Please see the attached glep for a proposal to cash in on the ZOMG DRAMA we encounter.
Shout out to my boys at Tony's Diner, The llama farm, and the AirForce for letting me borrow their ROFLCOPTERS. Chris White
GLEP: 00 Title: Cashing In On Drama Version: $Revision: 1.0 $ Last-Modified: $Date: 2018/44/99 50:60:70 $ Author: John Doe, Blue Rick, Sam Smith, Chris "sun" White Status: BBQ Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Credits ======= 14 Remaining, for more credits please insert 25 cents. Abstract ======== No clue what this "Abstract" thingy is.. but here's some text to fill it! Motivation ========== Cash Rationale ========= Gentoo has lots of drama. I feel that since we're a volunteer group, we should cash in on it. This will buy us lots of hardware and servers for our appz and gamez0rz. Backwards Compatibility ======================= Yes, we're using small gerbil powered DVD burners that were previously purchased for making LiveDVDs Specification ============= We sell DVD's n' stuff using sites similiar to this [1]_ . We also maybe do that penny stock thingy as well... who knows. Then we'll utilize our gerbil powered DVD's to burn our stuff, and distribute them through rocket powered goats. Oh, and if there isn't enough drama, I've created a nice howto [2]_ on firing things up a bit. References ========== .. [1] As The Gentoo(tm) Turns ( .. [2] Flame HOWTO ( Copyright ========= (c) 1489 - 1500 ROFLCOPTER Inc.
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