Hi all. I have a DECtalk Express and would like to get it working --
ultimately with Orca, but for now I'll settle for just working.
Could someone please point me to the appropriate how-to?
Thanks much in advance!
gnome-accessibility-list m
Hi Jason, and Mike, and Al.
It's working! You guys are great!! Thanks so much for your help.
On Sat, 2006-07-29 at 12:00 +1000, Jason White wrote:
> I think your best option would be to install Emacspeak first, then when you
> run orca --setup, select "Emacspeak speech server" and dtk-e
Hi All.
>From the Orca FAQ:
Orca itself should run on 64-bit Linux distributions. The main problem
is with gnome-speech, which seems to have problems with Bonobo
activation on 64-bit Linux boxes.
Are there any updates on this?
Thanks in advance!
Hi all. I just gave this a try. I can confirm Al's findings. And it
seems to occur any time you resize the window (e.g. if it's maximized
and you unmaximize it, the problem also occurs).
In answer to Will's questions/suggestions:
> This sounds like a separate problem. Do you have someone that
Hi Will. I'll take a stab at it.
In Dapper:
object:property-change:accessible-value (8x)
In Edgy:
object:property-change:accessible-value (8x)
Hi All!
> I appreciate that kttsd can have many useful applications. I differ
> with your statement below, however:
> > But screen readers do not help partially sighted users, users with learning
> > difficulties, or people who simply love to have system notifications or IRC
> > messages spo
Hi Roland. I ran across this (or at least something similar) when I
first tried Orca a few months ago. Then I read the following on the
Orca wiki:
Why doesn't Orca run on 64-bit Linux distributions?
Orca itself should run on 64-bit Linux distributions. The main problem
is with gnome-speech,
Hi Cheryl. I've only been using Ubuntu on my PCs, but I do have an
iMac, so I just gave the PowerPC live CD a try. Here's what I've found:
1. When you boot, you are presented with a prompt asking you for boot
options. I let it sit there a bit thinking maybe it would time out and
go with the def
Hi Cheryl. For the PPC live CD, I *believe* you want "live nofb".
As for how you can know for sure you're there: What I noticed on my
iMac is that the CD spins quite a bit and then stops. The point at
which it stops and remains quiet is the point at which you are at the
boot prompt.
Hi Dave, group.
> Is this on Mac OS X?
It's not. In both cases it's on Ubuntu Edgy: Live CD on the iMac;
installed copy on one of my PCs.
Take care.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list
Hi again Dave, all.
> It may, then, be a bug in the Linux support for USB->Serial adapters.
Perhaps. Then again, something goofy may be going on with my Braille
Lite and/or the cable I'm using with it. You see, I also happen
to have an Alva Braille Terminal at my disposal. I just verified tha
Hi again Cheryl.
With the Alva, I cannot get brltty working on its own. However, I do
get the "screen not in text mode" message. After setting up Orca and
logging out and back in again, I can get Orca working with the Alva. I'm
hoping you can do the same with your Braille Lite. Give this a try:
Hi Henrik, all.
> We obviously need to welcome the new users arriving, but we should
> perhaps start thinking of ways to connect them with the wider Free
> Software community for general support. I made a post [1] in our forum
> relating this earlier today. But I'm interested to hear other ideas a
Hi Peter and Krister.
Actually, things with the OOo 2.0.3 that comes with Ubuntu Edgy are, at
the moment, pretty bad. The act of saving a file reliably causes an
immediate crash followed by the document recovery process. Bleeding
edge and all
Krister, in answer to your question: When the cr
Take care.
On Tue, 2006-09-19 at 14:45 -0400, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
> Hi Peter and Krister.
> Actually, things with the OOo 2.0.3 that comes with Ubuntu Edgy are, at
> the moment, pretty bad. The act of saving a file reliably causes an
> immediate crash followed by
Hi Krister.
No need to apologize for the "newbiish questions." Heck, I'm figuring
this stuff out as I go along. I think many of us are.
Yes I would uninstall your current OOo first. When I installed OOo
2.0.4 RC1 this was not necessary. However, on another machine, I just
tried installing
Hi All. Apologies for the distro-specific post.
As a quick follow-up to Krister's questions regarding OOo crashing when
saving: If you do a dist-upgrade, you will now get 2.0.4 RC2, and it
does not crash when you save.
Take care.
Hi Krister, all.
The issue you mention is indeed known. The bug has been filed:
On another note, are you familiar with the Orca list? I don't recall
seeing you on there, although I admittedly lose track of whom I see on
which list.
If you're no
Hi Petra.
I just followed your instructions with an Alva Braille Terminal running as a
USB device via serial to USB adapter. Your step 4 is "open the terminal".
I wasn't sure if you meant got into the virtual console with Control Alt F1
or launched gnome-terminal, so I tried both ways. The for
Hi Will, folks (CCing ubuntu-accessibility for good measure).
> gnome-panel seems to crash a lot and quite spontaneously on Ubuntu,
Phew! I was starting to think I had personally managed to muck
something up really well.
> more information about what you might be doing at the time of the
> cras
Hi Peter and Christian.
> version. Also, I don't believe Joanie's directions will work with the
> alternate version.
You're right Peter: They won't. I just amended the docs to reflect
this. Thanks guys!!!
gnome-accessibility-list ma
Hi Will, all.
> happily roll it in to gnome-speech (there's also a driver for Loquendo
> that we still need to roll in).
Does anyone happen to know where things stand with Loquendo? I would
happily pay for that level of quality in a synthesizer, but looking at
their site that doesn't (yet) see
> > So what modifier key would you like to use for Orca?
> Couldn't this be just configurable?
I agree that this would make the most sense. As Luke pointed out, there
are so many different layouts (not to mention so many different users).
Is there a reason we need to select THE Orca modifier k
Hi Bill.
> I guess one possible way to get out of the "conflict situation" would be
> to exclude ShiftLock from the orca modifier mask;
But Might not ShiftLock be an ideal modifier key for some?
I also think it would be preferable to have it as a modifier rather than
as the key that mak
Hi Bill.
> I am not sure I understand your point - or perhaps you are
> misunderstanding me.
I suspect it's the former, but we'll see. :-)
> What I am suggesting is that we specifically _avoid_ using ShiftLock
And what I am suggesting is that we specifically _allow_ using it (if
Hi Bill.
> I think we need to resolve this second issue (i.e. of what _modifier_ we
> use for orca) before dealing with the first issue (i.e. what physical
> key we wish to assign that modifier to).
At the risk of asking a silly question Why can't we just do what
Rich suggested yesterday,
> So does that basically mean this whole discussion of orca on laptops is
> moot, or at least addressed fully via orca.settings.orcaModifierKeys
> (possibly with a UI for changing it easily) ?
I don't think the "whole discussion" is moot. The discussion up to this
point has been around the mod
Hi Will.
Just tried the patch. It works nicely.
> The only issue here is cleanliness and restoring the xmodmap to what it
> was before Orca changed it. I'm not sure this is a big concern. The
> reason is that I assume Orca is going to be something that the user runs
> all the time to access th
Hi Will.
> "Damn computer! I'm looking for the enormously large collection of
> books on 'GNOME', not 'gnome'. Why doesn't this Caps Lock key work? My
> life is ruined. Down with Orca users! Kill them all! They must die!
> Take their babies, too!".
And folks say libraries -- and Hollis -- a
Hi Will.
> If this constraint is acceptable, I think we're done.
I think you're done. The functionality provided via the most recent
patch (i.e. the one in which Caps Lock gets restored when you quit Orca)
works very nicely. Thanks for doing it!
Regarding an alternative way to have full
Hi Brette.
Given a sufficient amount of time, I could probably come up with all
sorts of examples. But off the top of my head:
1. Causing the object to *look* right rather than taking into account
what that object actually is. You already gave a good example of that
with increasing the font size
Hi all.
> For myself, I suggest the same thing as it is done on Windows,
> i.e. after saying (if checked) the "Backspace" character, we can say the
> actually just-deleted char.
Actually, that's what Orca is supposed to do. And it's what it does do
under normal circumstances. As I under
Hi Yannick.
To follow-up on the other issue you raised:
> Moreover, another thing, when we move char by char and we go to the
> end-of-line i.e. after the last char, Orca says the last character of
> the line, as Jaws for Windows says "Blank" or "Empty", which is better I
> think.
I took th
Hi and Happy New Year!
In November, Javier said:
> The good notice, is that ONCE will sell english Loquendo Linux voices
> before the end of the year. I don't know the prize yet but I wish it
> won't be too much expensive :-)
I hate to be a noodge, but are there any updates? I'd really like to g
There is a filter text box. It seems to gain focus automatically when
the Control Center window is first opened. So type "sound" and then tab
to the sounds button.
On Sun, 2007-01-14 at 16:03 -0500, Al Puzzuoli wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've noticed that by default in Feisty, the administration menu
Hi Keith, all.
gnome-terminal in Feisty did have some crashing issues, not to mention
some accessibility issues when using it with Orca. *As far as I can
tell*, the crashes were fixed in the most recent release of VTE (0.15.2)
Hi Kenny.
If you build the latest version of VTE from svn trunk and are still
having the problem, I would be happy to compare notes with you.
Take care.
On Sat, 2007-01-27 at 09:51 -0600, Kenny Hitt wrote:
> Hi.
> I also have the problem. I sent Willy email with a way to always caus
Hi Kenny.
I also saw the backspace problem with vte-0.15.2, and that problem was
resolved afterwards. What compile errors are you getting?
Take care.
Kenny Hitt wrote:
> hi.
> The svn for vte appears to be broken. I wasn't able to build because of
> compile errors.
> The latest t
600, kenny wrote:
>> Hi.
>> On Sun, Jan 28, 2007 at 03:47:38PM -0500, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
>>> Hi Kenny.
>>> I also saw the backspace problem with vte-0.15.2, and that problem was
>>> resolved afterwards. What compile errors are you ge
Hi Chris.
Yes the chat history is above the box in which you type your message.
You can use Orca's flat review commands to review that window. The Orca
script for Gaim also includes some history keystrokes. If you press the
Orca modifier key (Insert or CapsLock) plus a number you'll hear that
I'm also seeing some atspi registry crashes that are hanging Orca. I
cannot reliably predict them, however. :-(
> Hi Bram:
> I see the same thing as well, and I believe it is the eSpeak driver
> crashing. :-(
> Will
> On Tue, 2007-07-31 at 15:40 +0200, Bram Duvigneau wrote:
>> Hi all,
Count me in!
On Dec 17, 2007, at 4:47 PM, Brian Cameron wrote:
> The GNOME Foundation Board of Directors recognizes the importance
> of Accessibility in the GNOME desktop. To help foster a more
> clear and positive vision, the board thinks it would be helpful
> to form an Accessibilit
d take him up
on his offer before he has time to rescind it. ;-)
Joanmarie Diggs
Curriculum Developer, Carroll Tech
The Carroll Center for the Blind
On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 15:47 -0600, Brian Cameron wrote:
> The GNOME Foundation Board of Directors recognizes the importance
> of Acces
Hi Will, all.
> The WebKit folks have been working hard on making it accessible. Can
> you please check it out and see how they've been doing?
I gave it a try and think I must be missing something fundamental. :-(
I tried both the downloadable snapshot (r34604) as well as building from
Hi Ke.
If it wouldn't be too much trouble, would you please post instructions
for properly installing the Java ATK Wrapper in OpenSolaris 2009.06
because I'm obviously missing something:
$ jcontrol
Exception in thread "main" java.awt.AWTError: Assistive Technology not
found: org.GNOME.Accessibili
Hi Calum.
I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other. What's going through
my mind, however, is:
1. While a user who has never used a gui before might not be aware that
Escape exits out of dialog boxes, I suspect most users who are blind are
aware of this.
2. There are a lot of fundament
Hi all.
I'm trying to work out my flights for the a11y hackfest at CSUN. I
suspect a schedule, tentative or otherwise, would not be quite
hackfestish. :-) Therefore, is there a feel for what is likely to take
place on the 21st and/or 27th?
Thanks in advance! Take care.
the 22nd and 27th, so why
> don't we align it with those dates? That comes out to 5 nights I
> believe. I counted the spaces between my fingers a few times now.
> Cheers,
> Eitan.
> On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 10:44 -0500, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
> > Hi all.
Hi all.
I sure thought I CC'ed this list on something I sent to the Orca list.
Apparently I did not. Sorry! Below is the original message.
Any way this could get pointed to on http://www.planet-a11y.net/ and any
similar "planets"?
Hey guys.
For what it's worth, I
On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 16:18 -0800, Brian Cameron wrote:
> Eitan:
> > Showroom
> >
> > * We will be demonstrating GNOME to the industry and to users. As far
> > as I know, we are the only ones offering a completely free, open and
> > accessible personal computing platform, this i
Hi James.
My expertise in threads is almost exclusively being on the receiving end
of a hang due to this sort of thing, and filing a bug to get someone
like you to fix it. ;-)
Having said that I *think* you might be modifying the GUI outside of
the main thread when you set the cancel button's
On Thu, 2010-02-11 at 11:41 +0800, Li Yuan wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 19:04 -0500, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
> > Any other CSUN-bound hackers interested in becoming a pod
> > person developer of an awesome screen reader with an awesome
> > bunch of users, give me a
Hi Shaun.
On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 09:16 -0600, Shaun McCance wrote:
> If there's more I can do, please let me know. But I'm one of
> the developers that's firmly committed to accessibility,
Indeed you are. And I, for one, happen to appreciate that tremendously.
Take care. And thanks.
The Orca meta bug for WebKitGtk is:
Of the total 62 bugs, we have 19 to go. Plus any others we find along
the way (e.g. crashers, things we discover when actually writing the
Orca script, etc.)
On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 11:37 -0600, Kenny H
Hey Xan.
The caret navigation ones are key:
* 25526 - Additional support is needed for caret browsing. Almost done,
but home, end etc. are waiting for something in DRT.
* 25533 - Elements on the same line should be treated as such by caret
navigation. Hasn't been touched.
We also need to unbork
On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 11:57 -0600, Kenny Hitt wrote:
> Hopefully, one of the Orca developers can answer you. All I know at this
> point, is I get no speech when I start help. Flat review sees nothing.
The flat review issue is related to the fact that we need to implement
character and range ext
On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 20:10 +0200, Xan Lopez wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 8:00 PM, Joanmarie Diggs
> wrote:
> > Hey Xan.
> >
> > The caret navigation ones are key:
> >
> > * 25526 - Additional support is needed for caret browsing. Almost done,
> > bu
On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 20:19 +0200, Xan Lopez wrote:
> OK, so any of the missing caret browsing issues actually prevents the
> app from working at all?
Yup. Startling, isn't it?
Okay, all kidding aside Basically, there are several things going on
1. The accessibility work that had bee
Hey guys.
My apologies for being my absent-minded self. But, did we ever decide
what to do about the weekly meetings we were having in #a11y?
Thanks! Take care.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list
On Sat, 2010-04-03 at 01:34 +0200, Piñeiro wrote:
> Ups, I also forgot that, due Easter holidays. There was any meeting
> today?
Heh. I'd forgotten about the Easter holidays. :-) And, no, there was no
meeting today.
> IMHO, it would be a good idea to keep that meetings. Not sure if we
> would ha
Hey Bryen.
> I honestly think that even if it hasn't been perfect, the hour we've had
> lately is working pretty well for us this year.
Well Maybe
I cannot help but wonder if those for whom it does not work well are
simply too polite to complain.
For instance, I believe that the curren
Hey guys.
On Fri, 2010-04-02 at 22:42 -0700, Peter Korn wrote:
> Do we have the time-zone info for the folks who generally attend, and
> who we want to attend? I have a feeling I may be one of the few
> (only?) West Coast folks in the Pacific Time Zone. And I've only been
> attending a bunch re
> Meetings flip every two weeks on Thursdays (not Fridays anymore.)
> Week 1: UTC 7:00
> Week 2: UTC 15:00
> Week 3: UTC 7:00
> Week 4: UTC 15:00
Also: I should be able to make the 7:00 ones. That's 3 AM EDT/2 AM EST
and I'm regularly up then anyway. (Benefit of telecommuting is the
On Mon, 2010-04-12 at 09:36 +1000, Luke Yelavich wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 09:13:17AM EST, Bryen M. Yunashko wrote:
> > On Mon, 2010-04-12 at 09:09 +1000, Luke Yelavich wrote:
> > > On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 07:49:42AM EST, Bryen M. Yunashko wrote:
> > > > In today's #a11y meeting, we tackled
Hey all.
Forwarding attempt redux. :-)
I mentioned in the weekly a11y meeting that this would be a good message
to respond to, and everyone was like, "Message, what message?". Sure
enough, it's not showing up in the gnome-accessibility-list archives
either. The only reason I saw it must be due to
* What is Orca?
Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader
that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable
combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification. Orca development
was led by the Sun Microsystems, Inc., Acc
Hi Alejandro.
Welcome! Glad to have you on board. :-) I'd encourage you to introduce
yourself on the Orca list where we have a very active community of users
and developers.
Take care.
--Joanie (Orca maintainer)
On Sat, 2010-05-08 at 20:06 +0200, Alejandro Leiva wrote:
> Hi list,
> (Sor
> and haven't had time to look at much else. The good news is that as of
> today (May 11), GnomeShell has a built in magnifier. Whoohoo!
Way to go, Joseph!!
Have a most awesome and well-deserved vacation.
gnome-accessibility-list mailin
Hi Dotan.
> Can an accessibility or usability expert please take a look at the
> following bug:
> "Single-click mode for all Gnome apps"
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=358731
In the Mouse Preferences dialog on the Accessibility page, I see a
checkbox whose label is 'Trigger secondar
(Trying again sans screenshot so that the message goes through to the
list. Note that I have since attached the screenshot to the bug.)
> Thanks, Joanie, but that does not sound much better than a
> double-click would be (one long click). Can that slider be reduced to
> 0 time, effectively making
Hi again.
Dotan, first I should apologize. Your message came in while I was trying
to undo something I'd done which completely and utterly hosed my gdm. I
should have either not answered or I should've made more time. My saying
> In order to try it, it appears I would need to install mouset
* What is Orca?
Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader
that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable
combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification. Orca development
was led by the Sun Microsystems, Inc., Acc
Hey Alex.
> Using the previous meeting, and other ideas, a rough agenda could be
> something like:
> * OUTREACH: as far as I know, there wasn't any other meeting, but
>just it case.
> * AEGIS Conference: any news?
> * HFOSS: not too many volunteers or projects AFAIK, guessing if
Hey Shaun.
> How do the hackfests at these events work?
That is still something to be determined. :-)
> I hope that being in a room with experts would allow me to ask
> questions and bounce ideas off people.
And I'd love to answer those questions so that we can further awesomify
the Orca docs.
* What is Orca?
Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader
that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable
combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification. Orca development
was led by the Sun Microsystems, Inc., Acc
Hi Mario.
This is exciting news!
(slightly re-ordering your message contents)
> We'd love if all the development that will stem from this a11y edition
> could be encapsulated somehow so that it could be re-used to derive
> a11y editions from other GNU/Linux distributions (Ubuntu,
> Debian, ...).
Hi all.
With all the things we're facing for GNOME 3.0, and with contributions
coming from more folks than before, we've decided to reinstate the
orca-devel-list [1]. Any and all developers making contributions to Orca
should be subscribed to that list -- if you are not already. :-)
* What is Orca?
Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader
that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable
combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification.
You can read more about Orca at http://live.gnome.org/Orca
Hey guys.
(I'm pinch-hitting for Alejandro Piñeiro who won't be able to attend
tomorrow's meeting.)
Tomorrow 2010/06/24 at 6:00 UTC is the next a11y weekly meeting. As a
reminder, previous minutes (including what we all volunteered to do) can
be found here [1].
The tentative agenda is:
Hey Eitan.
> Sorry I have been MIA in recent months. Trying to keep up with day job
> and commitments (like Caribou).
I understand how that goes all too well. ;-) No worries.
> I would like to add to the agenda CSUN. It's a bit early for that I
> know, but we need to re-book our booth in the nex
Hey Fernando.
> Hi won't be able to attend tomorrow meeting either :(
:-( But thanks for the info!
With respect to this:
> We (Onírica) didn't apply to this bid because we didn't have enough
> expertise about Julius. INTELLIGENT DIALOGUE SYSTEMS S.L. got the
> contract and they areworking on it
* What is Orca?
Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader
that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable
combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification.
You can read more about Orca at http://live.gnome.org/Orca
Hi all.
> Well, I'm not Joanie, but I can start the answer and then she can
> confirm/complete/correct me.
I'll go with "confirm." :-) Thanks so much for writing this up, Alejandro!
On Wed, 2010-06-30 at 12:02 +0200, Piñeiro wrote:
> From: Jeremy Whiting
> > Adding gnome-accessibili
Hi Vishnoo.
> > > Could the team review the change and comment on the bug?
> > >
> > > [1] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591258
> > > [2] https://launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/papercuts
> > >
> Hi,
> Any update on this?
Done. Here's my comment for those not on the CC list
* What is Orca?
Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader
that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable
combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification.
You can read more about Orca at http://live.gnome.org/Orca
Hey all.
As discussed at today's a11y team meeting [1], if you are planning on
attending the AEGIS Conference and Hackfest [2] and if you will require
sponsorship from the GNOME Foundation in order to do so, you need to
apply now. Actually, you needed to apply a long time ago, but due to the
Hey all.
For those of you absent from today's 06:00 UTC meeting (that would be
the majority), there was some discussion about moving the meeting one
hour later to hopefully make things easier for folks in Europe to
participate. Since none of the "regulars" had any objections to this
change, I woul
Hey all.
Sorry for the less-than-full-day notice, but in about 12 hours (15:00
UTC) we have our weekly a11y team meeting. With many folks at GUADEC, I
don't know who all will be present. But with everything going on, I
think those of us who can meet should meet.
By now, you know the drill: Last w
Hey all.
Just a reminder that tomorrow is our next 15:00 UTC a11y team meeting.
Be there or be square. :-)
As always, last week's minutes [1] include a tentative agenda for the
meeting. [2] Feel free to add others.
Take care.
[1] http://live.gnome.org/Accessibility/Minutes/20100805
* What is Orca?
Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader
that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable
combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification. You can read
more about Orca at http://live.gnome.org/Orca.
Hey all.
Just a reminder that tomorrow is our next 07:00 UTC a11y team meeting.
As always, last week's minutes [1] include a tentative agenda for the
meeting. [2] Feel free to add others.
Take care.
[1] http://live.gnome.org/Accessibility/Minutes/20100812
Hey all.
Just a reminder that tomorrow is our next 15:00 UTC a11y team meeting.
As always, last week's minutes [1] include a tentative agenda for the
meeting. [2] You are encouraged to add other agenda items.
Take care.
[1] http://live.gnome.org/Accessibility/Minutes/20100819
* What is Orca?
Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader
that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable
combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification. You can read
more about Orca at http://live.gnome.org/Orca.
Hey all.
(I'm filling in for Alex Piñeiro, who is on holiday this week.)
Just a reminder that tomorrow is our next 15:00 UTC a11y team meeting.
As always, last week's minutes [1] include a tentative agenda for the
meeting. [2] You are encouraged to add other agenda items. Really. Stop
what you'r
* What is Orca?
Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader
that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable
combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification. You can read
more about Orca at http://live.gnome.org/Orca.
Hi all.
In the same spirit of transparency with which we posted our roadmap [1],
the Orca team has decided to start posting its quarterly reports. 2010's
can be found here [2].
Please let us know if you have any questions.
--Joanie and Ale
[1] http://live.gnome.org/Orca/Roadmap
[2] http://live.g
Hey all.
Just a reminder that tomorrow is our next 15:00 UTC a11y team meeting.
As always, last week's minutes [1] include a tentative agenda for the
meeting. [2] You are encouraged to add other agenda items.
Take care.
[1] http://live.gnome.org/Accessibility/Minutes/20101014
Hi all.
As many of you are aware, GNOME recently received $15,000 for
accessibility work. [1] I have just posted [2] the description of the
first of the two projects: Orca Performance Improvements. In addition, I
have created a new "Opportunities" page for GNOME A11y. [3] It's
admittedly a bit on
Hey Steve.
I'm stripping off the other lists.
> What do you see as the criteria for being on this page? We might be
> able to move some items from
> http://live.gnome.org/Accessibility/GetInvolved/SmallTasks
> or expand on those there, especially for Caribou.
The SmallTasks page looks like it
* What is Orca?
Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader
that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable
combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification. You can read
more about Orca at http://live.gnome.org/Orca.
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