Hello all, the vote to release Apache IoTDB (incubating) 0.8.0 RC3 has passed with 4 +1 Votes. Binding Votes:
Justin McLean Christofer Dutz Kevin A. McGrail Julian Feinauer No further Votes were cast. Vote thread: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/3f4c312056f618450a0e947fe212a65deee5006a75ec6331c01aece3@%3Cgeneral.incubator.apache.org%3E As this is the first Apache Release of IoTDB a big ‘thank you’ to everybody who supported us in doing the release, this is a big milestone for a young podling! We will proceed with publishing the approved artefacts and send out the ANNOUNCE when everythink is ready and synced. On behalf of the Apache IoTDB Community, Julian