Re: Mentor vs. Shepherd

2003-10-03 Thread Roy T. Fielding
The ASF loves the Greek Myth :-) Mentor was Odysseus's good teacher and mental supporter. I prefer Mentor to Shepherd. Er, the ASF rarely speaks with one voice -- Stefano loves the Greek Myth, and the rest of us just tolerate it because we like Stefano. ;-) Personally, I prefer Shepherd, since o

Re: [PROPOSAL] fold incubator-site into incubator CVS ( Re: Posting and tracking project tasks )

2003-10-08 Thread Roy T. Fielding
The STATUS file is passive. Jira is active. The STATUS file requires the submitter to have CVS commit access to that module, and CVS knowledge. Jira has its own access control, and a built-in UI. The STATUS file requires human parsing to understand the priorities. Jira has a prioritization

Re: STATUS file compared/contrasted with an issue tracker

2003-10-10 Thread Roy T. Fielding
I have checked in the incubator CVS a new version of the Incubator site, with a proposed new layout. I am now stuck with exactly this issue, the STATUS files. Could you give me a hand in making a version that can be effectively used for identifying action items in order? We could use a status.x

Re: incubation requirements for axion at apache db?

2003-10-20 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Assuming the Apache DB PMC approves Axion as a new subproject: 1) Other than the attribution of copyright to the ASF, the switch to the ASL, and the submission of a signed CLA for those that haven't already done so, what specfic criteria/goals need to be met in order to succesfully complete incub

Re: projects "in" versus "entering" versus "affiliated with" the incubator

2003-10-21 Thread Roy T. Fielding
The page is obsolete and does not reflect reality, the distinction is really not there. Right, the existing web site is nothing more than a draft. That is why it is a bit silly to create all these other "draft" and "whiteboard" and "wiki" places for other drafts. Please move all relevant content

Re: Common naming accross policy/process/roles

2003-10-24 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Cannot open /home/cvs/CVSROOT/commitlogs/incubator: Permission denied The group permissions on that file are wrong -- I've asked root to fix it. Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Restoring project web sites

2003-11-07 Thread Roy T. Fielding
One of the things that happened when we updated the main incubator site is that it blew away the project site(s). What do we want to tell a project to do about its site. How should Geronimo link a project site into what is now their STATUS page? Obviously, they can just "do it", but is there

Re: [Possible Incubation] Apache Repo

2003-11-08 Thread Roy T. Fielding
I think that producing a single repository, or at least a set of mechanisms that allow a single storage facility to look like a repository with multiple interfaces, is a task for infrastructure and commons to work out (meaning that the people who have interest in such a thing will work together to

Re: [Possible Incubation] Apache Repo

2003-11-08 Thread Roy T. Fielding
So if I understand this correctly the discussions on [EMAIL PROTECTED] should now be conducted on infrastructure where we are talking about the physical layout of the repository in a file system that is accessible via http. It is my understanding that repository is a topic-specific mailing list on

Re: [Possible Incubation] Apache Repo

2003-11-08 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Small note - some of the participants on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] are discussing the actual requirements - which from my (and other) point(s) of view go beyond a file-system http protocol cut-and-dried implementation solution. Some consider this area to be much more than an HTTP download handler. I

Re: [Possible Incubation] Apache Repo

2003-11-08 Thread Roy T. Fielding
It is usually unwise to mix insults with requests. However, the point of collaboration is not to obtain the civility of a collegial discussion over tea; the point is to accomplish the task. Continual discussion of issues that are not relevant to the task being collaborated upon is not collaborati

Re: [Possible Incubation] Apache Repo

2003-11-08 Thread Roy T. Fielding
I would add one more requirement to above statement - namely "machine-friendly". There is an emerging requirement for application driven downloading that has the potential to significantly exceed the classic browser driven requirements that the ASF is addressing today. This has a direct impac

incubator website is hosed

2003-11-10 Thread Roy T. Fielding
The /www/ directory tree on minotaur contains both a checked-out incubator-site *and* the generated output of a forrestbot via incubator. It obviously can't be both. Personally, I've had my fill of this kind of crap being left on our public infrastructure. I shouldn't have to

Add 'practice' PMC structure to projects in incubation

2003-11-22 Thread Roy T. Fielding
onger need to be incubated. ....Roy === From: "Roy T. Fielding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Wed Mar 12, 2003 9:46:04 PM America/Los_Angeles To: members at Subject: PMCs gone wild I am getting a bit frustrated at what appears to be a serious attitude problem w

Re: Add 'practice' PMC structure to projects in incubation

2003-11-24 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Secondly, given the original intent of the concept of a PMC, I am curious as to why the board permitted umbrella PMCs such as XML and Jakarta. The board did not create umbrella PMCs -- XML was Xerces and Jakarta was Tomcat/Watchdog. They grew beyond that because their names implied more, and nob

Re: [VOTE] Incubate Apache Repo

2003-11-24 Thread Roy T. Fielding
-1: Repo is an American colloquialism that is short for "Repossession", which is not something you want in a distribution tool. You need to find a neutral name. Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For addi

Re: Generated sites

2003-11-24 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Why do we need grand site publications schemes? Geronimo is using Maven and it's trivial to site:deploy. Umm, it took three weeks to find someone capable of running site:deploy for Geronimo. I think I was the third person who tried (and failed). I think it would be better to build from CVS, but fo

Re: Forwarding email to Apache Directory

2003-11-26 Thread Roy T. Fielding
We're going take Sander's advice here and would like to make sure that all the following users are added to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list. We will shutdown the mail lists once we have confirmation that all users have been added. Why don't you simply ask those people to subscribe to the new lis

Re: [VOTE] Official Name for "Geronimo" Project

2003-11-29 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Apache was named after the Apache tribes -- "a patchy" server was an afterthought. We've generally avoided any discussion of the topic because involvement of a native american "activist" will only result in trouble for us. Those people are not Apache -- they don't even have a clue. The various t

Re: [VOTE] Official Name for "Geronimo" Project

2003-11-30 Thread Roy T. Fielding
I honestly didn't think the use of the name in this context was an abuse. I don't think it is abuse -- he is a historical figure and he died over 100 years ago, so there is no real fear of being sued for it. I just think it is wrong. Roy

Re: [VOTE] Official Name for "Geronimo" Project

2003-11-30 Thread Roy T. Fielding
The project was initiated on condition that the name would be reconsidered prior to becoming a TLP. I don't really care at this point, except to note that if we do get an objection regarding the name from folks who have a right to object, then the project will have to change its name and everyone

Re: [VOTE] Official Name for "Geronimo" Project

2003-12-01 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Roy made a comment that a condition for leaving the incubator is that the name be changed. I hadn't heard that before, but those are two incompatible views. I said that the condition was that it would be reconsidered; basically, that any comments to the effect that it is now "too late" or the na

Re: projects incubated by the incubator PMC

2003-12-07 Thread Roy T. Fielding
There is no reason for a project to have a final destination until it has to go somewhere other than incubator, at which point it can decide whether it wants to be a TLP (calling for a board vote) or part of an existing project (calling for that project's pmc to vote). Maybe we should have a six mo

Re: projects incubated by the incubator PMC

2003-12-08 Thread Roy T. Fielding
I also don't think it's really that much work on the behalf of a project trying to enter Apache to do a little leg work in resolving that before entering. I didn't say they shouldn't try -- I said it wasn't necessary. As far as I am concerned, no existing project should be allowed to create autono

Re: [VOTE] Re: request for incubation: axion database project

2003-12-18 Thread Roy T. Fielding
We need to finish voting here, but in the meantime go ahead and fill out a new copy as axion.cwiki. When the vote passes, we will make sure that you and/or the DB PMC Chair has karma for the CVS module to check it in. Then the PPMC can review it, and if there are no issues, we can probably ho

Re: [VOTE] Re: request for incubation: axion database project

2003-12-23 Thread Roy T. Fielding
If this isn't constructive criticism, I don't know what is. Axion was told one thing, and now that incubation time has arrive, they're being told another. That's the critical part. I think we should honor the original plan of incubation. That's the constructive part. I don't believe for a secon

Re: [VOTE] graduate MerlinDeveloper from incubation

2004-01-14 Thread Roy T. Fielding
+1 Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: cvs commit: incubator/site/projects gump.cwiki

2004-02-02 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Normative material seems to indicate otherwise. Reference? Moving an Apache project to TLP is a decision by the board. They might ask incubator to help do something, but they haven't yet. Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: [RESULT] JaxMe has now graduated (Fwd: Re: [VOTE] Graduate JaxMe from incubation)

2004-03-09 Thread Roy T. Fielding
There was a VOTE on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we are VOTE'd to graduate JaxMe. Please go ahead and adjust the web site and wish you all best of luck :) thanks, dims Dims, as I have mentioned before, we cannot vote on such things on a private list, which is why I did not vote and why you did not recei

Re: Patents & ASF policy

2004-03-16 Thread Roy T. Fielding
what happens if a ASF sponsored project (lets take jakarta for example) is the subject of a patent dispute say 2-3 years from inception. We either ask the patent owner for a license or wait until the patent owner demands we have one, depending on the nature of the patent. and lets say that the pate

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Pluto

2004-04-22 Thread Roy T. Fielding
+1 Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: contributions and CLAs

2004-05-07 Thread Roy T. Fielding
It's also interesting to note that the current ASF license, "Apache License 2.0" (, includes text (see paragraph 5) that basically says that any time someone makes a contribution to Apache, they are implicitly agreeing to license their contribution under the A

Re: [PROPOSAL] Beehive

2004-05-17 Thread Roy T. Fielding
+1 Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [PROPOSAL] Beehive

2004-05-20 Thread Roy T. Fielding
I would like to get personally involved in this project. I'll add myself to the ppmc and dev lists when they are created, but whether or not I am listed as an initial committer I'll leave up to the folks proposing the project [OTOH, if I am, that will pretty much obligate me to stay involved, at l

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Geronimo from Incubator and recommend as top-level project

2004-05-21 Thread Roy T. Fielding
+1 Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

stop CCing the pmc lists

2004-05-21 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Under no circumstance is it ever appropriate to cc the pmc list when talking on a public list. Just don't do it. The only reason we have that list is to talk about things that cannot be discussed in public. It is not "where the PMC lives". It is not necessary to get the "PMC's attention". The

Re: Request creation of new mailing lists

2004-05-26 Thread Roy T. Fielding
On Monday, May 24, 2004, at 02:47 PM, Cliff Schmidt wrote: Based on the Incubator's approval* of the Beehive project, please create the following public mailing lists and enable them to be viewable through Eyebrowse: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Done. I have sub'd Cliff to both lists, as w

Re: [Summary ]Re: [TEST+VOTE] Lenya 1.2 Release

2004-06-11 Thread Roy T. Fielding
On Friday, June 11, 2004, at 04:01 AM, Leo Simons wrote: [is the rule that a project just needs 3 independent committers, or is there an additional rule that no more than 50% of the committers must be part of a single company?] IIRC that 50% rule applies, but IANAL. Roy, Nicola? I have no idea

Re: The 50% Rule (was RE: [Summary ]Re: [TEST+VOTE] Lenya 1.2 Release)

2004-06-14 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Personally, I'd like to see one or two quantitative rules (such as one about independent committers to allow for vetoes) and then leave the rest up to a voting body that will evaluate graduation against some general guidelines. I also think the voting body should be the PPMC, which is made up of

Re: [VOTE] Graduate SpamAssassin from Incubator, recommend TLP

2004-06-22 Thread Roy T. Fielding
+1 Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [VOTE] Graduate XMLBeans from Incubator and recommend as top-level project

2004-06-22 Thread Roy T. Fielding
+1 Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [VOTE] Accept MyFaces for Incubation

2004-07-09 Thread Roy T . Fielding
+1 (never been much for voting templates) Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: summary on Lenya vote?

2004-08-10 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Tuesday, August 10, 2004, at 12:52 PM, Michael Wechner wrote: Noel J. Bergman wrote: I assumed that no votes would be counted as positive silent votes Nope. There is a notion of "Lazy Consenus", but silence is not a vote. Please apologize if I don't fully understand, but how do you define "

[VOTE] Accept JCR for Incubation

2004-08-25 Thread Roy T . Fielding
CK, Tools, Docs 1.5. Identify the initial set of committers +---------+ |Roy T. Fielding |Day |ASF, httpd, APR, incubator| |-++---

Re: [VOTE] Accept iBATIS for Incubation

2004-08-25 Thread Roy T . Fielding
+1 Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [VOTE] Accept JCR for Incubation

2004-08-25 Thread Roy T . Fielding
What are the chances that you would consider Subversion instead of CVS? We are already using cvs. Subversion would be an added distraction, and I am not yet convinced that it is adequately protected against database corruption and password guessing. Roy

Re: MyFaces?

2004-08-25 Thread Roy T . Fielding
Could someone aware of its status please add MyFaces to the incubator projects section, like the other incubating podlings: Roy ---

[RESULT] Accept JCR for Incubation

2004-08-31 Thread Roy T. Fielding
start creating the status files, mailing lists, etc. In order to save infrastructure some work, the developers have decided to start with SVN instead of CVS. Roy [*] binding +1s from Roy T. Fielding, Noel J. Bergman, Nicola Ken Barozzi, Berin Lautenbach, Leo Simons, Greg Stein, Cliff Sc

Re: assist with Incubator website

2004-09-06 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Sep 6, 2004, at 5:37 AM, David Crossley wrote: As i have said in other threads i would like to assist more with the Incubator website. This would be the case no matter what documentation system is going to be used. So would i have karma to commit to the Incubator CVS. Karma is granted. Thanks f

Re: [RESULT] Accept JCR for Incubation

2004-09-07 Thread Roy T. Fielding
I was working on the initial docs and mailing lists over the weekend and got stuck on making a distinction between the JCR API (JSR 170) and the Apache podling creating an implementation of it. As Gianugo said on the Slide mailing list first proposal would be rethink the name: jcr or jcrr

Re: Derby code copyright question

2004-09-15 Thread Roy T . Fielding
That is correct. 2 main issues with any codebase that the ASF develops is that (1) it be under the Apache License and (2) that the Copyright be assigned to the ASF. So it must be licensed "by" the ASF (via the AL) and "owned" by the ASF. That is not correct: CLAs and software grants are licenses, n

Re: Derby code copyright question

2004-09-15 Thread Roy T. Fielding
On Sep 15, 2004, at 2:55 PM, Jennifer B Machovec wrote: I think the short-term (and maybe even long-term) resolution to the copyright notice issue may be having the ASF copyright notice in each main file clearly apply to the whole project. This could read, for example: "Apache Derby is (c) Copyri

Re: Derby code copyright question

2004-09-16 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Collective work Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation. [AL 2.0 Template] Derivative work Copyright 2004 Some Other Contributor. Licensed to the ASF under a contributor agreement. Copyright 2004 Contributor Company, Inc. Licensed to the ASF under a contributor a

Re: Derby code copyright question

2004-09-24 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Sep 24, 2004, at 4:27 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: okey, after discussing this in seven different directions, we have a clear conclusion, which i'll summarise here: A conclusion by whom? The board? Robyn? IBM? 1. the NOTICE file (or NOTICE.txt) gets created if it doesn't already exist

Re: [OT] How to prevent abusing Apache priviliges

2004-10-14 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Never cross-post to community. what if incubating mentors would abuse their powers to interfer with the normal evolution of Apache incubation projects. What is "normal evolution"? For that matter, what are the mentor powers that you are speaking of here? Mentoring is a burden, not a power. I thi


2004-10-03 Thread Roy T. Fielding
We should create, and move project s/agila to wherever under the agila project's structure you want to keep your site sources. The same is true of the generated artifacts, wh

Re: Derby code copyright question

2004-10-04 Thread Roy T. Fielding
On Oct 4, 2004, at 7:23 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: Jennifer B Machovec wrote: I thought it might be helpful to give some background on the "all rights reserved" phrase. The requirement for this phrase originated in the Buenos Aires Convention of 1910, which provided that a copyright owner

STATUS: Jackrabbit

2004-10-17 Thread Roy T . Fielding
The Jackrabbit project has completed all of the Incubator checklist items in terms of moving to Apache and getting the IP transfer done. With the help of Maven, we have a full website set up at with a few link bugs due to the svn/viewcvs integration. Our

Re: [VOTE] Proposal for Castle

2004-10-20 Thread Roy T . Fielding
Please vote on the Castle incubation proposal: -1. Find more people interested in the project. Sorry, but I have nothing positive to say about containers in terms of engendering useful communities, let alone CLI containers. And I am not going to v

Re: Idea of JCMS

2004-10-31 Thread Roy T . Fielding
There is no problem. There is no reason at all for any one project to "own" the CMS space at Apache. It makes sense for Slide to replace its back-end with Jackrabbit for one and only one reason: such an architecture will enable substitutability of its back-end and simplify Slide's implementation.

Re: [VOTE] Directory project releases

2004-12-27 Thread Roy T . Fielding
-1 The incubator status file does not reflect any progress towards clearing the IP (you MUST update that file). Furthermore, the release artifacts use names that are trademarked and in use by other projects. Some questions need to be answered, while others require a rename: 1) Has Matt Wals

Re: [VOTE] Graduating log4cxx

2004-12-27 Thread Roy T . Fielding
+1 Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [VOTE] Directory project releases

2004-12-30 Thread Roy T . Fielding
Niclas Hedhman wrote: Janus is "God of Gates and Doorways" and a moon of Saturn was named after him in 1966. The sited web page is about arbitration of a domain name and to regain control of such domain name. Janus Capital Group do

Re: [VOTE] Directory project releases

2004-12-30 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Dec 27, 2004, at 8:16 PM, Alex Karasulu wrote: Before discussing each specific item below I'd like to point out a few things. The ASF had through the incubator given us a link to an online service for looking up trademarks. We were told this service should be used to determine if there were

Re: Question about project names.

2004-12-30 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Dec 28, 2004, at 6:22 PM, Trustin Lee wrote: I'm the author of MINA (Multipurpose Infrastructure for Network Applications) subproject in Apache Directory project. We are checking our project names before releasing them. I checked the name 'MINA', and I found three trademark holders. None of t

Re: Directory Project structure (was: Question about project names)

2004-12-31 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Dec 30, 2004, at 10:26 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote: I believe that there are some misunderstandings. There is an architecture for a unified Directory Server. That server is made from a number of components: the core JNDI backend, the local JNDI code, the network support, ASN.1 encoding support

voting on new projects (not via some other pmc)

2005-01-04 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Noel recognized the vote, you need three +1s from the following group of people (the incubator pmc): Aaron Bannert Noel Bergman Nicola Ken Barozzi Ken Coar Morgan Delegrange Roy T. Fielding Ceki Gulcu Paul Hammant James Holmes Ted Husted Jim Jagielski

Re: Please check/post your PROJECT RESOURCE REQUESTS

2005-01-07 Thread Roy T. Fielding
On Jan 5, 2005, at 1:24 AM, Raphaël Luta wrote: I have the following requests pending for Graffito: Mailing-lists: -- Name: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives: public, Eyebrowse Moderator: [EMAIL PROTECTED] done except for eyebrowse Name: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives: public, Eyebrowse Modera

Re: 'Stable' URL for podlings (Derby in particular)

2005-01-11 Thread Roy T . Fielding
The update system Eclipse uses requires stable (unchanging) URLs for the plugins. We'd like to get the Derby plugin for Eclipse into that system, which means we'd like to see about getting a URL which won't change when/if Derby graduates. In what address space? In any persistent address a.o space

Re: [VOTE] Nutch

2005-01-22 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Jan 17, 2005, at 2:25 PM, Doug Cutting wrote: I don't appear to yet have the Karma to do this, so I've attached a diff. Since I'll expect to update this frequently, I should probably get the required Karma. How do I do that? You now have karma, mailing lists, and a subversion repository. Ple

Re: [VOTE] Roberto Rabe as iBATIS Committer/PMC Member

2005-02-06 Thread Roy T . Fielding
+1, have fun. Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[VOTE] add Jukka Zitting to Jackrabbit committers

2005-02-07 Thread Roy T. Fielding
and you willingness/ability to sign and submit a Contributor License Agreement found at Feel free to decline the nomination if you do not desire commit access at this time, or if you are unable to sign the CLA for any reason. Cheers, Roy T. Fielding

Re: [VOTE] add Jukka Zitting to Jackrabbit committers

2005-02-07 Thread Roy T. Fielding
I hereby nominate Jukka Zitting ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on the basis of his sustained interest, quality of work, and desire to contribute to the project on a long-term basis. Please vote with your +1 for yes, +0 for abstain, or -1 (not at this time). +1 Roy -

please be more careful when updating the incubator site

2005-02-08 Thread Roy T . Fielding
jackrabbit site was offline for about 24 hours before it was noticed by the developers. Begin forwarded message: From: Roy T. Fielding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: February 8, 2005 1:17:20 PM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: is down? Reply-To:

Re: please be more careful when updating the incubator site

2005-02-08 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Feb 8, 2005, at 1:58 PM, David Crossley wrote: Do you have a clue as to how this would have happened? Do you mean that it disappeared when the top-level Incubator site was generated? It should not, because the project sites are separate from the top-level site. I have no idea -- the entire direc

[RESULT] add Jukka Zitting to Jackrabbit committers

2005-02-10 Thread Roy T . Fielding
With no objections and plenty of +1s, the Jackrabbit PPMC and Incubator PMC hereby approve the addition of Jukka Zitting as a committer on the Jackrabbit project. Jackrabbit PPMC: +1 Roy Fielding +1 Stefan Guggisberg +1 Stefano Mazzocchi +1 David Nuescheler +1 Peeter Piegaze +1 Gi

Re: [VOTE] Directory exiting Incubator

2005-02-12 Thread Roy T . Fielding
+1 Personally, I needed to see the PPMC make a decision first. Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Advice Needed: What do we do about autoresponders? (Fwd: Autoreply: Re: What are the valid jdbcTypes and their default values.)

2005-02-13 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Feb 13, 2005, at 6:50 PM, Clinton Begin wrote: How do you all deal with autoresponders when they're responding to mailing list posts? Do you kick the user? Is there a filter? kick them Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL P


2005-03-01 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Feb 28, 2005, at 7:25 PM, Sam Ruby wrote: Dave Johnson wrote: Proposal for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (prepared by Dave Johnson - Feb 28, 2005) We the committers and friends of the open source Roller Weblogger project propose that the project become part of the Apache Software Foundation. The rest

Re: [VOTE] add Dominique Pfister to Jackrabbit committers

2005-03-04 Thread Roy T . Fielding
+1 Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: log4net 1.2.9 beta release

2005-03-08 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Mar 7, 2005, at 8:05 AM, Ceki Gülcü wrote: Is there any opposition or reservations in relation to the log4net snapshot release mentioned by Nicko and myself a few days ago? If not could we allow log4net to move forward? If the subproject has cleared its IP issues sufficient to make a release,

Re: log4net 1.2.9 beta release

2005-03-09 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Mar 9, 2005, at 3:00 AM, Ceki Gülcü wrote: At 01:39 AM 3/9/2005, Noel J. Bergman wrote: See Roy's message about the need to update the status file. One would expect that this is simply an oversight, and that the Logging PMC did not vote for a release with IP issues still open. Indeed, the soft

Re: log4net 1.2.9 beta release

2005-03-10 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Mar 10, 2005, at 2:20 AM, Ceki Gülcü wrote: Roy et al., Done. I committed the updates yesterday as shown by the SVN notification message below. I now go on and update the section about 3rd party libraries. I would say that all IP concerns related to log4net have been addressed. Would you con

Re: What is a healthy community? WAS: log4net 1.2.9 beta release

2005-03-12 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On the contrary, the rule is that you must have at least three binding +1 votes from the PMC in order to make a release of anything. I don't believe in umbrella projects, so from my perspective log4net is just one subdirectory in logging. If logging wants to take responsibility for it and logging

Re: What is a healthy community? WAS: log4net 1.2.9 beta release

2005-03-14 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Mar 14, 2005, at 3:08 AM, Ceki Gülcü wrote: At 07:53 PM 3/12/2005, Roy T.Fielding wrote: On the contrary, the rule is that you must have at least three binding +1 votes from the PMC in order to make a release of anything. Roy, For me, the accepting responsibility over a project, say X, translate

Re: Incubator representative?

2005-03-16 Thread Roy T . Fielding
common denominator of project success. Cheers, Roy T. Fielding<> Chief Scientist, Day Software <> - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fo

Re: Incubator mailing list archives not up to date

2005-03-21 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Mar 21, 2005, at 2:57 AM, Jukka Zitting wrote: Hi, The Incubator mailing list archives at seem to be last updated about a month ago at 2005-02-22. Is there something wrong, or have I missed something? (Cross-posting to incubator-general and infrastructure, as

Re: [VOTE] Graduate iBATIS and recommend as TLP

2005-03-28 Thread Roy T . Fielding
+1 Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Derby from the incubator

2005-03-28 Thread Roy T . Fielding
Sorry, I'd like to vote for this, but someone was being cute and removed a lot of relevant questions from the template at and thus I don't have the answers that the ASF needs. For comparison, see the tables in

Re: Prepping for Derby graduation vote

2005-03-28 Thread Roy T . Fielding
There are more important issues with graduation as Roy just pointed out with his veto. I think once these technicalities are settled this project is ready. Er, just a vote -- there is no veto for this type of decision. I will change my vote to +1 as soon as the documentation is fixed. Roy --

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Derby from the incubator

2005-03-28 Thread Roy T . Fielding
Pardon my ignorance but where does this file live and do I have karma to update it? Any committer on an incubator project has karma Information on how to make incubator site changes can be found at The incubator site uses Forrest, not Maven; most

Re: nutch graduation?

2005-04-19 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On Apr 18, 2005, at 3:16 PM, Doug Cutting wrote: Is that what I should file? Yes, at least for now. I suppose we could also transfer the Nutch copyright, trademark, logo, etc. if desired. Nutch does not have a registered trademark. I don't know

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Derby from the incubator

2005-04-22 Thread Roy T. Fielding
On Apr 22, 2005, at 2:22 PM, Daniel John Debrunner wrote: I personally don't see this problem with Derby, all Derby design decisions seem to be happening on the list. So I'm not sure if Jackrabbit and Derby have the same problems. How can you know? I know the amount of progress that we are making

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Derby from the incubator

2005-04-22 Thread Roy T. Fielding
On Apr 22, 2005, at 8:55 AM, Brian Behlendorf wrote: It's not so much "dissonance" as an exception. In an incubating project, the developers are usually new to the ASF, and skipped the meritocracy step by virtue of association with the project before it entered Apache ("here's the list of commi

Jackrabbit status

2005-04-25 Thread Roy T . Fielding
ue to the unfinished nature of the JSR 170 Content Repository for Java Technology API. JSR 170 is expected to be submitted for final draft status in early May, after which all of the discussion can be moved to Apache lists. We anticipate graduating from Incubator sometime soon after that. Cheers,

Re: PROPOSAL : Apache Harmony - J2SE 5 Project

2005-05-06 Thread Roy T. Fielding
+1 Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Harmony: project purpose

2005-05-07 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On May 6, 2005, at 9:20 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote: The aforementioned issues between GPL and AL aside, I am still trying to see how the TCK licensing restrictions are compatible with the GPL. According to the FSF licensing page, the Apache License is deemed by the FSF to be "incompatible with t

Re: Harmony: project purpose

2005-05-07 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On May 7, 2005, at 12:38 PM, Paul Hammant wrote: Unless I am mistaken, Apache licensed code will never be able to 'legally' import GPL code. You are mistaken -- the copyright owner can do whatever they want, as can users. It is only redistributors that are constrained on how they can combine and

Re: [VOTE] add Edgar Poce to Jackrabbit committers

2005-05-21 Thread Roy T . Fielding
+1 Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [VOTE] add Edgar Poce to Jackrabbit committers

2005-05-21 Thread Roy T . Fielding
On May 21, 2005, at 12:08 AM, Jukka Zitting wrote: David Crossley wrote: There is no need to Cc this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] This stuff is a concern of the project. OK, I'm sorry for that, just learning the correct procedures... No need to be sorry -- David is confused. Incubator is the projec

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