On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 08:48:50 -0400 Philip Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As someone who has never used MySQL, but might want to in future, > your help doc looks very useful: thanks for your efforts. Not a problem. > It does need running thro' a spell-checker & a careful proof-reading, > which is always easier for someone else than for the author himself. Yah, I know, the docs-team makes fun of me daily for it ;p. > Someone has already pointed out that it's 'Structured', not 'Standard'. > under '[code list] 1.4', why do we need a root password ? > are you not setting this up as a user ? eg if I use MySQL, > it will be to manage a large database of urban transit information, > which I will do entirely inside my desktop machine > with no access to other users or to the Internet [ok: I see Sect 4 below]; Fixed, init script does, actual admin login doesn't > at the beginning of Sect 2 , you have 'promt'; Fixed > below '2.1', you don't explain what database 'mysql' is for; Don't see exactly where this is in reference to. > below '2.3', "let's us know" sb [should be] "lets us know"; Fixed > under 'Creating the tables', it looks very much like a spreadsheet: > perhaps you could point out the parallels; > can you import data directly from a spreadsheet like Open Calc ? Not sure if I quite understand this corectly. Most spredsheet programs save to comma seperated files, which MySQL file loading requires tab seperated files. > below '3.2', "most simplistic" sb "simplest" or "most straightforward"; Fixed > under '3.6', you should explain that you are using 'insert into' > to insert a new record (if that's what it does), not arbitrary data; Fixed > under '3.7', "seperated" sb "separated" (other instances below): > it's a trap for anyone who missed out on Latin at school (smile); I was told that by someone else :P Fixed > under '3.10', you need to expand your explanation: > "if you paste information <into your infile>"; Fixed that + another "seperation" > under '3.11', "comprimised" sb "compromised": > 3.11-12 looks a bit out of place: perhaps move it below with a cross-ref ? Fixed > under '3.14', why do the columns not line up in your examples ? > is this a deficiency in MySQL or a result of your desktop set-up ? not sure what you mean there, they look fine to me > under '3.16', "priveleges" & "privleges" sb "privileges": > this recurs several times below (grimace); Twice in one paragraph, nice ;p Fixed > at the beginning of Sect 4 , the point about root versus users is explained: > this sb mentioned briefly right at the top in Sect 1 ; Actually, it's a root mysql account, not the system root, I made a note about that. > under '4.3', i would write "quitting", but perhaps US-speak is "quiting"; Fixed > under '4.8', is "admin" the same as "root" ? -- this needs explanation. Clarified > I've skipped over all the stuff about user privileges, > as it looks as if my own usage would be as "root" in the MySQL sense (above). Ok > One final point you don't mention: is there a GUI front-end for MySQL ? > I'm sure there is, so which one(s) do you recommend ? > For myself, I'm happy to use CLI where it's simplest, > but it looks as if a GUI would save a lot of typing injuries here. Adding a section on that right now... I'll post the new updated page in just a bit. > HTH : it's meant to be picky (smile). Sure, sure, just take away my freedom!!! ;) > Your doc looks very helpful, but needs a bit of polishing & expansion. > > -- > ========================,,============================================ > SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb : [EMAIL PROTECTED] > ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Centre for Urban & Community Studies > TRANSIT `-O----------O---' University of Toronto > -- > gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list > >
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