[gentoo-dev] Bug Wrangling Event?

2005-11-11 Thread Chris White
r two day event, but that I won't know unless I get interest ;). Let me know what you all think and I'll go from there. PLEASE REPLY OFF LIST Thanks :) Chris White pgpmrTgrCSTBL.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Around 425 non-existent packages in p.mask?

2005-11-22 Thread Chris White
On Wednesday 23 November 2005 11:18, Luis F. Araujo wrote: > Hello everyone, > > A few days ago i glanced over package.mask , and i was surprised > about how many non-existent ebuild/packages entries are there. er: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105016 Chris White pgpOq

Re: [gentoo-dev] festival use flag

2005-11-26 Thread Chris White
festival and festival lite (festival and flite), which somewhat do the same thing with regards to tts. In fact, this is somewhat needed for kde-base/kttsd to work properly, as it needs the appropriate tts daemon to provide its services. Chris White pgpvg9zXOOFCN.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gee, wouldn't it be nice (security bugs)...

2005-12-14 Thread Chris White
On Wednesday 14 December 2005 20:00, Michael Cummings wrote: er.. why not just do an advanced query for all bugs assigned / cc'ed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] How that doesn't accomplish the same thing... > Just a thought as i try to recall where i left that can of coffee, > ~mcummi

Re: [gentoo-dev] UPGRADE ANNOUNCEMENT bugs.gentoo.org

2005-12-14 Thread Chris White
On Thursday 15 December 2005 04:30, Simon Stelling wrote: > http://dev.gentoo.org/~chriswhite/flame.html Moved it: http://dev.gentoo.org/~chriswhite/docs/flame.html pgpuIK8UTgdbu.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] making dodoc and dohtml die when they fail and stricter is on

2005-12-25 Thread Chris White
we're also having the situation of missing other important documentation as well. This all should be checked the first time a package is imported/version bumped for consistancy. > I'd rather not see the change. Chris White pgpPl3WvLt9yi.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] What to do with GCC 4 related bugs?

2006-01-02 Thread Chris White
r should I write one > report for each package? The policy is pretty much if it doesn't compile, you get to fix it. If you have a patch then report it to bugzilla. > Thanx... > > Dirk Chris White pgp7Rg3vk1v02.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] guide/howto switching to slotted MySQL

2006-01-22 Thread Chris White
o the docs team. Please cc me as when you do make one. Chris White pgp2wd19Kclz8.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] In Southern Cali Area

2006-02-03 Thread Chris White
ell as 30 forms of ID linked to me and my 400 aliases. Chris White pgprh2GcOjg5U.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] mwcollect deprecation notice

2006-02-22 Thread Chris White
er to nepenthes. Thanks all Chris White pgp0hBm4gU1z0.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Pending Removal: mvideo

2006-02-26 Thread Chris White
According to the mono herd (latexer), mvideo breaks with mono mono-1.1.x. The last message to the cvs mailing list was May 2004. That said it isn't under heavy development, is currently in package.mask, and will be removed in 1 week unless someone wishes to maintain it. Chris

Re: [gentoo-dev] Pending Removal: mvideo

2006-02-26 Thread Chris White
As per recommendation the removal time will be 30 days instead. This gives a better chance for people who want to pick it up. Chris White pgpWAFKTsFDBU.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] PPC Meeting Reminder and Agenda

2006-03-05 Thread Chris White
oper Programs 4) GCC 4.1 5) Installer Project PPC Porting The meeting will be held at #gentoo-ppc-meeting . Hope to see everyone there! Chris White pgpLmwpOVDWck.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] New Glep 46 Draft: Allow upstream tags in metadata.xml

2006-03-05 Thread Chris White
On Monday 06 March 2006 09:58, Ciaran McCreesh wrote: > XML people: is there a way of linking attribute="" values to stuff > defined in another XML file that isn't going to make my face bleed? Can you expand on that some more? What exactly would be accomplished throug

Re: [gentoo-dev] New Glep 46 Draft: Allow upstream tags in metadata.xml

2006-03-05 Thread Chris White
e`` -- developers should email the ``gentoo-dev`` mailing list before using a new ``type`` value." and if not please specify which part of the GLEP this references to. Chris White [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/ pgpK6cCNGqdMr.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Glep 00 - Cashing In On Drama RFC

2006-04-01 Thread Chris White
Please see the attached glep for a proposal to cash in on the ZOMG DRAMA we encounter. Shout out to my boys at Tony's Diner, The llama farm, and the AirForce for letting me borrow their ROFLCOPTERS. Chris White GLEP: 00 Title: Cashing In On Drama Version: $Revision: 1.0 $ Last-Modified:

Re: [gentoo-dev] Open Office on x86_64

2006-04-05 Thread Chris White
g lots of manpower to try and resolve this issue. At this point it's pretty much going with what upstream is doing. I tried it personally and there's just a lot to handle ;). Chris White pgpmBaguNF0I8.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] OSCON booth?

2006-04-20 Thread Chris White
ould be nice, T-Shirts or whatever That's all I can think of atm. > Thanks, > Donnie > > 1. http://conferences.oreillynet.com/os2006/ Chris White pgpxbjj5ScGJR.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Ati driver

2006-04-21 Thread Chris White
o talk about general development, policies, etc. Your mail is a bug report, and you need to search bugzilla. Chris White pgppRuP7EBK6u.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo: State of the Union

2006-04-28 Thread Chris White
> then this is the wrong solution. Sure, then you get this: "Hey can I join?" "OK" "*adds user*" -- 2 weeks later -- "Anyone heard from user?" "No" And heaven forbid they actually took on package maintaining before they left. -- Chris Whi

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo: State of the Union

2006-04-28 Thread Chris White
d environment. The quiz is there to help show them the global way of handling things. > -ryan -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: ChrisWhite cpw ChrisWhite|Work WhiteChocolate VanillaWhite Whitey WhiteLight WhiteCheese WhiteSugar WhiteButter WhiteWall WhiteLemon WhiteApple WhiteBlanket Whi

Re: [gentoo-dev] ACCESS DENIED during emerge

2006-04-28 Thread Chris White
files to the live filesystem, instead do: cp whatever.conf whatever2.conf ${D}/etc/ or some people like: insinto /etc doins whatever.conf whatever2.conf or if it's a conf.d file: doconfd > > -- > Aj -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: ChrisWhite cpw ChrisWhite|Work WhiteChocolate

Re: [gentoo-dev] default RDEPEND?

2006-04-28 Thread Chris White
ault. What's the best practice for scripting this in an ebuild? You seem to have a bit of questions regarding development in general, it might be best to idle in [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a better solution to getting your questions answered. > -- > Aj -- Chris White Gentoo Develo

Re: [gentoo-dev] default RDEPEND?

2006-04-28 Thread Chris White
ault. What's the best practice for scripting this in an ebuild? Just FYI to everyone, this discussion is now taking place in #gentoo-dev-help. > -- > Aj -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: ChrisWhite cpw ChrisWhite|Work WhiteChocolate VanillaWhite Whitey WhiteLight WhiteCheese WhiteSuga

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo: State of the Union

2006-04-28 Thread Chris White
.1) cvs admin -or1.1::1.2 (delete revision 1.1 - 1.2) -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: ChrisWhite cpw ChrisWhite|Work WhiteChocolate VanillaWhite Whitey WhiteLight WhiteCheese WhiteSugar WhiteButter WhiteWall WhiteLemon WhiteApple WhiteBlanket WhiteEnergy WhiteWhite pgphj3s2uEZ85.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: 259 paludis-profile messages. ENOUGH!

2006-05-18 Thread Chris White
o sort their conversation into logical structure.. but last time I tried that, Ciaranm put up a procmail rule on how to nuke all mails from me, and someone else told me to pretty much shove it. No love lolz! So here's $5.00, grab some popcorn and soda and enjoy the show! Chris W

[gentoo-dev] PDA herd call for assistance

2006-08-05 Thread Chris White
pull some devs in from the process. That said, if you're interested give me a PM on IRC, or just send me an email. Thanks all, Chris White -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.4 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFE1FdjFdQwWVoAgN4RAshxAJ9gheWU1ypb0ikAMvargOG9NrLiTQCeJ/Z9 Cdf6B1IxXSlenRD6AvoK

Re: [gentoo-dev] Proposal for cleaning portage a bit (themes and other eyecandy stuff)

2006-08-18 Thread Chris White
fraid this will promote users to start sending us themes for everything and the kitchen sink. This is a nightmare to an already interesting problem of tree maintainance. > 4) keep original packages as meta packages with notice, that users > should upgrade We add this to an update file wh

Re: [gentoo-dev] Portage Sets

2006-08-29 Thread Chris White
On Tuesday 29 August 2006 07:22, Kevin F. Quinn wrote: > # emerge $(cat /var/lib/portage/myset) y'all are killing me emerge $(< /var/lib/portage/myset ) :p -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: ChrisWhite cpw ChrisWhite|Work WhiteChocolate VanillaWhite Whitey WhiteLight WhiteCheese

Re: [gentoo-dev] Portage Sets

2006-08-29 Thread Chris White
-utils, vixie-cron } Where exactly would these sets be defined? Reading through it doesn't seem to be all that apparent. > head -n4 $(<~/.sig) > ~/.sig $ head -n $(<~/.sig) > ~/.sig Segmentation Fault -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: ChrisWhite cpw Chris

Re: [gentoo-dev] Suggestion: Globalness of some USE flags

2006-08-31 Thread Chris White
t; Jak zerwać z dziewczyną, która potrafi fruwać, przenosić > góry i przebijać wzrokiem stalowe pancerze? Uma Thurman > w komedii "MOJA SUPER EKSDZIEWCZYNA". Już kinach! > http://klik.wp.pl/?adr=http%3A%2F%2Fadv.reklama.wp.pl%2Fas%2Fmojasuperdziew >czyna.html&sid=

Re: [gentoo-dev] reminder: USE=static is *not* for libraries

2006-08-31 Thread Chris White
ous issue and fix it ASAP. Since when does a hal ebuild bug have anything to do with masked shared libraries? -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: ChrisWhite cpw ChrisWhite|Work WhiteChocolate VanillaWhiteWhitey WhiteLight WhiteCheese WhiteSugar

Re: [gentoo-dev] cdrtools license issues

2006-09-01 Thread Chris White
ng with what some consider to be a rather sketchy legal dispute. [1] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debburn -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: ChrisWhite cpw ChrisWhite|Work WhiteChocolate VanillaWhiteWhitey WhiteLight WhiteCheese WhiteSugar WhiteBu

Re: [gentoo-dev] cdrtools license issues

2006-09-01 Thread Chris White
tal > sanity). What are talking about? Debburn is the debian fork suggested in the original post. The whole point of it IS to make it respect the GPL. Also if you stop and look at the URL, it's an svn repository with the SOURCE for it. Most people don't svn repository binaries.

Re: [gentoo-dev] cdrtools license issues

2006-09-01 Thread Chris White
wtf. I'd rather just focus on the "GPL" safe alternative that's less likely to screw people over. -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: ChrisWhite cpw ChrisWhite|Work WhiteChocolate VanillaWhiteWhitey WhiteLight WhiteCheese WhiteSugar

Re: [gentoo-dev] cdrtools license issues

2006-09-01 Thread Chris White
burning packages out there use it. Heck, dvdrtools is GPL, you could use that. As long as we have an alternative to point users to, good. THAT'S what I'm trying to say. -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: ChrisWhite cpw ChrisWhite|Work WhiteChocolate Van

Re: [gentoo-dev] cdrtools license issues

2006-09-01 Thread Chris White
nse, and possibly screwing onself over. Heck, would you rather the user had no option than not installing the one package that powers just about all off the linux cd burning programs out there? -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: ChrisWhite cpw ChrisWhite|Work WhiteChocola

Re: [gentoo-dev] What would Freud say? New developer; Mike Kelly!

2006-09-06 Thread Chris White
one of my dates.. I got slapped :( > So yeah, buy him a pint and welcome him onboard! SMTP, IMAP and POP3 don't support that. -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: ChrisWhite cpw ChrisWhite|Work WhiteChocolate VanillaWhiteWhitey WhiteLight WhiteCh

Re: [gentoo-dev] (Not so) New Developer - The Paya

2006-09-06 Thread Chris White
ard! Here's to a long and enjoyable involvement with Gentoo! thank you? -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: ChrisWhite cpw ChrisWhite|Work WhiteChocolate VanillaWhiteWhitey WhiteLight WhiteCheese WhiteSugar WhiteButter WhiteWa

[gentoo-dev] Why you use Gentoo

2006-09-07 Thread Chris White
So, wondering why people use Gentoo. Put [dev] or something if you're an actual gentoo dev and [user] if you're a user. Doesn't need to be fancy, you can put "community" or something if that's all you want. All responses off list please. Thanks. -- Chris Wh

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: Package Manager Specification: configuration protection

2006-09-11 Thread Chris White
d? I ask because I would anticipate the default behavior for replacing configuration files with their pending updates to be picking the newest update. That said, the previous versions would not serve a purpose, or is there something I don't see? -- Chris White Gentoo Developer a

Re: [gentoo-dev] New project: Gentoo Seeds

2006-09-20 Thread Chris White
. GLEP(?). I guess I'm enhancing Gentoo by requesting that more llama action be put in GLEPS (rar?). -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: xx (Scissors Were Here) xx pgpKA5TkpTaOu.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] The Seed Project - Try 2

2006-09-20 Thread Chris White
nymore, I fear we'll have more things to worry about than this particular project. -- Chris White Gentoo Developer pgpeH8N0t2uzI.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Notification about MD5 support

2006-09-22 Thread Chris White
e whole purpose gets defeated. Yes, you can consider that developers should be going in and checking the changes, etc., but the problem it's something a lot of devs would be less likely to do versus an easy md5sum lookup. -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: xx (Scissors Were Here) xxx

Re: [gentoo-dev] SCHEDULED DOWNTIME: {cvs,svn}.gentoo.org - 2006-10-05 - 1900UTC - 2300UTC

2006-10-02 Thread Chris White
On Monday 02 October 2006 13:30, Robin H. Johnson wrote: > We'll keep status in the topic at #gentoo-dev while we're working on it. Alright, I'm starting a pool on how many people will still ask why cvs and svn are down. Starts at $5, who'se in? -- Chris White Gento

Re: [gentoo-dev] New Developer: David Shakaryan (omp)

2006-10-16 Thread Chris White
BURGER KING -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: xx (Scissors Were Here) xx pgp1WVw5nn9fT.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-core] Developer retirement

2006-10-16 Thread Chris White
This thread is weird, here's a picture of a giraffe: http://www.mccullagh.org/db9/10d-1/giraffe-closeup.jpg enjoy -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: xx (Scissors Were Here) xx pgpKkOr9KETz4.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: per-package default USE flags

2006-10-17 Thread Chris White
, tickets $50 ringside, $30 midrow, $20 upper level. -- Chris White Gentoo Developer -- gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: Gentoo Commitfests

2006-10-20 Thread Chris White
On Friday 20 October 2006 14:15, Michael Crute wrote: > How about beer? Thats where all the money goes anyhow ;-) I'm sure that recruiters would have a beautiful time trying to keep up with the new developer requests. -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: xx (Scissors Were Here

Re: [gentoo-dev] New developer: Christian Faulhammer (opfer)

2006-10-27 Thread Chris White
gns go here) (AfroDuck approves of this dev) (baby_jesus giggles) (Richard Stallman was here) -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: xx (Scissors Were Here) xx pgpYoGSd657zT.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Stop reading here

2006-10-30 Thread Chris White
Everything else below is ugly. -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: xx (Scissors Were Here) xx pgpSSQTAPnIyc.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Call For Interest: Scale5x

2006-10-31 Thread Chris White
booths were given pretty late last year, but I'll try and find out if they have some remote idea. -- Chris White Gentoo Developer aka: xx (Scissors Were Here) xx pgpl9Ce7WRmJ4.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] More bashrc usage

2005-05-17 Thread Chris White
oing to give it to you (...yet /me takes out world domination plans). Chris White -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iD8DBQFCiftjFdQwWVoAgN4RAvbgAJ9nF/amQlbrkofAVXUthK0Pc4FA0QCgow96 UBnzr7L7uUYVGw7TthJBuFU

Re: [gentoo-dev] Unofficial Gentoo Development Guide and Autotools

2005-05-19 Thread Chris White
[ audio_info_t audio_info; AUDIO_INITINFO(&audio_info); ],[ have_sunaudio=yes ]) AC_MSG_RESULT($have_sunaudio) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_SUNAUDIO, test x"$have_sunaudio" = "xyes&

Re: [gentoo-dev] Unofficial Gentoo Development Guide and Autotools

2005-05-19 Thread Chris White
> Makefile's > with AC_SUBST() ... > -mike I meant to say it adds it to the linking flags when mng is needed. That wasn't quite what came out.. does this mean I'm FACED? Chris White -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux) Comment

Re: [gentoo-dev] New Developer: dang

2005-05-21 Thread Chris White
Jason Huebel wrote: > It's with pleasure that I announce a new developer: Dang. Dang has been > working as an "Arch Tester" for AMD64 for a while now and has proven himself > to be an asset to the team. So we felt it would be good to officially make > him a developer. He'll be helping with amd64

[gentoo-dev] Bashrc mini HOWTO

2005-05-24 Thread Chris White
ES. It can even do all the nifty portage variables too (default and in /etc/make.conf). So that's it, with this nice little touch you can do cool customizations to the portage process, without messing with portage code ;). Chris White -- gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Portage, Jobs, and Niceness

2005-05-31 Thread Chris White
fig/imake' make[2]: `imakeonly' make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/xorg-x11-' + rm -f xmakefile.bak + mv xmakefile xmakefile.bak and viola! Our compile moves right on! Please note that jobs is NOT A PROGRAM, it's a part of the shell. I know bash does it.. I'm not sure if others do. That's it for now, hope this becomes usefull to some people. Chris White pgpgWDVxzmeCi.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] where goes Gentoo?

2005-06-11 Thread Chris White
and y sucks, just to say they suck. Now, saying "I think you should choose x over y because z and z best meets your goals" is something far better. So to sum it up, it's not really (for me maybe) about enterprise v. hobbyist, it's about moving ANYONE over to Linux, period.

[gentoo-dev] intention for kde-themes eclass

2005-06-13 Thread Chris White
#x27;m on doing eclasses, I'll take a look at doing a nicer eclass HOWTO on getting eclasses working. Comments and suggesstions are welcome. Chris White pgptJmQsQkOyj.pgp Description: PGP signature

kde-theme.py (formerly [gentoo-dev] intention for kde-themes eclass)

2005-06-14 Thread Chris White
27;t merge), the newly created ebuild will not be merged. 10) ebuild [file] digest is run to create the manifest 11) the file is emerged with --oneshot to prevent world udpates from going screwy viola, that's all there is too it. Chris White pgpoQtu8z047s.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] chriswhite herd(?) status update

2005-06-14 Thread Chris White
). Therefore, I think a small page with major stuff like "Oh my god, my stuff doesn't compile" or "It can't find my library!" would help. Ways of solving it would also be nice. I was thinking of having the page archive things that are 1 month old and everything

Re: [gentoo-dev] chriswhite herd(?) status update

2005-06-14 Thread Chris White
bout all bugs that have been > REOPENED? All bugs that have been RESOLVED-TESTREQUEST? > > I think these pre-built queries would be much better than yet another > page to find bugs. Come to think of it.. I think kloeri had a page for that. Maybe we could ask him :P. Chris White pgph

[gentoo-dev] Intent to help with #gentoo-dev voicing issues

2005-06-14 Thread Chris White
voicing request] in the topic, as well as your irc name and timezone for contact purposes. I'll be leaving for work for about 8 hours from the time of this email, so don't expect too much of an immediate response. Chris White pgpNIzYLx5vq8.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: kde-theme.py (formerly [gentoo-dev] intention for kde-themes eclass)

2005-06-14 Thread Chris White
On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 23:39:25 +0200 Paul de Vrieze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > You do know that wget has the "-O" option to specify the name of the > downloaded file. Of course that means you can't regex, but you could probably > do that from wget's output. well I did know about -O (in fact, it

[gentoo-dev] app-admin/mbr.. what to do...

2005-06-16 Thread Chris White
bumped so... I'd do it but I have no solid test method and I really don't like putting out packages without one. If anyone is interested, the bug number is here: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=96254 Otherwise we should do something about the fate of this package. C

[gentoo-dev] Panda 3D licensing issues

2005-06-17 Thread Chris White
http://panda3d.org/manual.php?page=license Thanks, Chris White pgpcZ8TnBLcve.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] emerging a library with debugging symbols

2005-07-03 Thread Chris White
On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 16:04:38 + Nelson Benítez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello, Im trying to emerge a library (gnome-vfs) with debugging symbols > so gdb can show me sources when debugging. To accomplish this I have > emerged with pertinent cflags (-ggdb -O0) and with FEATURE "noclean" so >

[gentoo-dev] New Bugzilla HOWTO

2005-07-07 Thread Chris White
x27;s like you NEVER EXISTED! kthxbye Chris White pgpDyNPV6zH9r.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] New Bugzilla HOWTO Update

2005-07-10 Thread Chris White
improve. Thanks goes to the people who help fix my crap for grammar mistakes ;). So far it seems to be comming along nicely, I've been notified of the upgrade to bugzilla comming soon, and will update my screenshots and other information accordingly. Thanks again to everyone. Chris

[gentoo-dev] New MySQL doc

2005-07-11 Thread Chris White
Here's the initial devspace draft of the new MySQL draft I've been working on: http://dev.gentoo.org/~chriswhite/mysql.html Comments, etc are welcome. Chris White pgpuXmAvblVwE.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] MySQL doc [updated]

2005-07-12 Thread Chris White
I've updated the MySQL doc here: http://dev.gentoo.org/~chriswhite/mysql.html It contains the fixes that have been suggested to me, as well as a note on the SELECT field FROM table form of the SELECT statement. Thanks for the input recieved! Chris White pgp2QG2WVK5i9.pgp Description

[gentoo-dev] New Bugzilla HOWTO splitup

2005-07-12 Thread Chris White
soon, things are gonna get really weird really fast ;). More information to come soon. Chris White pgp3HiRuw1EZ8.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] MySQL doc [updated]

2005-07-12 Thread Chris White
On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 08:48:50 -0400 Philip Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > As someone who has never used MySQL, but might want to in future, > your help doc looks very useful: thanks for your efforts. Not a problem. > It does need running thro' a spell-checker & a careful proof-reading, > whic

[gentoo-dev] New MySQL doc (update 3)

2005-07-12 Thread Chris White
most importantly, I'd like to thank the fine folks at Speedy's dinner! http://dev.gentoo.org/~chriswhite/mysql.html Chris White pgp5shNgikNZo.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Proposal: pre-emerge advisories

2005-07-13 Thread Chris White
rsing stuff! That's nice dear... I'm going to do this because a) I like challenges b) I already have the framework setup for it Chris White pgpU5P8s3LEsq.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Food For Thought: Bugzilla Localization?

2005-08-03 Thread Chris White
t the english fields mean, and have them fill it out in their own language, then have someone come by and translate it for the developers. While I don't have quite all the answers here, I'm wondering if someone has a viable solution to this somewhat obscure issue. Thanks. Chris White

Re: [gentoo-dev] imlate x86 Editon and more x86 fun

2005-08-11 Thread Chris White
a person marks a package that the maintainer was planning on working at, things could go wrong. I'm open to ideas on such a team, but I'm not sure how to workout the major issues at this point. Chris White pgpDusSaR2vwk.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] [summary] combining x86 and amd64

2005-09-02 Thread Chris White
ch testers, hparker has offered to help." People start agreeing that x86 arch team creation is a Good Idea(tm) More misc talk The end! Ok, that should sum it up, and currently there's another thread about x86 arch team creation which seems to be going well. Hopefully this mak

[gentoo-dev] Perl Recruiting

2005-09-02 Thread Chris White
development background, while core perl devs should have a background in the actual inner perl workings. That said, if you're interested, please contact Elfyn McBratney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or myself Chris White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Also cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks for everyone

[gentoo-dev] [Summary] tentative x86 arch team glep

2005-09-06 Thread Chris White
able capable. Some more discussion follows asking that ~arch be used as the stable ready marker. It also is stated that ~arch is not about testing for a package readiness, but more ebuild readiness. [1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.devel/31060 [2] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.devel/31100 Chris White -- gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] [Summary] GLEP 41: Making Arch Testers official Gentoo Staff

2005-09-12 Thread Chris White
ev. So there's your summary of glep 41 so far. If this gets any larger I'll make a part II :p. [1] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/base/amd64/tests/index.xml?part=1&chap=1 Chris White pgpBJyQcgctuo.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 41: Making Arch Testers official Gentoo Staff

2005-09-12 Thread Chris White
ble time period). My 2 $denomination_here Chris White pgpMoDEMnrvJH.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Resolution - GTK Useflag Situation

2005-09-18 Thread Chris White
o prefer to reminisce about the good ol' days. This is what we call flaming, please don't waste time with this. It's annoying as hell, ends up making threads longer than they need, and does nothing to benifit the argument. Thanks. Chris White pgpky7baB0V83.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Getting Important Updates To Users

2005-10-30 Thread Chris White
uld get more updates, which would propigate to rss, and maybe link gentoo-announce to the front page as well. Chris White pgpPpbuGrK8gJ.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Getting Important Updates To Users

2005-10-30 Thread Chris White
_all_ of the above solutions. Combined together they form a more effective means towards achieving the intial goal stated. I'll have a glep for this created soon and posted here. Chris White pgpBWB4f1qq0O.pgp Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] GLEP 42 (Was: Getting Important Updates To Users)

2005-10-31 Thread Chris White
Attached in plain text form is glep 42 for the discussed thread. It's rather long, but I hope it details any sort of questions that may be brought up. Chris White GLEP: 42 Title: Centralized User Updates Version: $ Last-Modified: $ Author: Chris White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Status: