excerpted below, on  Wed, 02 Aug 2006 18:45:59 +0000:

> Enrico Weigelt wrote:
>> * Petteri R?ty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
>>> dev-java/saxon-bin is going to be removed from the tree as soon as the
>>> from sources version dev-java/saxon gets marked stable on arches that
>>> have saxon-bin stable. I will add a package move and a revision bump so
>>> that user will have a smooth upgrade. I will also adjust app-text/jing
>>> to work with the from sources version.
>> Are such things also announced separately on some user list ?
>> The problem I see: from the view of an common user (who's not 
>> reading the dev lists) packages they're using suddenly disappear. 
>> They don't have time to handle it properly.
>> There should be an additional flagging (ie. scheduled for masking
>> or removal), maybe such flags could be put into an separate
>> database (ie. some textfile available via web or rsync).
> Things scheduled for removal (by treecleaners, and I hope by many) enter
> pmask prior to removal; this is really the current system of notification.

Just to add... 30 days is the usual package mask.  As AW states, the idea
of the mask is so users will have time after masking to save the masked
ebuild to their overlay and/or file a bug saying they use it, as well as
that it's a wake-up call for any devs, if they want it saved, to get busy
and take over maintenance and start fixing the bugs that having remained
unfixed for so long, got the package masked in the first place.

If a user isn't syncing and updating at least once a month, well... the
ebuilds and related files remain available from viewCVS, which is open to
the public, so they can still be retrieved and stuck in an overlay, if
necessary, and Gentoo devs can of course fix the bugs and return the
ebuild to the tree, if they believe it's worth it.  The files aren't gone
without a trace, forever.

All that said, IMO these qualify for "announcements" as much as the GLSAs
normally inhabiting the announce list do.  That list isn't "glsa", it's
"announce" and these are announcements that could affect a number of
users, so IMO they belong there as well as here.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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