through my mind! You already DNA sequenced the poor guy and are publishing
his source code on the /web/? =8^0 Then I realize it's the source for the
/page/, click the show images button, and all is well, despite my brief
bout of technical vertigo. =8^)
Anyway, congrats!
Duncan - Lis
d's hard work for awhile,
here. =8^)
1.12 is on track to be stablized for 2006.1, AFAIK, so it should be fairly
soon now.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
excerpted below, on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 10:47:37 -0400:
> The source DVD sounds like a great idea to me, no need to keep anything
> around on mirrors, and we fulfill all the requirements of the GPL.
Duncan -
have similar conditions. In any event, gcc does as it's
dual licensed, but according to the ebuilds we are distributing it under
both licenses, so the gpl conditions would apply. Whether other dual
bitness archs have done similar or whether this applies to only amd64, I
don't know.
Duncan -
That way we have the best of both worlds; people who are happy to
> let the system determine the configure options from the compiler
> architecture can do so, those who want to control things in more detail
> can do that as well.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msg
Alexandre Buisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted [EMAIL PROTECTED],
excerpted below, on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 01:30:45 +0200:
> Encouraged by this email and hoping that it is ok to do so, I will
> nominate myself.
Now you gotta post a reply, accepting (or declining ) the nomination! =8^)
27;t there?
If the former, perhaps we can learn from what changed. If the latter, it
might be tougher.
Then there's the question of whether it's even worth it on the merits.
Certainly, it would seem Gentoo has a higher efficiency level, doing with
<200 roughly what it takes them &g
math. Once that was done, a test for that string could
be set in profiles/base or the like, setting up the test for -ffast-math
system-wide, whereupon it could be eliminated from the individual ebuilds.
That would also provide a suitable single-shot environment based solution
for the user, as wel
ious policy would have put it nearly a year from
now, as EAPI was only introduced with 2.1.0, or was it backported?
I've seen discussion of both points above, but no definitive policy
changes. If I've missed the decisions, others may have as well, so
maybe others will find the answers help
=firefox flags are where it was an alternate to a default
mozilla as a required dep, and that if ff is to now be the default, the
flag would no longer be needed in those cases, with the implication that a
USE=seamonkey flag would be needed instead.
That's how I read the message, anyway.
#x27;s skipping everything it should be doing, therefore
explaining the dramatic speed improvements! =8^)
In any case, I used to dread running fixpackages, but it's now simply not
an issue! =8^)
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
;mission critical" functionality (whether
that mission is as a public server, or blasting the other team in an online
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
nefits for awhile, now. I too would
consider an arch team, both arch-devs and arch-testers, a huge benefit.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
deprecation period, it makes little sense to continue to support gcc3.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
thout a trace, forever.
All that said, IMO these qualify for "announcements" as much as the GLSAs
normally inhabiting the announce list do. That list isn't "glsa", it's
"announce" and these are announcements that could affect a number of
users, so IMO the
Enrico Weigelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on Thu, 03 Aug 2006
18:03:26 +0200:
> * Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
>> Just to add... 30 days is the usual package mask. As AW states,
>> the idea of the mask is s
Jakub Moc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted [EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted
below, on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 22:32:57 +0200:
> Alec Warner wrote:
>> Enrico Weigelt wrote:
>>> * Duncan schrieb:
>>>> How can it be too late? You sync during that 30 days it's
get (for the appropriate arch(s)) multilib-strict! =8^)
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
get (for the appropriate arch(s)) multilib-strict! =8^)
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
at a particular niche. It'd be perfectly
acceptable to create another such Gentoo based distribution and hide all
those knobs, replacing them with preconfigured choices, but that's not for
Gentoo as a meta-distribution to do, but for downstream to do, should they
decide to base their
no longer be troubled by downgrades
without warning. Only /after/ you are comfortable that the command will
do what you expect/want, do you run it without the --pretend, or say yes to
the --ask.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master
an then use package.keyword and etc. as
appropriate, to get the security update, even if you normally use stable,
days/weeks before the GLSA, and normally very soon after public
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
that we'd hoped it'd be here by
2.1, and it isn't, and that's a fact amd64 continues to have to deal with.)
As I said, pure speculation, likely wrong, but that's the first logical
thing that came to my mind. I too am interested in a real answer.
Duncan - List replie
plicated inline /or/ attachment, makes even more sense. Presumably,
where it's posted could have dated versions, too, allowing for updated
flags without invalidating the info pointed to for older links. If
variation off the norm was needed or used for an individual package, that
could be not
"Kevin F. Quinn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on Fri,
11 Aug 2006 12:36:35 +0200:
> On Fri, 11 Aug 2006 04:56:18 +0000 (UTC)
> "Duncan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [re. posting AT configs somewhere]
>> I like t
ble platforms.
Well, that may eventually change, as Sun is now saying it expects to start
freeing Java this year, and finish by the end of next year. They've been
making noises about GPL3 as well, so while the license hasn't been
announced, that's possible, and would fit the timing.
e beliefs on others, so I don't. I refuse to compromise
in terms of my own beliefs and definitions, but define them only in terms
of my own life. Unfortunately (IMO), too often people try to force others
into their own belief set. In turn, they expect I'm doing the same. No,
I'm not.
eselect-compiler is
less the "broken thing" than gcc-config-1* was. After all, there'd have
never been a need for eselect-compiler if gcc-config wasn't broken re dual
bitness in the first place.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
s player are working for me ATM,
but I may try this next time something breaks.
... Looking forward to KDE4 and getting rid of arts!
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
ve, and see what
/you/ think.) It's possible certain mail filters will bit-bucket it. If
one of them is the guy who would have had your answer...
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your mast
e clock is seriously ticking, as more and more incompatibilities
between it and a kept-current system pile up.
... Personally, I'm hoping xmms will remain at least until KDE4 comes
around, with hopefully something there more workable than the KDE3 and
other solutions I've tried -- but kept
as complex and old as it is, how successful they might be is open to
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
Again, I'm not a sports fan, but sports are part of the "cultural
literacy" in much of the world, and baseball is one such sport here in the
US, so it's something we know even if we /aren't/ particularly interested
in it.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
t is possible, but that's the best description of
where we are at that I've seen, which means we've gone along
way toward accomplishing the first step in any good debate, a proper
definition of the issue.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
[I--] [ ] media-plugins/xmms-kde-3.1 (0)
[I--] [ ] media-sound/normalize-0.7.6-r2 (0)
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
ly deserves top billing, so don't take that away from him, but a
box listing him as original author (and perhaps continuing contributor or
the like), with the current devs in a separate box below, would both
maintain credit where credit is due and eliminate confusion.
Duncan - List r
haps /because/ of, the challenge of mastering
the machine and bending it to our will. There are plenty of other
distributions out there for those that are more interested in just having
it work, with as little knowledge and effort invested on their part as
Duncan - List replies pref
e would be that all the packages for those remaining
open bugs connected to the gcc-4.1.1 stabilization would have at minimum
an eerror explaining the problem to anyone trying to merge them, and the
Hobson's choice between holding up the gcc stabilization and release, and
stabilization/release wit
Maybe it's already been covered, I must admit I'm a bit behind on my GWN
I just know that longer list was a bit of an inconvenience for me due to
timing, but I'm on ~arch so I expect that sort of thing occasionally, and
I like the changes overall. It'd be nice to give st
but when the risk is loss of NFP
status and back taxes plus fines for non-payment, plus possible criminal
charges... Let's just say it's in everyone's interest to get it right the
first time around! It might cost a few hundred to get a professional
opinion on paper, but come an au
> ...and this is the raw log:
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20060914.txt
> I should have mentioned that in the prior email.
FWIW, I like this summary format (with inclusion of the log URL, of
course). Please continue the trend. =8^)
Duncan -
takes seed
> product and adds appropriate vmware/xen/etc modifications to create
> ready-to-run virtualization images.
The name for those, then, naturally follows: "seedlings".
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master
would that even be desired? If so, how deep does it go?
Obviously we can't very well mask the glibc dependency, for instance (tho
the Gentoo BSD and OSX folks might not think that sounds so unreasonable
If dependencies aren't auto-masked as well, there goes your nice easy
oss them in your Gentooing.
Gentoo can always use help with l10n issues, as I'm sure you are aware, if
that's an area you are skilled and interested in.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
es, even users) appreciate it.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
Or does the problem not necessarily apply to amd64? Even knowing that
would be useful. I simply don't know anything much at all about it, beyond
a generally vague idea that it means using mmx/sse/whatever vector
instructions to parallelize loops.
Duncan - List replies preferred.
excerpted below, on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 12:00:10 -0600:
> Duncan wrote:
>> Could you point me at some info on this one (-ftree-vectorize)?
> http://tinyurl.com/l75we
> They've fixed quite a few [...
> option by running: find /usr/portage -name '*.ebuild'| xargs grep --
> '-'. It takes quite some time, but
> might be enlightening: look for the 'filter-flags'.
Likewise here, perfect, with one tiny exception. In keeping with the
above suggested far strong
sizable difference on small files in quantity.
FWIW I prefer the small files for ease of adm. as well, but just sayin'.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
ncy graph of commit activity
> versus devs. See http://kloeri.livejournal.com for the glory details or
> wait for it to show up on http://planet.gentoo.org.
Good example of the currently popular "long tail" concept.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a l
ty of the tree
for everyone, including those like me who have no direct interest in FBSD
at all. Flameeyes isn't the only one. If you shut down all the minority
archs and projects, you demotivate some of our best and brightest, and
will very likely eventually lose them.
Duncan - List rep
elopment specific discussion.
Again, thanks, as bugs that haven't been reported can't easily be fixed
as we'd like. This just isn't the right place. =8^)
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
estions here. Good work, honestly better than
I'd have the patience to try, and I'll be looking forward to seeing it in
GWN. =8^)
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
al usage, email, IM and the like. Certainly
I'd argue so as I use it there. However, for something more formal like
GWN, it wouldn't be considered acceptable, and that's not likely to change
for another generation at least.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
'm sure there are folks
that would argue we should at least support 586, but I simply don't
believe it's worth it.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
s impossible -- it /can/ and /does/ provide the tools, as a
metadistribution, that allow you to roll your own variation on the theme,
if you find that more convenient than using the choices Gentoo /does/
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program ha
7;t require CPU fans.
Good points both you and Jens.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
me extent thru embedded (if they
want to take it on, of course). In fact, from what I've read, pentium
class x86 is quite a popular solution for certain embedded applications,
so that would be a rather logical way to go.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
frequent install
media or bootstrapping from other distributions instead of Gentoo install
media, and that bugs can be closed if desired and appropriate, based on
that alone.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the progra
if they do see the bug mail, personal mails would give it the human
touch once again. Even when one agrees with the ultimate outcome,
most should agree that being run thru the system like so much grist for the
mill doesn't feel so great. The human touch helps.
Duncan - List replies prefe
h featured in this regard, as one can
set a default reply target based on all sorts of rules (including but not
limited to the list headers it would seem you are complaining are
missing... of course, I can't check that personally).
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
27;t suppose it's possible to let amarok continue to use all those xmms
visualizations, is it? It'd be nice...
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
fying things or changing the flag
where it meant something else, but I don't know what came of that.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
it's been real, but it hasn't been real fun. :)
> I'll be around #gentoo/#-dev.
Wow, I think I'm learning what it feels like to be old, and see all the
folks you knew before retiring and going elsewhere. I'm just a user, but
this announcement stings!
Wishing yo
ust a user, but I follow this list to keep a heads-up on
changes coming my way, and perhaps to voice my opinion on topics of
interest to me occasionally, when they surface. I appreciate the fact
that such a list is open to users, and try not to abuse it. If I can be
of help in instances such as this
hus keeping speed up
and complications from parsing some stuff from the live tree and some from
the saved files to a minimum, using the saved files, and thus the
environment as it was at the time of install, by default.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
eep it. I went with the suggested
size=2m (tmpfs). df says 184KB used, so that's quite big enough and then
some, but on Linux the free space isn't actually allocated until it's no
longer free space, so no matter. Are you saying the BSDs would allocate
and therefore remove from furthe
just gets caught in the cross-hairs. They don't care about third party
mail as long as it's not on port 25, which the spambots of course use.
Thus, no fancy encryption or the like needed, only a server listening on
something other than 25, and a client that can be set to send on some
aid, 50m on /dev/shm (which has
PORTAGE_TMPFS pointed at it), and 5g on /tmp (out of 8 gig total real
memory so even in a runaway scenario I'd have 3 gig of real memory
reserved for system use, PORTAGE_TMPDIR and PKG_TMPDIR pointed at this one).
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs
articular challenges faced on MIPS may change the
time effects greatly there (basing this on remarks I recall from the
split-KDE debate, but I haven't the foggiest whether that applies here
or not), so I'd be interested in seeing someone address it from their
Duncan - Lis
simplifying that code and eliminating one
more place bugs could hide. =8^)
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
#x27;ll push the button. There's little you or I or
most FLOSS community devs can do about it, so it's really not worth
worrying about unless or until it happens. Keep a watchful eye and stay
informed, sure, but not much else.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
ce as is, but change the policy to
encourage, rather than discourage, sending thru Gentoo's servers, so
the SPF entries don't /need/ to change.
IOW, I don't see anyone proposing changes for those who find their current
solution works. The changes are for those having problems
"Stuart Herbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted
below, on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 16:09:31 +:
> On 11/7/06, Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> No devs get paid directly for working on Gentoo -- they are all
>> volunteers.
along with its format. Call it package.license or whatever. The idea being
that a user may wish to accept a specific license for a specific package,
but not globally.
This being Gentoo, this is likely to be implemented anyway, but specifying
it and its format in the glep standardizes it, useful
ally display
the license for agreement if the package is actually merged.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
rrect. I was not reading the GLEP correctly and
was therefore wrong, above. Thanks for clarifying that for me.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
So, portage devs, is this reasonable, or entirely unworkable for some
reason that hasn't occurred to me? If it's reasonable, are we looking at a
small change or a big change, and at what relative priority and timeframe
is implementation possible/likely?
Duncan - List replies preferred.
excerpted below, on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 11:36:53 -0500:
> Vlastimil Babka wrote:
>> Duncan wrote:
>>> whatever USE flag removal forcing --newuser rebuild, when I as a
>>> /human/ know it's not
ith that defined, portage
itself will be freer to progress at speed as well, and it may be that it
will remain the default "approved" solution for quite some time.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you us
ake up that meta-distribution idea. If you want a Gentoo based
distribution that uses this idea from Gobo, create it! That's one of the
great possibilities of FLOSS based software, and Gentoo as a declared
meta-distribution, with tools such as catalyst to help with the process,
wonder none of the Gentoo devs seem the least bit interested. It does
have it's own kind of logic, but it's so different from regular *ix logic,
few *ix heads will consider it even worth their time to think about.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
it's still from an "official overlay" shouldn't be reason to close the bug
happening also in amarok, altho that sort of closure does happen when
package are installed independently or from "Joe Blow's overlay".
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
at least, if not the other
packages depending on it) in just such an official overlay. I was simply
pointing that out and in general approving the idea, thus it was thread
topical, tho I have no dog in this fight, and personally don't care /what/
happens to it.
Duncan - List replies pre
cessary to notify people of a version bump? :P
>From what was written, it appears to be removal of the non-cvs version, so
it's not just a version bump.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
All you need is a computer to work with and an Internet connection... and
the time and will to learn and to help others. =8^)
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
me in handy.
IIRC there was a flag set in the profile change that the profile's bashrc
tested for and warned about if the profile switching instructions hadn't
been followed, and emerge wouldn't do much until the profile was switched
back and the profile switched to following the in
asked about new options, and
those get saved back to the savedconfig, right?
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
Mike Frysinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on Thu, 01 Feb
2007 23:16:11 -0500:
> i'd say no myself ... or you'd have to add RESTRICT=interactive to the
> eclass
Good point!
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
> ive kept it around mostly so people can transition to mdadm nicely but i
> think it's about time we let it go
+1. Anything that makes the path for the patch in
http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123380 (support for
partitioned/mdp RAID) easier is fine by me. =8^)
be tree-cleaned,
ultimately leaving a rather cluttered use.global.)
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
, including at least one with you as maintainer, so I
take it the problem goes a bit beyond the simple case, and you may need
to talk to an amd64 or other bug-arch specific dev about it.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master -
ith its
removal relatively soon (months?) thereafter.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
ind themes available in
portage useful, but equally don't necessarily believe they belong in the
main tree. An overlay seems to me to be the perfect solution.
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
mprovements they continue to do,
but for the clarity of the "social interface" aspect of their work, as
well. =8^)
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
As it was when I posted (permanent link to entry snapshot):
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you
list regulars to kill-filter the thread /and/ the abusive
user. If that avoids the step toward direct censorship he seems to be
trying to push...
Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
ess, but that's an important
community resource as an archive often linked to when referring to old
threads) to ban access entirely in any case.
Perhaps if infra doesn't want to hassle read-only mode and prefers a full
mail ban, mention could be made of gmane for those who wish to conti
Steve Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 16:45:09
> Duncan wrote:
>> Has anyone stopped to think... he might have an ulterior motive here?
>> Clearly, it's trolling, the quote above should demonstrat
ong opinion about this last item. I'm
> just trying to offer things to think about.
I agree, same rules, enforceable on all, but having devs sign (plus
putting a question or two on the quiz dealing with such things, not
because anyone will answer wrong, but because it'll bring t
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