Hi all,
I just joined the incubator ML and wanted to present myself and possibly also
start a discussion about a software project we developed in the past.
But first things first. My name is Julian Feinauer and I come from Germany
where I run two “start-up” companies where we work a lot on the
Outlook for Android<https://aka.ms/ghei36> herunterladen
From: Julian Feinauer
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 11:11:40 AM
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Hello World / CRUNCH Framework
Hi all,
that then we might be able to get community buy-in for adopting.
My other collaboration point is it would be cool if it could be used with
the newly incubating IoTDB once that has all of its source available.
- Brian
On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 5:59 AM Julian Fei
work would help facilitate
that then we might be able to get community buy-in for adopting.
My other collaboration point is it would be cool if it could be used with
the newly incubating IoTDB once that has all of its source available.
- Brian
On Fri, Dec 14, 2018
guages”, so let’s carry on
> On Dec 14, 2018, at 2:11 AM, Julian Feinauer
> Hi all,
> I just joined the incubator ML and wanted to present myself and possibly
also start a discussion about a software project we
Hey Lars,
hi Rich,
I really like the idea!
We, from time to time, also do trainings and workshops with Apache projects and
it would really help to have a better basis.
And I agree for you that you don’t get payed for *having* slides but for the
show as well as for the insights you get from a goo
could I get write access to the incubator Wiki to update the Podling reports
for the next time?
Username is jfeinauer
Thank you Justin!
Am 03.01.19, 10:54 schrieb "Justin Mclean" :
> could I get write access to the incubator Wiki to update the Podling
reports for the next time?
Done and enjoy!
Hello all,
This is a call for vote to release Apache PLC4X (Incubating) version 0.3.0.
The Apache PLC4X community has voted on and approved a proposal to release
Apache PLC4X (Incubating) version 0.3.0.
We now kindly request the Incubator PMC members review and vote on this
incubator releas
Hi Justin,
thanks for your remark.
I had some issues initially but the key got found by cdutz and others.
I'll try to publish the key again to the server.
Am 03.02.19, 10:26 schrieb "Justin Mclean" :
While you key is in the KEY file it looks like you KEY is not publish
Hi all,
I request write access tot he incubator wiki to submit the Report for Edgent.
My username is “jfeinauer”.
Indeed, strange, but nonetheless, thank you Justin!
Am 03.02.19, 12:02 schrieb "Justin Mclean" :
> I request write access tot he incubator wiki to submit the Report for
> My username is “jfeinauer”.
Looks like you already have permission.
Hello all,
The vote for releasing Apache PLC4X 0.3.0-RC2 (incubating) is closed, now.
Vote result:
3 (+1 binding) (Stefan Bodewig, Justin McLean, Christofer Dutz)
0 ( 0 binding)
0 (-1 binding)
No non-binding votes.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to review the release and help us.
I wil
+1 (non-binding)
I really liked the idea from the start and probably will find some time to
Am 13.02.19, 15:18 schrieb "Kevin A. McGrail" :
+1 Binding. I'll also try again to get Udacity, Udemy, Coursera,
Pluralsight involved now that this is going to a formal incu
Hello all,
This is a call for vote to release Apache PLC4X (Incubating) version 0.3.1.
The Apache PLC4X community has voted on and approved a proposal to release
Apache PLC4X (Incubating) version 0.3.1.
We now kindly request the Incubator PMC members review and vote on this
incubator release.
Hello all,
The vote for releasing Apache PLC4X 0.3.1-RC1 (incubating) is closed, now.
Vote result:
5 (+1 binding) (cdutz, gtrasuk, jmclean, bodewig, lresende)
0 (0 binding)
0 (-1 binding)
And no non-binding votes.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to review the release and help us.
I will
Hi all,
I just wanted to bring back a short summary of a discussion we had with Craig
Russel on a private list regarding the role of podling mentors in the release
approval process.
And as there are currently many thoughts and discussions going on about these
topics, I thought it would be good
ll improve the
site. I am looking to make a Podling’s status and issues easier to see and act
More inline.
> On Mar 12, 2019, at 2:19 AM, Julian Feinauer
> Hi all,
> I just wanted to bring back a short summary of a discussion we
+1 (non-binding)
Am 15.03.19, 10:50 schrieb "Byung-Gon Chun" :
+1 (binding)
On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 6:34 PM Furkan KAMACI
> +1 (binding)
> 15 Mar 2019 Cum, saat 07:08 tarihinde Kevin A. McGrail <
> kmcgr...@apache.org>
> şunu yazdı:
Hi Lewis,
although, I cannot fulfill your requirement as a formal mentor (as I'm no IPMC
member) I will join your list and will try to help you with performing the
release as I've done several releases as RM in the past.
Am 28.03.19, 21:02 schrieb "Trevor Grant" :
Looks like an aw
I like Craigs suggestion and I'm aware of the problem with the ASF Policy if we
would skip the formal IPMC Vote.
On the other hand in PLC4X we had a discussion about a regular release cycle to
bring new features to the users as fast as possible and decided to skip that
for now, to keep the
I agree with the point from Myrle and Ross, I dislike the idea of parallel
Especially in the early stages we had multiple RCs which failed in the PPMC
Vote process.
I would not like to have them on the general@ list, as that adds a lot of noise.
Am 02.04.19, 16:41 schrieb "Ross G
Hi Justin,
thanks for the report. I agree with all thats listed there, but theres one
passage which I dont understand or which makes me think... it is:
Having a smaller IPMC was discussed, it was suggested that anyone not
signed up to the private list be removed from the IPMC. This was looked
thanks for your clarification. I can only speak for myself and I try to involve
in discussions where I think I can be helpful or where I have a strong opinion
(usually from the podling perspective).
But, of course, I do not want to disturb things or annoy people on these lists,
so I was a b
+1, I like that formulation.
On 2019/04/09 09:26:00, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 10:43 AM Julian Feinauer wrote:
> > ...If its these "drive-by comments" that are annoying then I would name
> > that so, e.g. "What
+1 (binding)
I checked
* Signatures and Hashes
* Builds Backend and Frontend
* All Tests pass
* Rats reports no error
* No Snapshot Artifacts
* Disclaimer exists
* Incubating is in artefacts name
On 2021/07/21 05:19:52, Jean-Baptiste Onofre wrote:
> +1 (binding)
> I quickly chec
Hi Carl,
The project sounds interesting and as I understand it the aim is code
generation from models.
Is this right?
It would be interesting to see the current version of the code base to get a
better feeling on that.
We use and want to use code generation heavily in the apache plc4x project
Hi Justin,
This is such a great progress from the podlings perspective. Thank your work!
Von meinem Mobiltelefon gesendet
Ursprüngliche Nachricht
Betreff: Re: [MENTORS] IPMC Policy change work in progress disclaimer
Von: Davor Bonaci
An: general@incubator.apache.org
thanks Justin for bringing that up.
I have perhaps a different perspective than many others because I was / am
mostly active in several podlings and just very recently became IPMC member (no
apache member).
But, assuming that each podling has three active mentors, each podling should
I'm answering to this (old) thread as the new one branched up with a different
Personally, during my time in the first podling I learned a lot by doing Apache
First, as contributor, then as PPMC and finally as RM.
And this is something valuable and if a project wants to beco
Hi Ted,
but instead of questioning the Bylaws or introducing two classes of artifacts I
would rather try to improve mentor votes as this is something we can do
incubator internal.
And its always better to cure the cause then the symptoms : )
Am 12.08.19, 16:44 schrieb "Ted Dunning" :
s don't know the ground rules. The
only change is to make the defective artifacts provisionally releasable.
On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 7:56 AM Julian Feinauer <
j.feina...@pragmaticminds.de> wrote:
> Hi Ted,
> but instead of questionin
this goes to the IPMC as well as to podlings watching this list.
I just recently became IPMC member and am currently pretty active in the IoTDB
Project as “informal mentor” (started there before becoming IPMC member)
together with 3 other pretty active mentors.
As I received a lot of help fr
I'm a new IPMC Member (no foundation member) and come from a PLC4X which has
graduated months ago.
I already started to help other Podlings a bit.
And I agree with Dave in the sense that we should seek our way not in
locking-out people but in finding ways to draw in more people.
It was alre
I fully agree with Julian here. But we should beware not to start a witch hunt
about 'bad mentors' but develop an environment where one can step back as
mentor if priorities change or for other reasons are no longer able to mentor.
Everybody is a volunteer here so we should thank everybody
+1 (binding)
Ursprüngliche Nachricht
Betreff: Re: [VOTE] Recommend 'Apache Druid graduation to Top Level Project'
resolution to the board
Von: Julian Hyde
An: general@incubator.apache.org
Good luck! It has been great mentoring you guys.
On Tu
The vote will be open for at least 72 hours.
From the PPMC Vote we cary over 4 binding IPMC Votes:
+1 from Justin McLean,
+1 from Christofer Dutz,
+1 from Kevin A. McGrail,
+1 from Julian Feinauer
Thus, I took the freedom to declare the Vote as Lazy as
Hi Greg,
I think Justins Answer refers to the WIP-Disclaimer which was recently added to
the incubator Policy Page:
A Podlings releasing with the WIP Disclaimer is no ASF release, so I consider
Justins response is no misdirection a
IoTDB Podling is Interested!
Am 15.08.19, 15:04 schrieb "Dmytro Liaskovskyi"
DLab podling is interested
Software Engineering Manager
Office: +380 322 424 642 x 57729
Cell: +380 97 341 1315Email:
Hello all,
the vote to release Apache IoTDB (incubating) 0.8.0 RC3 has passed with 4 +1
Binding Votes:
Justin McLean
Christofer Dutz
Kevin A. McGrail
Julian Feinauer
No further Votes were cast.
Vote thread:
as it seems like the PPMC vote is already closed I'll repost my vote here...
+1 (binding)
I checked:
- Checked out release
- Verified hashes
- Verified incubating in names
- No binaries in release
- Checked NOTICE and LICENSE.txt, README
- Started superset from sources using ` docker-compose
0, 2019 at 5:42 PM John D. Ament wrote:
> Julian,
> Apache Tamaya could use help. My activity has been reduced pretty
heavily as of late.
> John
> On 2019/08/13 06:21:54, Julian Feinauer
> > Hi,
> >
Hi all,
+1 (binding)
I checked
- Download links are valid
- Checksums and PGP signatures are valid for C
- Checksums and PGP signatures are valid for JS
- DISCLAIMER, LICENCE & NOTICE files are included
- Artefacts have incubating in name
- No compiled binaries are included
- C Libraries build
I agree with Alan that its really minor but as the signatures will change I
would prefer another Vote to have this checked.
If you (as Justin suggests) state your changes clearly in the thread I think
everybody will easily carry over the vote from the previous thread so its just
about waiti
+1 (binding)
I checked:
- incubating in name
- signatures and hashes match
- No unexpected binary
- Can compile from source on macOS Mojave
Am 21.08.19, 05:15 schrieb "Justin Mclean" :
+1 (binding)
I checked:
Your proposal looks good and the initiual PPMC already looks 'diverse'.
Furthermore, it seems like you have a good mentoring team on board.
One 'minor' concern is that I think it is best to use Apaches Infra for CI and
Issue tracking.
Which I would greatly prefer over using Github issues.
Congratulations! : )
Am 28.08.19, 10:15 schrieb "Justin Mclean" :
It’s great to see superset finally get an offical release out.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@
as I’m pretty new in the tamaya project… when is tamaya scheduled for the next
incubator report?
From the records it seems like they missed the last time but I don’t see them
on the current wiki page?
Hi Justin,
I know that Tamaya is late (we discussed that already today off-list) and I
sent multiple mails to the list the last 2 days but got no response yet.
They are currently in the process of doing a release we had some issues in
first rc but things should be fixed soon, so I really hope th
let me initially say, that the release locks pretty good and well prepared.
But, unfortunately I found two issues I would consider major, thus I vote
-1 (binding)
Remember, this is no VETO so this does not necessarily stop the release. But
from my experience its easier to fix things while
Hi Tao,
Gratulations to the passed vote but a minor comment. The vote results should
have the subject prefixed with [RESULT] [VOTE]...
From: Tao Lv
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2019 12:39:49 PM
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [VOTE] R
he next release (see below).
Thanks to John for his support and work helping me with the release.
Am 19.09.19, 23:01 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" :
let me initially say, that the release locks pretty good and well prepared.
But, unfortunately I found two issue
Hi all,
my company decided to donate our project CRUNCH [1] that has been developed
internally to the ASF.
The idea is to integrate it as subproject into the PLC4X Project [2].
The PMC has already performed a VOTE on that task [3,4] and we also filed a
Software Grant as well as CCLA and ICLAs fo
Thanks Bertrand,
I will start editing the IP Clearance Form then!
Am 02.10.19, 14:36 schrieb "Bertrand Delacretaz" :
On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 1:59 PM Julian Feinauer
> my company decided to donate our project CRUNCH [1] that has been
Thanks for jumping in Chris, yes.
We never liked the name anyway but never had a better one : )
But currently we are discussing that with the community to hiopefully come up
with a better one.
Am 07.10.19, 11:28 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :
Hi all,
We have that on our rada
Hi David,
thanks for the nice proposal.
I think it was already introduced a bit at the ApacheCon NA so it may already
be known a bit to some folks.
The proposal reads quite nice and TubeMQ seems to be a really nice project and
has some impressive capabilities and USPs.
Although, those who know
Hi all,
as already discussed before the Podling Edgent is “too dead” to be revived.
The PPMC has thus voted to leave the incubator [1,2] and we will move the
project to GitHub, perhaps some interest will stay.
What are the next (formal) steps. Do we hold a Vote for the IPMC?
nce, we see a dedicated
> user mailing list as an important requirement to help users.
> ** Subversion directory **
> (not applicable)
> ** Git repositories **
> We would like to use Git for source code manageme
following source repositories:
> > * streampipes (containing backend + UI)
> > * streampipes-extensions (containing modules that can be
> > installed at runtime: pipeline elements and connect adapters)
> > * streampipes-website (containing docs + website)
um of three +1 votes (see
Hereby we already have one binding +1 vote carrying over from our PPMC vote
by our mentor Julian Feinauer [7]
[ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
[ ] +0
[ ] -1 for fata
Hi Justin,
yes, this is a minor issue (overcompensation of the to few hashes in the last
RC) but thanks for the vote!
Am 05.11.19, 22:56 schrieb "Justin Mclean" :
+1 (binding)
I checked:
- incubating in name
- signatures and hashes good
YES result:
Thank you for voting!
5 binding +1 votes (PPMC):
Julian Feinauer
Justin Mclean
Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Mohammad Asif Siddiqui
no non-binding +1 votes
no -1 votes
Have a nice day, Anatole
I think this cannot be done as PMC or PPMC as it would be a "binary release"
which we cannot do with the ASF policy.
So I think another entity than the ASF / the PMC would need to put the App in
the store, and then you are also free with regards to releases.
Am 07.11.19, 14:34 schr
Thanks Greg, I didn't know that!
Am 07.11.19, 19:24 schrieb "Greg Stein" :
On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 12:14 PM Greg Stein wrote:
> An app signed by the Foundation is most definitely
r.dutz at c-ware dot de)
** Mentors **
* Christofer Dutz (christofer.dutz at c-ware dot de)
* Julian Feinauer (Jfeinauer at apache dot org)
* Kenneth Knowles (kenn at apache dot org)
* Justin Mclean (justin at classsoftware dot com)
* Jean-Baptiste Onofré (jb at nanthrax dot n
* Patrick Wiener (wiener at fzi dot de)
* Philipp Zehnder (zehnder at fzi dot de)
=== Sponsors ===
** Champion **
* Christofer Dutz (christofer.dutz at c-ware dot de)
** Mentors **
my vote is +1 (binding).
I Checked:
- Downloaded files and checked sig and hash
- DISCLAIMER is included
- No unexpected binary files
- Built according to instructions in README (some tests fail due to locale
being not US)
- did NOT check binaries
my vote is +1 (binding).
I checked:
- Downloaded Sources
- Checked Signatures and Hashes are ok
- Hive and Commons Notice seems outdated (2018, 2019)
- Unzipped Archive
- No unexpected Binaries
- No Snapshot dependencies
- Run build ("mvn
my vote is +1 (binding).
I checked:
- Downloaded staged artefacts and checked signature and hash
- Incubating in name
- License and Notice file are fine
- No unexpected binaries in source release
- Builds sucessfull on macOS 10.15.5
Great Job Team!
Hi folks,
on the IoTDB mailing list we already had a discussion about our maturity for
graduation, see [1] and recently started a vote if the community wants to start
the graduation process [2].
We also filled all materials necessary, see e.g. the maturity evaluation [3]
and got positive feedb
Hi all,
as already stated some time ago [1], the Apacher IoTDB community decided that
it feels ready to graduate.
The maturity assesment is done [2], and the community agreed on starting the
graduation process in a formal vote [3] (result see [4]).
Ist important to note that all our mentors also
ow be and
> hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
> Apache IoTDB Project:
> * Chen Wang
> * Christofer Dutz
> * Dawei Liu
> * Gaofei Cao
> * Haonan Hou
thanks for your statement Max and thats already a great start as we coannot
expect fresh podlings to know the apache way (at all?) as then there would be
no point for the incubator.
But knowing you and your motivation and reading your statement about the team
makes me very confident that t
73 matches
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