Hi again.

Dotan, first I should apologize. Your message came in while I was trying
to undo something I'd done which completely and utterly hosed my gdm. I
should have either not answered or I should've made more time. My saying

> In order to try it, it appears I would need to install mousetweaks, and
> I'm working on something else at the moment. Sorry!

Was uncool. I'm really sorry.

So I just made some time. :-) Turns out secondary click ain't what I
thought it was. It's a right click. But, w.r.t. this:

> However, there's also Dwell Click with a bunch of options, beginning
> with 'Initiate click when stopping pointer movement'.

I just gave this a try. What worked for me is to set a slight delay.
Then I didn't even have to click once: Simply move the mouse pointer
over the thing I wanted to double click on and poof, it opened.

Perhaps that will help you accomplish what you need??

Take care.

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