I think that producing a single repository, or at least a set of
mechanisms that allow a single storage facility to look like a
repository with multiple interfaces, is a task for infrastructure
and commons to work out (meaning that the people who have interest
in such a thing will work together to minimize the cost to the ASF,
both in terms of bandwidth and volunteer time, under the auspices
of the people responsible for keeping us on the net).  We don't
need a separate group for that because it is an internal task,
and there are no IP issues that require a trip through incubator.

If there are additional software tools that might make useful
Apache products and people to stoke the engines, then we should
incubate those here as new projects.  We just need a clear proposal.

I cannot say this enough: umbrella projects are the bane of Apache.
The sooner we get away from the concept of "everybody has to be
concerned with everyone else's projects" and back to each project
governing itself under collaborative principles, the better and
stronger we will be in the long run.  Consensus is a good way to
make decisions, not a good way to explore alternative designs.
We need to welcome as many offshoots as possible, albeit with
different names to avoid confusion, and we must always be willing
to learn from each other's mistakes and successes.  The essence
Apache philosophy is that we want people to copy what we do,
regardless of why they choose to do so.


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