Alright, so here's what I think on the whole thing now that I made a nice tidy 
[Summary] thread.

There seems to be some concern about AT testers having more privileges than 
some other devs.  First off, I hope everyone saw the readonly access, and 
even so, the whole point of this thing is to make development smoother.

Basically, if someone comes up to an arch tester and is like "I just put this 
in the tree and I think it works on amd64, can you test it for me?".  Said 
person has to wait an hour or so for rsync to propigate, which may be the 
time it takes to test the package.  That provides a roadblock to efficiency, 
not to mention you only get so many emerge --syncs before our rysnc servers 
happily ban you.

So in conclusion, I think the costs here (having more privileges) do not 
outweigh the benifits (having things tested for various archs within a 
reasonable time period).

My 2 $denomination_here

Chris White

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