I think a big cause of frustration for poddlings and mentors is the
unpredictable nature of release reviews with each vote for a release
or RC respin getting a different set of best practice requirements
depending on who is around to review.

Yes. If knowing about the policy means wading through all the old board resolutions (like with the @author -policy, which is not mentioned anywhere on the web site - who knows how many other such policies we have that a podling does not know of?), it creates a very frustrating situation - not to mention a very inconsistent situation where copying another podling or an existing Apache TLP results in the wrong way.

Could we make following "best
practices" what ever we decide those are a graduation requirement
instead of a release requirement? So releases which don't clearly
violate some ASF policy are voted out quickly and its the poddling
graduation that is delayed until they've done a release we're all
happy with.



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