/2022 8:23 PM, David Cousens wrote:
Agree that it would be ideal to have a single user directory but unfortunately
the different OS's have different requirements and conventions and they also
vary somewhat between various Linux distributions. It would not be too hard to
create a Linux bas
Actually, not a specific gnucash question and while I am US (and file
taxes here) anyone who understands double entry bookkeeping could answer.
Because you are asking "how do I enter a transaction if I know it might
have to be corrected later?" The point is that you CAN later enter a
At this point things look good. So what does one do next? Press
Return seems like a safe bet. However it is far from it. All that
happens is that the whole transaction disappears. The alternative,
using another Tab is almost as bad. The £1.99 debit in Groceries is
now replaced by a £5.2
On 12/17/2022 6:27 PM, R Losey wrote:
When you say "bank card", are you talking about something like a debit
card, or a credit card?
Also, was this at one shop where you spent 7.24?
If it is a debit card (money comes directly from the bank account, in
contrast to a credit card, where charges ac
On 12/18/2022 10:20 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
For a USA person, when I move cash from a regular IRA (tax deferred
account) to a Roth IRA (tax free account), besides the movement of the
cash, I need to also somehow show that the cash moved is considered
income. What should be the other side of the
On 12/19/2022 2:49 PM, David T. wrote:
While I fully respect your answer, with over 45 million IRA accounts
in the US (according to one source I found online), this is a pretty
common circumstance. It should be possible for basic guidance to be
given by *someone*, without all 45 mill
On 12/20/2022 9:55 AM, Eric Chapman wrote:
I am wondering how, in GnuCash, to account for assets bought to resell
or other assets that will later be expensed as used.
I found something relevant in the wiki:
https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Inventory_Handling. Best I can tell,
GnuCash does
On 12/20/2022 10:22 AM, Eric Chapman wrote:
I named my file incorrectly. I guess in GnuCash the data file is
called a "book". I'm using .xml.
Should I export and import with a new name (as discussed here in issue
tracker: https://github.com/codinguser/gnucash-android/issues/634)?
1) Y
On 12/20/2022 6:00 PM, R Losey wrote:
I guess it would depend on how detailed you wanted to be... you could
create an Inventory asset category, and create as many sub-categories as
you need to. Purchases add to the inventory; sales delete from it, etc.
Yes, but the connection to general ledger
On 12/21/2022 4:04 PM, R Losey wrote:
Granted, and all good points, but they weren't listed in the original
question, so it gives a better idea of what you are looking for.
No, I was trying to explain that an "inventory system" deals with things
way outside the scope of something like gnucash.
On 12/24/2022 7:00 AM, Jeff wrote:
Hi all,
I am a >10 year (daily) gnucash user, in the last few years on Debian
testing. I've not had to change the preferences in years.
A couple of days ago, gnucash stopped respecting all settings:
* the previous set of accounts was not automatically loaded
On 12/25/2022 7:51 PM, Stan Brown wrote:
The new top-level account is for _Non-Operating_ income and expenses. As
such, I would make it an equity account. I agree with you, though, that
it should definitely be a placeholder.
What I'm not clear on is why it must be a top-level account. To me it
If you create a bill, then entering multiple items then defaults to the
original date. However, once posted, the next thing to do is pay it. The
payment date defaults to the current date.
Just pointing out again, but accounting (and gnucash) not a "real tine"
activity. The CORRECT date to u
On 12/27/2022 2:00 PM, Steve Butler wrote:
If I paid today and enter the transaction today it should have today's
date on it.
Especially if paid with cash. If I wrote a check I must be ready for
them to go immediately to the bank and cash it
I think misunderstood?
Yes of course, if you mad
On 12/28/2022 6:38 AM, David Long wrote:
Thanks Adrien for your reply. I have also been trying to produce a report
showing this year's P&L compared with previous. I tried the multi column
reports, but the descriptions repeat and the rows do not line up.
Reporting Actual V Budget and prior years
On 12/28/2022 11:07 AM, R Losey wrote:
While that is technically true, I enter credit card charges on the day
I use the card, not when it clears... ditto for writing checks, and I
suspect most people do it that way. 98% of the time it doesn't matter,
but I have run into end-of-month and end-of
On 12/28/2022 11:11 AM, R Losey wrote:
That would be an interesting poll (about when one enters data)...
I put all receipts in a drawer and enter them into GnuCash weekly, and
after that, they get filed.
What I have been saying, not "real time". The "today" date (the day
once week when you e
On 12/30/2022 1:02 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
I suppose there could have been a bug..
GnuCash is supposed to prevent you from exiting if there is unsaved data.
However, I suppose there COULD be a way for you to shut down / close
GnuCash in a way that prevents it from popping up that dialog box.
On 1/2/2023 10:40 AM, John Layman wrote:
Writing to SSD is not instantaneous and I've found auto-save to be an
annoyance. I much prefer creating backups at coherent checkpoints by
I also (strongly) prefer doing periodic explicit saves and always reject
"auto-save". The only exception
On 1/2/2023 1:43 PM, Gyle McCollam wrote:
No Gnucash doesn't recognize that someone else had made an entry, because as I
understand it Gnucash opens in memory. It is not a multiuser program.
It is not a SIMULTANEOUS multiple user program. It is OK for multiple
sequential users provided nobody
On 1/3/2023 4:15 PM, Jamie Tolbert wrote:
Starting a new business. For the next month or so, what few bills I
have will be paid by me, until I get my business checking set up. Its
been years since I studied double entry accounting, but I thought if I
paid a bill for lets say 100.00, I would cre
In your example, you would not credit Equity ("my owner account") when
you pay a bill. Crediting an equity account increases its balance, and
you don't own anything more than you did before you paid the bill. Your
equity in the business is the net of assets minus liabilities, but it's
quite rar
This discussion merits a comment.
ALL .csv means is an indication that the data is in a file of "records"
each of which contains data fields separated by commas. It does not mean
ANYTHING about what the fields mean (what sort of data is there) or what
is the logical order of the fields.
I would expect that the .csv file could be imported in a "modern" spreadsheet
program (Excel, localc, etc.) by the accountant. If there is a header row, the
columns would be labeled. I expect most modern spreadsheet programs can
re-order columns.
No offense, but this sort of thing is what I u
On 1/5/2023 7:19 PM, Simon Roberts wrote:
Can I check an understanding? I have an account "Liabilities:CreditCard"
Assuming I owe them money, the balance of this would be positive, am I
The "senses" in double entry bookkeeping are "debit" and "credit" (as
opposed to "po
On 1/6/2023 12:46 AM, David Carlson wrote:
I feel that the register column sizing is complicated by the fact that the
register view is constrained by the requirement that the data input window
has to appear to blend in to the rest of the register view. If the data
input area was separated from
On 1/6/2023 6:11 AM, Chris Green wrote:
On Fri, Jan 06, 2023 at 12:31:46PM +0300, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
There is also a setting in preferences somewhere to change the accounting
period. As I don't use the feature, I don't know where it is in either
the general preferences or the file
On 1/8/2023 8:35 AM, davidbrown.r...@photos.bozeat.biz wrote:
08 Jan 23
Dear all, I have a couple of additional assets to be included in EoY reports
in a few months, that have cost nothing, but a value needs to be shown as
assets have increased.
How do I include those at their value?
My curre
On 1/8/2023 7:14 PM, Neil Morrish wrote:
I am not sure if gnucash is right for me, as it seems quite hard to get
started. Can you advise me what steps to learn about for my simple
requirement please?
I want to keep a record of business transactions so I can send invoices and
make an annual rep
On 1/9/2023 7:10 PM, Anne Possoz wrote:
Thanks for a quick answer Mattia,
As far as I remember, I had to move from mate to gnome to have
it reasonably starting. But I feel so bad under gnome.
Those who are using Windows or even a Mac OS are used to having only ONE
"windows manager". In ot
On 1/10/2023 11:24 AM, davidbrown.r...@photos.bozeat.biz wrote:
Thank you Michael for your reply it is a GNU question... We are a small club and a
couple of assets were missed in the "brought forward balance" when starting
with this App a couple of years ago, so they are listed in the bal
Not being qualified as a CPA, I am loathe to advise on accounting
matters (as opposed to how to do it using gnucash rather than pen and
ink on paper)
But THIS previous response should go a long way toward setting you on
the right track because it discusses the EXACT reverse problem (when the
On 1/12/2023 12:41 PM, R Losey wrote:
Thanks; I know the information is out there, but intuitively, it doesn't
make sense to me that depositing funds to my bank account is a "debit"
transaction to the bank. It comes from the concept of credit being "added
to" and debit being "substracted from", I
On 1/13/2023 11:48 AM, R Losey wrote:
Thanks. The only minor drawback is that I seem to be entering the data
twice under "Income" just to keep track of IRA distributions on their
own. But hey, it's one way to make it work.
And, as has been pointed out, since this is not really "income", it
I went to generate some reports for the year 2022 and not one of the
standard reports will work within GNC now.
Explain what you mean by "will not work" Are you having a DATE
problem? (you don't know how to specify the effective date(s) for a report?)
Michael D Novack
On 1/14/2023 1:07 AM, David T. wrote:
As for counting as income, most paychecks I've seen list the
employee's gross income at the top, with contributions to tax-deferred
accounts listed as deductions from the gross amount. This is why I
placed deferred income under income; the incom
On 1/14/2023 4:49 PM, Phyllis Bruce wrote:
Okay, I can't stand it anymore. I don't know what ubuntu is, or flatpak,
or a host of other terms you use. I run windows and the latest version.
Embarrassed that I've not looked to documentation, but would that help me
or do I need to know?
I will go
On 1/16/2023 7:29 AM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
Apologies if this is too much an accounting question, but I'm stuck, and am
trying to work out how GnuCash will handle this.
It is accounting, as opposed to gnucash, but I will help. But please do
note that perhaps more basis in double entry accou
Maybe I misunderstood, I thought you wanted to track the items' values
& depreciation separately. By all means, otherwise lump them in one
account. (you can of course make separate transactions for each item,
which would allow you to run Transaction Reports filtered on each item
if needed
On 1/19/2023 6:27 AM, flywire wrote:
Make sure you understand what Gnucash offers as it could be a
massive downgrade from Quickbooks. I use Quickbooks and GnuCash, each for
different books because neither has all the features I need. Specifically,
GnuCash does not support classes ...
I used
On 1/19/2023 12:44 PM, Kalpesh Patel wrote:
Just to add a bit of clarification to this, if you do decide to go with the
delete route, transactions that are in the former account are merged into
latter one.
Uh if your intent is to MOVE an account to a different place in
the CoA, simply cha
If you mean in number 1 that there's no way to specify a future exchange rate,
that's correct.
If it were possible for gnucash to CORRECTLY predict what exchange rates
will be at some future date then I wouldn't be using it just to automate
my bookkeeping. I'd be using it to make a L
... regardless of date.
I sent a check to a sister-in-law that she probably won't cash, but she
cannot remember what she did with it... so, years later, it is still an
Uh no, not outstanding indefinitely.
This of course is not really a gnucash question but since this question
affects recon
When I showed them GNC, admittedly briefly, they got quite excited--well,
by accountant standards at least :) They asked me to discuss it more with
them, and help them understand further, after tax time, and were very
interested in having it for themselves to browse my books interactively.
On 2/2/2023 3:42 PM, Joel via gnucash-user wrote:
Dear Support Team,
I hope this post finds you well. We are posting to request your assistance with
setting up GnuCash for our new business and understanding its fundamentals. I
have already watched all the Busy Bee training videos on YouTube, w
On 2/3/2023 5:53 PM, Maf. King wrote:
I think the profit and loss report may be a start point for you, Steve.
the option "Parent Account subtotals : Show Subtotals" might be useful.
Yes, "Profit and Loss" (or the same report by one of its other names.
With gnucash you first run a r
On 2/4/2023 2:27 PM, Gyle McCollam wrote:
1. It brings up the dialogue to set up the new account. It lets me enter
all the information and when I click on OK the dialogue goes away and no new
account is set up.
2. No I don't have a large number of account, but I thought of that as well
On 2/5/2023 4:26 AM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
I'll briefly chime in here to suggest that network issues and potential
simultaneous access are more likely culprits for your data corruption and loss.
I will second that. Gnucash does NOT support multiple simultaneous
users. It does suppor
On 2/5/2023 4:05 PM, Robert Heller wrote:
I believe this is a function of the account type. "Bank" accounts get the
Withdrawal and Deposit labels, and others get labeled the Debit and Credit (I
think credit [card] accounts get labeled with Charge and Payment).
At Sun, 5 Feb 2023 15:50:18 -0500
On 2/6/2023 10:40 AM, Mahon Finbar wrote:
I bet this has been asked before, but just in case
Is it possible, anywhere, to create a history of actions, or
transactions, or anything?
Thanks, Barry
A little history of "history"
ORIGINALLY with double entry bookkeeping you FIRST ente
I have two classes of Expenses, "Ordinary" and "Exceptional"; I want the
full breakdown of the Exceptional expenses (which is provided) but I
only need the total for the Ordinary expenses. After a few hours of
clicking check boxes I've not been able to get what I want - is it
You hav
On 2/13/2023 8:18 AM, Mahon Finbar wrote:
Thank you so much David, much appreciated and entirely logical.
I now have 2021 and 2022 nicely arranged.
Just to be sure, for 2023 I should save it, when the time comes, as
'Save Config as' and give it the appropriate title??
Thanks again.
On 2/13/2023 5:00 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
Maybe we are discussing a completely different use-case, but the vast
majority of my Saved Report configurations use the "Previous Month" or
"Previous Year" date options. That way when I open the report, it's already
showing the previous month or year's
On 2/14/2023 12:14 PM, John Wilson wrote:
I have set up a new set of books by exporting a tree of accounts from
2022, the old books, to 2023 the new books.
In the old books the Net Income in my P&L report matched the Retained
Earnings in my Balance Sheet report but it doesn't in my new set of
On 2/16/2023 7:47 PM, Martin Taylor wrote:
Thanks David
Found the file and have moved it to an iCloud folder. How then do I access it
from the Mac?
Let's change the question, and then you might see the answer. Because
your gnucash data file (your gnucash books) is just a special case of a
On 2/22/2023 8:13 AM, briancady413--- via gnucash-user wrote:
Hi folks,
I seek standard not-for-profit report configurations, for quarterly use
Links/leads appreciated,
I can help with this BUT ..
a) The how to set up the CoA and what is normal for reports
However .. learning how to properly correct something like this
should be on your agenda. In the not distant future you are likely to be
faced with something like this when you have many transactions already
entered (and so would not want to have to be re-starting from scratch)
Precisely b
On 3/4/2023 4:19 AM, TimR via gnucash-user wrote:
I am a new user, having imported a QIF from Quicken. In the import process I
didn't follow the process thoroughly enough and I've ended up with a very
flat hierarchy of accounts.
1. How do I go about editing the hierarchy of accounts?
I would take Stan's advice and change, at least temporarily, to the formal
accounting labels. The logic implemented in GnuCash to keep to the accounting
formalism is most clearly expressed in that format.
Yes --- those new to double entry bookkeeping can be easily confused by
the supposedly
On 3/4/2023 1:26 PM, Custom Shots wrote:
I just noticed this. Something has changed. I keep 30 day backups and this
has been going on in all my backups. When I add a payment transaction to my
credit card account the negative balance increases instead of decreasing.
Any clues to what is happening?
<< aside first -- general user advice >>
My computer recently automatically upgraded the OS to Ubuntu 22.04.2 and
Linux kernel to 5.19.0-35. I may be grasping at straws here but could that
be the problem? I may have been working in GC at the time of the upgrade.
Do NOT allow automatic upgrade
On 11 Mar 2023, at 2:09 am, David Carlson wrote:
We must be having fun by now! The only schedule that I have not been able
to implement correctly every single time is the Friday after the second
Thursday of the month, but then I really don't expect to get that one
That requires a CO
The earliest the second Thursday can be is the 8th and the latest is
the 14th, so if you want the Friday after the second Thursday, you
just want
"day is Friday AND the day number is between 9 and 15".
But I've not found a schedule that can handle that.
That is another example of a condit
On 3/11/2023 4:58 PM, Jamie Tolbert via gnucash-user wrote:
Its been a number of years, but I did take a few accounting classes in
college..so I have an idea of WHAT I want to do, but unclear on
HOW to do it in gnucash.I will continue to fumble my way thru it,
the tutorial is rather cum
On 3/13/2023 10:35 AM, Mort Q wrote:
Hi Robert
I do have lots of expense accounts for repairs, catering, office expenses,
utilities, etc, and income accounts for fund raising, donations,
memberships, etc. so we can track income and expenses easily. The GnuCash
reports really help people see wher
On 3/13/2023 5:47 PM, Vincent Dawans wrote:
This sort of fund accounting is typically taken care of by using the
analytical dimension feature offered by some accounting softwares.
Unfortunately gnuCash doesn't have that feature (yet).
Here is an article somewhat explaining how it works (for a di
This is a philosophical point.
There is group "M" who always enter every transaction first in their
books and then use the bank documents to reconcile
There is group "K" who enter some things and use the bank download to
keep their accounts.
There are pros and cons to each method. Gnucas
Further investigation found that in the 'Edit Account' panel, the 'Smallest
fraction' was set at '1' on this particular account, and the amount was
being rounded up on one side, causing the mismatch. Setting the 'Smallest
fraction' to 'Use Commodity Value' and running 'Repair All' sorted the
On 5/11/2021 3:39 PM, Troy Spindler wrote:
Hey all.
Does anyone know what's the difference between an Equity account with vs.
without having "Opening balance" checked off? From what I can tell, they do
the same thing.
I have a new business with its own Gnu Cash file, and I'm trying to record
and for people with multiple books, how to easily store in separate
places for each book
I have (and have had) many different sets of books kept under gnucash.
For this reason, I am totally unclear what problem users seem to be having.
A set of books under gnucash is a file. When you
On 5/20/2021 4:01 AM, Jean Seurin wrote:
I have this odd transaction that I can't fix or delete. I'm met with
the following error message when trying to delete it:
This transaction is marked read-only with the comment: 'Generated from
an invoice. Try unposting the invoice'.
On 5/29/2021 5:02 AM, s310...@gmail.com wrote:
I want to re-organize my transactions into the correct accounts.
I know I can "CUT" from the original account and "PASTE" in the destination
It takes a lot of work.
Is there a way to select the required transactions and do a "move" ins
On 5/29/2021 10:28 PM, flywire wrote:
If most transactions are to be moved to one account it can be worth renaming
the account and moving out the other transactions.
Good advice. When splitting an account (one account becomes two) a
little planning ahead can greatly reduce the amount of work,
On 5/31/2021 10:10 AM, Howard M. Fried wrote:
I have several invoices that were issued in 2020 but paid in 2021.
These funds are not included in a P&L report for 2021, apparently
because the report is based on date of invoice issue, or have I missed
Is it possible to get the 2020 S
On 5/31/2021 1:08 PM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
Please re-read my email. In it you will see that I am NOT/NOT asking
about how to handle entries that are automatically added to
Imbalance-USD. I am fully aware of Gnucash behaviors in regard to the
creation of entries into Imbalance-USD,
As I've been reading the discussion about the imbalance account, it occurred to
me to ask why GnuCash allows entries that are out of balance? In theory and
practice, we should not have entries that don't balance...credits should equal
debits...and if they don't, we have an error in the entry
On 6/2/2021 2:27 PM, D. via gnucash-user wrote:
The discussion about the location of Imbalance-XXX accounts is under a
different thread, and I explained there my reasons for my account structure and
Gnucash's previous implementation. Suffice to say that I'd rather keep
Imbalance-USD around (si
The only problem I have is that it is far too easy (IMO, IME!) to
accidentally create or use Orphan-* and Imbalance-* accounts just by
hitting the tab key one time too many. I'd prefer to be able to set an
option to disable that and to force me to balance the transaction
before leaving it.
On 6/8/2021 9:22 AM, D. via gnucash-user wrote:
I'll just note that I have *never* in 15 years had a gnucash-generated loan
transaction that matched the actual bank transaction. I have *always* had to
adjust the amounts manually after the fact, because the bank will calculate
interest and prin
On 6/14/2021 6:51 AM, R. Victor Klassen wrote:
I have no experience with the three-part cheques, as the ones I use consume a
full page (one third for the cheque, one third for each of the stubs).
When I do what you describe - except for the format - it works fine. So
someone else will have t
On 6/16/2021 11:09 PM, Jeff wrote:
I may confuse myself even more here, so would appreciate some patience
and guidance.
I was given bank statements for 2 accounts (A and C). Unbeknownst to
me there was a transaction that was supposed to go from account A to C
(A $1 -> C $1). When the entries
It's NOT just "freelancers". It's the more general problem of invoicing
only supported for when on accrual basis, not for when on cash basis. I
have been keeping books for non-profits and these are usually cash
basis. On the other hand, some individuals are required to use accrual
So t
On 7/7/2021 7:41 AM, flywire wrote:
GST is only really supported if it's auto-calculated otherwise a user has
to enter twice the splits with the associated logic and keying errors. I've
only been using the Account Register for data entry.
But GST in Australia appears to be a simple problem comp
On 7/7/2021 11:46 AM, David Carlson wrote:
Even worse, sometimes local sales taxes in the 🇺🇸 depend on where
the buyer lives, not where the seller does business.
That is almost always true, and to make this even worse, JUST the
buyer's postal address might not be a correct indication of the st
- We record expenses at the moment of payment since most are purchased
online, invoiced, and paid at the same time.
- But regarding income, we always invoice customers first, and record
receivable when doing the invoicing. I know how to make an invoice
with GnuCash and how to do a transaction
On 7/30/2021 11:22 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
Sorry, there is not any easy way to do that.
You can try to use gnc2qif to convert one file to QIF and then import
it into the other. That may or may not work. And may require work to
do right.
Another option is to start over with a combined file. P
On 8/22/2021 2:20 AM, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
On 2021-08-21 22:13, Tim Hume via gnucash-user wrote:
Hi everyone,
In GnuCash one can create a hidden account. What legitimate purposes
are there for hidden accounts?
Also, bear in mind that "legitimate" is a function of the boo
On 8/31/2021 5:52 AM, flywire wrote:
This report needs accounts and dates to be specified in Win10 and I'd like
to tweak some other settings. "A datafile may be specified to describe some
saved options." Where is the documentation for gnucash-cli ?
Maybe missing the main point? For most reports
On 8/31/2021 1:20 PM, Dale Alspach wrote:
The run date of a report is actually quite useful. This is especially
the case when multiple persons are involved with analyzing the data
and making correcting entries. I work with a small
charitable organization. We get reports from the bookkeeper a fe
On 9/3/2021 9:22 AM, muhammad Noman wrote:
Dear Sir,
I want to know how can i create backup of my data while using
gnucash software version 2.6.18
Muhammad Nouman
The same way you create a backup of all your other data. Your gnucash
data is a file, just like all of y
On 9/19/2021 1:14 PM, Francesco Castoro wrote:
Hi Alan,
I am using version 2.4.15 (because of layout of printing) on OS
Windows 7 professional. I tried to install a recent version, but the
problem is not solved.
Thanks a lot!
Unfortunately, you aren't explaining WHICH "problem" you are asking
On 9/20/2021 12:01 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
I have entered a buy of an ETF.
The ETF has done several annual Return of Capitals (which I entered).
I have entered a sell of all of the ETF.
I used the Actions: View Lots: Scrub Account to create the Capital gain.
The Capital gain calculated is wrong i
E.g. "retained earnings" has a balance, but in the set up screen there is a
greyed out "zero" and I cannot set up the opening balance. Can I edit that
I tried this before, but was never able to figure it out.
You did NOT tell us the "state" of the books of this business. And you
On 9/22/2021 10:14 PM, davidcousen...@gmail.com wrote:
Retained Earnings is an equity account so a retained earnings balance is
recorded against equity itself as follows if your past retained earnings were a
net profit (credit or +ve balance in your pevious set of accounts). If a net
On 9/28/2021 1:16 PM, Rogier F. van Vlissingen wrote:
Thanks to everyone for helping out.
What worked for me in the end was
1. to set up the COA first, without attempting any opening balances, and
2. to create a single transaction to set up the opening balances on
On 10/2/2021 6:11 PM, AC wrote:
I agree don't upgrade if not absolutely necessary but I will likely be
replacing this computer in a few months so starting from a newer
installation is much more likely to happen in that case.
a) Yes, you only want to be making one "change" at a time << FAR easier
Perhaps historical perspective might help, especially with businesses,
because might want to treat the same way as when invoices typically were
like this, except conditional on when paid.
I have no idea how accrual treats this (would have treated this) when in
the old days a vendor might send
On 10/16/2021 11:22 AM, Tom Browder wrote:
My bank's checkbook register has the "withdrawal" and "deposit" columns in
the reverse order of that shown in Gnucash. Is there any way to reverse
them in Gnucash for ease of use?
It is customary practice, when showing both the debits and credits for
On 10/26/2021 5:28 PM, D. via gnucash-user wrote:
File->Save As
OR, when not from within gnucash, just like you make copies of any file
(but then, the next time you start gnucash, you will have to tell it to
open THAT file).
On 10/26/2021 5:28 PM, D. via gnucash-user wrote:
File->Save As
PS: After "moving" your file to an eternal drive, I strongly suggest
you rename (if not deleting) the file on the internal drive so that
gnucash will not find it. You do NOT want to accidentally open it after
you have begun usi
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