Hey Bryen.

> I honestly think that even if it hasn't been perfect, the hour we've had
> lately is working pretty well for us this year.

Well.... Maybe.... 

I cannot help but wonder if those for whom it does not work well are
simply too polite to complain.

For instance, I believe that the current meeting time winds up being 4-5
AM for Li Yuan and Ke Wang. If I recall correctly, it is 10-11 PM for
Alejandro. I cannot remember what time it takes place for Luke (sorry
Luke!), but I think it's in the wee hours of the morning for him.

If we as a community agree that there is value in continuing to have
these meetings, I would argue that there is equal value in doing
everything we can to make it not only possible, but also reasonably
convenient, for all key contributors to participate. That means not
expecting folks to meet at 4 AM.

> well could be a subject of debate, but as it stands now, I wouldn't
> change the current time we have.

As it stands now, I would. Not every week, mind you, but every other


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