On Monday 31 October 2005 10:42, Stuart Herbert wrote:


> Some of those who hold the keys to those places have actively resisted
> this in the past.  Personally, I don't think the front page or
> gentoo-announce will reach many more users than the Forums et al already
> do.

Yes it will, because when a new users visits the front page for the first time 
to install Gentoo, they will see the important notices there and put a note 
in the back of their heads about it.  

> I don't think it'll solve our problem.

To be technical, neither will emerge --news.  None of the solutions presented 
here will be a 100% effective means of resolving the problem.  There will 
always be the one user that doesn't want to listen, and will complain at is.  
What we're trying to do here is _lessen_ the ammount of times this occurs.  
What I suggest is we use _all_ of the above solutions.  Combined together 
they form a more effective means towards achieving the intial goal stated.

I'll have a glep for this created soon and posted here.

Chris White

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