Re: [appeal] Help Us Graduate!

2009-08-05 Thread Janne Jalkanen
*grin* I completely missed this email the first time around. I think JSPWiki would certainly benefit from the attention - we're fairly close to having all the bits and pieces in place (minus a release or two). It's just that we're slightly unsure as to what to do... When I collected the

Re: [appeal] Help JSPWiki Graduate!

2009-08-09 Thread Janne Jalkanen
The podling Status page hasn't been updated in ages. Personally i would at least add some News items in there. That would help to encourage more participants and helps the IPMC at graduation review time. There are some items that i expect are alrea

Re: [appeal] Help JSPWiki Graduate!

2009-08-16 Thread Janne Jalkanen
On Aug 10, 2009, at 06:49 , David Crossley wrote: Gee, i hope that more people will assist with this offer to review your project status. That was supposed to be your week to have some special attention. It's holiday season - I myself haven't had anything but cellphone access to the intahwe

Re: Making up policy on the fly

2009-08-18 Thread Janne Jalkanen
I remember when the policy regarding @author tags was set several years ago. Plenty of projects were using them to identify developers. Is this documented anywhere? All I could find was a number of discussions referencing such a decision, but I could not find an actual document which state

Re: Making up policy on the fly

2009-08-20 Thread Janne Jalkanen
I think a big cause of frustration for poddlings and mentors is the unpredictable nature of release reviews with each vote for a release or RC respin getting a different set of best practice requirements depending on who is around to review. Yes. If knowing about the policy means wading through

Re: Ready to Graduate?

2010-10-19 Thread Janne Jalkanen
JSPWiki has lost a massive amount of steam in the last year or so due to committers lives interfering with contributions. No known cure exists for life, unfortunately. Simply put, I don't think anyone has the capacity right now to do the graduation. I do not know whether the situation will ch

Re: [VOTE] Graduate JSPWiki from Incubator

2012-04-16 Thread Janne Jalkanen
+1. On 16 Apr 2012, at 01:46, Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez wrote: > Hello all, > > The Apache JSPWiki project entered Incubator in October of 2007. Since then > we have added two new committers from diverse organizations. The codebase > of our product has been growing slowly but surely, and we t


2007-08-29 Thread Janne Jalkanen
Hello all! I am Janne Jalkanen, the lead developer of the open source wiki engine called JSPWiki, and I have a proposal for your enjoyment. This proposal is available in the web at ApacheJSPWikiProposal, should you wish to help us to make it better. /Janne


2007-08-30 Thread Janne Jalkanen
This is interesting. Have you seen, that we are currently voting on the Jackrabbit list to enter Sling into the incubator. You may find more information at [1]. Yes, actually I did. I think it is something we can consider later. JSPWiki needs to do quite a lot of things internally than


2007-09-05 Thread Janne Jalkanen
I believe Janne has already looked into this and has a good list of all former contributors. Janne, can you comment on the difficulty of this challenge? Already ahead of you. We have all but one tracked down and all have already agreed. The question is whether they need to sign CLAs or whe


2007-09-06 Thread Janne Jalkanen
IANAL, but I am pretty sure you are right. However, I think there is an issue on "how simple is simple?". It seems common to talk about 10 lines of code are not infringements, but then noone give any hint of an upper limit. I think it would be good if it could be documented somehow, to get a


2007-09-06 Thread Janne Jalkanen
What do you mean? Apache does not have needed lower level projects to run JSPWiki? How about Tomcat+Harmony? Well, let me put it this way: it would be kinda dumb to run our public wiki site on another wiki engine. ;-) We also have separate documentation and sandbox wikis. http://www.jspwiki


2007-09-06 Thread Janne Jalkanen
In my (totally non-lawyer) opinion, the cleanest way to change the JSPWiki code to the Apache License might be for the project to release an Apache License version of their code, before coming to the Incubator, using their existing release channels. This would mean that the existing community has


2007-09-06 Thread Janne Jalkanen
Well, let me put it this way: it would be kinda dumb to run our public wiki site on another wiki engine. ;-) Dumb? So we must already be dumb, then, to be running other things like JVMs that don't come from the ASF, rather than our own. Nonono, what I meant was that it would be odd to have


2007-09-06 Thread Janne Jalkanen
On 6 Sep 2007, at 17:20, Gwyn Evans wrote: While agreeing that it's something that needs looking at closely, I'm not I'm not sure it's downbeat as I think you're suggesting. The 3rd-party licencing policy at redirects to the draft at http://people.apache.


2007-09-06 Thread Janne Jalkanen
Is there a roadmap for when JSPWiki will have all of the features and functionality of both Confluence and MoinMoin, including the Confluence macros we use, and the migration tools so that we can move all the existing data from these existing wikis to JSPWiki? Without that, I don't see us re

Re: [VOTE] JSPWiki Incubation

2007-09-17 Thread Janne Jalkanen
Thank you for your vote of confidence. We shall endeavour to be worth your trust! :-) /Janne On 17 Sep 2007, at 23:53, Dave wrote: On 9/12/07, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Are we ready to incubate? Time to sum up the vote: Votes: +1 Matthieu Riou +1 Alexey Petrenko +1 Ma

Re: [DISCUSS] PDFBox proposal

2007-11-14 Thread Janne Jalkanen
JSPWiki could certainly use it! +1 from me... /Janne On Nov 15, 2007, at 03:08 , Jukka Zitting wrote: Hi, Ben Litchfield, the author of the PDFBox library, has been working with us at the ApacheCon preparing a proposal to bring PDFBox into the Apache Incubator. See

Re: [DISCUSS] PDFBox proposal

2007-11-15 Thread Janne Jalkanen
> How? Just curious. We don't have built-in PDF generation from pages, which is one of the more requested features. Apparently many companies like the ability to create documentation on a wiki, and then dumping it to a PDF for shipping. /Janne ---

Re: [DISCUSS] PDFBox proposal

2007-11-15 Thread Janne Jalkanen
r. Jeremias Maerki On 15.11.2007 08:41:19 Janne Jalkanen wrote: How? Just curious. We don't have built-in PDF generation from pages, which is one of the more requested features. Apparently many companies like the ability to create documentation on a wiki, and then dumping it

Apache SW Grant in other languages?

2007-11-16 Thread Janne Jalkanen
Hiya! One of my contributors is asking if either the CLA or the Software Grant are available in other languages than English (French, Dutch or German preferred). Couldn't find anything directly off the Apache website... Any knowledge? /Janne ---

Re: Apache SW Grant in other languages?

2007-11-18 Thread Janne Jalkanen
You might find interpretations or explanations in other languages, but those would of course not be legally binding. Who would be willing to expose him- or herself to the legal liability resulting from a translation error? I suppose anybody whose English is not strong enough - after all, you

Re: Apache SW Grant in other languages?

2007-11-18 Thread Janne Jalkanen
Who would be willing to publish a translation claiming that it is authoritative, and thereby expose him- or herself to legal liability towards people that rely on this translation instead of the original? Ah, gotcha. Yup, you're right. Maybe one could collect some donations and then hire a la

Re: moving a failed incubation project

2008-01-23 Thread Janne Jalkanen
very much agreed and I guess if one can show a migration path (as I have suggested) which doesn't break too much, then I think nobody should mind renaming the packages. But with the ASF member hat on I think the package org.apache.* is something which the ASF should protect, just as the l

Re: Subversion vs other source control systems

2008-02-13 Thread Janne Jalkanen
No, there was no vote and is not vote, nor is there any choice. Subversion is one of the few things that the Board has mandated, imposed on all projects. Period. Pretty much end of discussion. I would assume though that if there is enough interest among the community, the subject of supp

SGAs and CCLAs?

2008-03-01 Thread Janne Jalkanen
Hi! During the relicensing efforts of JSPWiki, some people returned Software Grants, some ICLAs. ICLAs I can find at http://, but how do I check that ASF has received the SGAs? How about corporate CCLAs? /Janne -

Re: ** IMPORTANT ** April board reports

2008-04-12 Thread Janne Jalkanen
Hm. JSPWiki is missing from the list - but I don't see it anywhere else either. According to my calculations, our last report was three months ago, so this is our month also, yes? /Janne On 13 Apr 2008, at 00:14, Noel J. Bergman wrote: Reminder: last chance before we send in the Board r

Re: Thrift Status?

2008-05-08 Thread Janne Jalkanen
I also have not received an answer to my question about SVN. When existing projects are moved into Apache, is their full VCS history normally imported, or just the latest version. If the former, I will need to talk to an SVN expert because Thrift's SVN history is a bit complicated. We discusse

Re: maven repository

2008-05-30 Thread Janne Jalkanen
This seems logical provided the java package names also contain the incubator keyword to avoid classpath conflicts if the jar gets included twice. Which would, obviously, kill backwards compatibility for third party extensions when moving out of incubation. Is not nice if you've built you

Re: maven repository

2008-05-30 Thread Janne Jalkanen
As an end user, I would _hate_ to have to change all of my code to reference a totally new package structure after the podling graduates. That's a major pain... With JSPWiki we have plenty of plugins and other extensions donated by people over the years. Every binary break means that we obso

Re: maven repository

2008-05-30 Thread Janne Jalkanen
The package names have to change when a podling comes into the incubator (to the org.apache namespace). So, the "blow" has to happen anyway. I'm not suggesting we enforce this for existing podlings necessarily, but future ones should probably do it. Once the podling graduates, the plugins would

Re: [PROPOSAL] Incubate JSecurity Project

2008-06-08 Thread Janne Jalkanen
In fact, JAAS was _the_ primary driving factor in what eventually became JSecurity: I had to execute a number of security operations for an application, and the only thing out there was JAAS. I found myself drowning in their mish-mash of incomprehensible APIs and obscure VM-level security constr

Re: Again: The Maven Repository

2008-06-26 Thread Janne Jalkanen
It sounds as if waiting at the last possible second to move from org.jsecurity.* to org.apache.jsecurity.* is the best option for us. That way we can move over to the Apache SVN as soon as possible, but impact the existing community only when absolutely necessary. This is what we decided with JS

Re: [DISCUSS] Podlings with existing releases and community

2008-07-03 Thread Janne Jalkanen
+1 I think this is good, as it codifies an existing practice. /Janne On 3 Jul 2008, at 20:42, Craig L Russell wrote: Hi, Many projects that come to Apache already have existing releases. Some are still beta but others have already shipped a few production versions. This raises the iss

Re: SVN move

2008-07-28 Thread Janne Jalkanen
So, to make this a little more clear, when Wicket performed a few non-ASF releases on their old project site was their old Subversion repository shutdown and the ASF Subversion repository exclusively used? Yes. We are volunteers. Having to maintain 2 repositories would have been prohibitive.

Re: [DISCUSS] Names for the Web2.0kit

2008-09-22 Thread Janne Jalkanen
Just in case nobody mentioned this to you yet: "Olio" is the Finnish word for "object" as in "object relational database" or "object- oriented programming". You may or may not find this suitable. :-) Unfortunately, it also means that there are quite a few Finnish IT companies with the wo

Key signing practicalities Was: status of PGP support in Maven

2008-09-24 Thread Janne Jalkanen
So you assume that that can not be hacked? What if a signing key *IS* in KEYS but not signed by anyone (because the developer has never attended an Apache key signing event)? Which reminds me - if one does not attend an Apache key signing event (which tend to be in faraway co

Re: On incubating releases

2008-10-03 Thread Janne Jalkanen
> So the first thing that happens post graduation is that you piss off the > entire community by breaking all backwords compatibility by changing all > the package names? Ick. Not a good "first experience" once out of the > incubator. We (JSPWiki) will do this by taking advantage of the pack

Some advice needed on JSPWiki package names

2009-01-04 Thread Janne Jalkanen
Hi ho folks! We were preparing for a massive rename from our old jspwiki name space to the "org.apache.jspwiki.*" -package to prepare for our first Apache release when we hit a major snag. Turns out that Jasper JSP compiler has a bug in it, and it thinks all classes with their FQN startin

Re: ** MISSING ** January Incubator Reports

2009-01-12 Thread Janne Jalkanen
Where are the reports for BlueSky, Cassandra, Imperius, JSPWiki, Stonehenge,, Sanselan, Tashi, Thrift, and VCL? This is unacceptable to have so many projects disregarding the need to report. JSPWiki has been added. Sorry guys, the report has been ready for a few days in the

Re: How to start a new workflow project on ASF

2009-02-04 Thread Janne Jalkanen
* you'll need to relicense from LGPL to ASL 2.0, can you have a written agreement from all the copyright holders (probably all past committers)? At least for JSPWiki this was a fairly big job. You might want to look at for the kind of trackin

Re: UIMA [WAS Re: Suspending Projects]

2009-02-20 Thread Janne Jalkanen
> My pet hypothesis (or maybe I'm just looking for excuses) is > this: UIMA is heavily used in academia. Now academics have no > problems with open source, to the contrary. But they have an > overwhelming need to publish and build up a reputation. So > they like to publish their source code on t

Re: Champion needed for new workflow project proposal

2009-03-02 Thread Janne Jalkanen
I don't mind championing you but as mentioned by others, there will be several hurdles to overcome. To change the license, you will have to get an agreement from everybody who ever contributed a patch to the source you plan to incubate, even for a minor bug fix. I don't know how painful that

Re: Starting a new incubation

2009-03-18 Thread Janne Jalkanen
> Jaffre does not need skeletons/stubs. The endpoints are pojos, parameters > and return values are objects. > > No registry is required. > > Jaffre Connectors listen well-defined ports that can easily be bound to a > specific address. They are firewall friendly. > > An exp

PPMC Member list

2009-04-17 Thread Janne Jalkanen
Heya! Voting a new PPMC member guide at says that new PPMC members should be added to . However, neither I nor the project mentors seem to be able t

Re: PPMC Member list

2009-04-18 Thread Janne Jalkanen
I don't remember adding PPMC members to such a file in the podlings that I've been mentoring - my guess would be that we just stopped maintaining that file. Can anyone confirm? AFAICT we udpdate the poddling status page with the PPMC members. Should I file a JIRA issue to get it fixed from