RE: Making Daffodil Replicator an Open Source : Suggestion

2004-08-06 Thread J Aaron Farr
> -Original Message- > From: Ashish Srivastava [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > ... > > I visited at but unable to find the answer > how to proceed in order to make our product open source. So I am mailing > you. I also want to join apache as member. In particular yo

RE: Incubation of iBATIS Data Mapper

2004-08-10 Thread J Aaron Farr
> -Original Message- > From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 7:13 AM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: RE: Incubation of iBATIS Data Mapper > > Since there does seem to be interest in reviewing a proposal from iBATIS, > I've setup a draft in the Incuba

RE: Federations [was: Re: Incubation of iBATIS Data Mapper]

2004-08-10 Thread J Aaron Farr
> -Original Message- > From: Noel J. Bergman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > I agree on the federation idea, which Berin adopted for the XML TLP, but > please note that the XML Federation has no impact on TLP issues for the > Board. The federation idea is about fostering tighter collaboratio

Re: [VOTE] Accept iBATIS for Incubation

2004-08-22 Thread J Aaron Farr
Clinton Begin wrote: See: [X] Accept iBATIS into the Incubator [ ] Reject iBATIS jaaron - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] How to prevent abusing Apache priviliges

2004-10-18 Thread J Aaron Farr
Ted Husted wrote: Part of what it means to be an Apache is that it's not about "rules", it's about consensus. As far as rules do go, I think the closest we may ever get is: * As I'm going through the mentoring process myself, I'm working on expan

Mentor and Project Guide (WAS: RE: [OT] How to prevent...)

2004-10-19 Thread J Aaron Farr
> -Original Message- > From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 4:29 AM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: [OT] How to prevent abusing Apache priviliges > > On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 19:28:56 -0400, J Aaron Farr wrote: > > Wh

Re: [VOTE] Proposal for Castle

2004-10-21 Thread J Aaron Farr
Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote: Can someone expand CLI for me? Somehow I don't think it stands for command line interpreter .. :). Common Language Infrastructure. The part of .NET that allows the use of multiple programming languages to run within the virtual machine. Mono has its own implementation o

RE: LGPL / Apache

2004-10-21 Thread J Aaron Farr
> -Original Message- > From: Andreas Kuckartz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 2:44 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; > Subject: LGPL / Apache (Re: Proposition: Twister WS-BPEL engine and Apache > Agila) > > I noticed that Twister is licensed under the LGPL. Is it poss

RE: What to do with FTPServer and AltRMI

2004-11-03 Thread J Aaron Farr
> -Original Message- > From: Niclas Hedhman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > So, can I use such project name and move all code to SF? > > No. > > It would require explicit permission from the ASF. > I have no idea how easy that would be, but my guess is; Fairly difficult. Well, it depends.

RE: Project

2004-11-16 Thread J Aaron Farr
> -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:43 AM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Project > > Hello, > > I have a project that I would like to be accepted by the ASF. It is > written on the site that I have to go through t

RE: New Incubator Site branch - sources in html

2004-12-14 Thread J Aaron Farr
> -Original Message- > From: Nicola Ken Barozzi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > I've created a branch [1] for the Incubator website, a rendered version > of which is visible here [2], with the following modifications: ... > Comments? The menu looks a lot better, but I think the banner spac

Re: Volunteer Documentation

2005-03-16 Thread J Aaron Farr
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 09:17:25 +0530, Vikas Singhal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi List, > > I am a technical writer with an experience of more than three years. I want > to contribute to the foundation in terms of documentation. > > I am willing to work on projects that either have no documentati

Re: Proposal for a centralized Eclipse update manager site for Apache projects/software

2005-05-03 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 5/3/05, Dion Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Is there a reason we can't reuse the existing repository at > ? > > In your example, Eclipse could be configured to check > for an update? Somethin

Re: Proposal for a centralized Eclipse update manager site for Apache projects/software

2005-05-03 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 5/3/05, Jeffrey Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi Dion, > > Thanks for your response. The existing repository won't work. Unlike a > Java application, putting JARs on the classpath is not sufficient to make > Eclipse aware of these libraries. Eclipse needs to work with something > known as an

Re: FAQ for Apache Harmony

2005-05-06 Thread J Aaron Farr
First off, Harmony sounds like a great project. A truly compliant open source JVM would be wonderful. Greir, one question... On 5/6/05, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions > = ... > 11) Will you accept SWT if IBM offe

Re: Is there a "no graduate" option?

2005-12-22 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 12/22/05, Rich Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Davanum Srinivas wrote: > > I'd say after X months (6? 12?), there should be a VOTE on incubator > > PMC whether to continue that project or not. > > Ok, so say we went with X=12. There are 13 projects that fit that > description. Of those, 3 hav

Re: Proposal for OFBiz to Join the ASF

2006-01-12 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 1/10/06, David E. Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > We are all looking forward to your comments and desire to express in > advance appreciation for all that you have done and are doing for the > open source world and the software world in general through your > efforts in the Apache Software F

Re: Proposal for OFBiz to Join the ASF

2006-01-12 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 1/12/06, David N. Welton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > The proposal says that this project is to be sponsored by the ASF > > Board. Is that correct? Did the Board already +1 on or are we still > > searching for a sponsoring entity? > > The board response was along the lines of "why is this he

Re: Proposal for OFBiz to Join the ASF

2006-01-12 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 1/12/06, David N. Welton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I think we should look at whether this project is a good fit for the ASF > (I think so, or I wouldn't have mentioned the idea to them) rather than > if we are stepping on someone's toes. Geronimo steps on toes. Harmony > does to some degre

Re: Proposal for OFBiz to Join the ASF

2006-01-17 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 1/18/06, Justin Erenkrantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 10:45:49PM +0100, David N. Welton wrote: > > David N. Welton wrote: > > > > > I guess it should be placed on the wiki? I'll do that later today if no > > > one else beats me to it. > > > > Here we go: > > > > http:/

Mentor v Champion (WAS: Re: [VOTE] Changes to Incubator process(es))

2006-01-18 Thread J Aaron Farr
I know the vote is essentially over, but the following thought occurred to me this morning as I volunteered to support the OfBiz proposal. On 1/11/06, Davanum Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > [ ] - Any new proposal should have 3 ASF Members / Officers as mentors > (without regard to affiliat

Re: [doc] "Getting Started in the Incubator" topic

2006-01-18 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 1/17/06, Jean T. Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > It shouldn't be buried deep in a subpage, nor should it be on a page > that is already busy. > is borderline too busy and covers more than this one role. > > comments? feedback? Looks good.

OFBiz Marketing and Services

2006-01-18 Thread J Aaron Farr
Hello all. The current OFBiz project has a lot of material on marketing and services. I'm wondering how the team anticipates they'll handle this material during the incubation transition. We encourage commercial use of ASF products and we support efforts to build companies around them. So there

Re: OFBiz Marketing and Services

2006-01-19 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 1/19/06, Al Byers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > J Aaron, > > As one of the committers, I would have no problem have any reference to my > company removed, if that is necessary for the process to continue. Well, the references don't necessarily have to be removed. Other ASF projects provide link

Re: Proposal for OFBiz to Join the ASF

2006-01-24 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 1/22/06, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > It is also good to try to ensure that discussion has settled down, and that > there is a consensus before calling for the vote. I generally believe that > a good ASF vote isn't called to make a decision; it is called to ratify one. Exactly.

[VOTE] OFBiz Proposal

2006-01-24 Thread J Aaron Farr
y in the open source world. == Committers == * David E. Jones * Andy Zeneski * Si Chen * Al Byers * Jacopo Cappellato * Hans Bakker == Proposed Apache Sponsor == Incubator PMC == Champions == * David N. Welton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[OT] Kabuki Proposal -- Eclipse Plugins

2006-01-24 Thread J Aaron Farr
Since I don't really know my way around the Eclipse community very well, I thought I might ask the question here. I was really interested in the Eclipse portion of the original Kabuki proposal but that's now been kicked over to the Eclipse foundation. So, does anyone know where I can join in on t

Re: [VOTE] OFBiz Proposal

2006-01-25 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 1/25/06, David N. Welton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Roy T. Fielding wrote: > > >> * David N. Welton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > >> * Yoav Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > >> * J Aaron Farr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > > > > Whe

Re: Roles (was OFBiz proposal)

2006-01-27 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 1/26/06, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > David N. Welton wrote: > > > Roy T. Fielding wrote: > > > Where are the mentors? Are the champions also going > > > to mentor the project? > > > According to the docs I read, the incubator PMC is supposed to assign > > them. > > The docs sti

Re: [RANT] Mission of the incubator

2006-01-27 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 1/27/06, Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > What I DO care more about is communities and the people that make them > up. As I have come to believe that tasks assigned to many are > effectively assigned to nobody, I would prefer that there be either a > single or primary mentor for Kabuki.


2006-01-31 Thread J Aaron Farr
Results of the vote [1] on the OFBiz proposal [2] : +1 J Aaron Farr +1 Henri Yandell -1 Mads Toftum (*) +1 Niclas Hedhman +1 Ross Gardler +1 Martin van den Bemt +1 Justin Erenkrantz +1 David Jones +1 David Welton +1 Upayavira +1 Yoav Shapira * - Mads stated his

Re: OFBiz - next steps

2006-02-08 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 2/8/06, David E. Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Under the MIT license we have been using there is no assignment or > granting of copyright. All of the code is licensed under the MIT > license, and the copyright everywhere is listed under "The Open For > Business Project". I don't know if th

Re: OFBiz - next steps

2006-02-13 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 2/13/06, Jacopo Cappellato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi all, > > here at OFBiz we'd like to go on with the IP-clearance effort but, since > we are going to contact *many* developers, we would like to be sure that > the steps we'll perform are the correct ones. > > Anyone here could help us to

Re: OFBiz - next steps

2006-02-13 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 2/13/06, Jacopo Cappellato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > J Aaron, > > thanks for your feedback. > Sorry but I still have some doubts about this: > > if a guy signs an iCLA in which he states that he agrees to release > under the ASL all the work (present and future) that he sends to the ASF > (th

Re: Thoughts on Umbrellas, Federations, and Communication

2006-03-09 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 3/9/06, Matthieu Riou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I know that mailing-lists are part of the foundation of the ASF and > are a really useful way to communicate effectively. However my feeling > is that we don't have the right tools or policies to use them as > effectively as could be. For examp

[geronimo] Core Service Framework (Was: RE: Names & Projects)

2003-08-06 Thread J Aaron Farr
> -Original Message- > From: Aaron Mulder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 12:21 PM > > On the project front, am I correct that the goal is to integrate > other projects wherever possible and only build when strictly > necessary? If there is going to be b

Re: [geronimo] Core Service Framework (Was: RE: Names & Projects)

2003-08-06 Thread J Aaron Farr
Quoting James Strachan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 04:34 pm, J Aaron Farr wrote: > > > Quoting James Strachan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > >> To be certified Geronimo needs to fully support JMX. So the current > >>

Re: [geronimo] Core Service Framework (Was: RE: Names & Projects)

2003-08-14 Thread J Aaron Farr
Quoting James Strachan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > To be certified Geronimo needs to fully support JMX. So the current > plan is to follow the Tomcat 5 & JBoss ideas to use MBeans to register > & wire the services together. Whatever component model or libraries a > particular service wishes to u

Re: [PROPOSAL] Accept Wave for incubation

2010-11-24 Thread J Aaron Farr
below) +1 (a bit biased as I was a fan of wave) --    J. Aaron Farr    馮傑仁 - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [MISSING REPORTS] Droids Lokahi SocialSite WSRP4J

2009-05-20 Thread J Aaron Farr
On Mon 18 May 2009 14:56, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote: > See - those reports are overdue. WSRP4J missed the report completely this month. They should include a report next month. -- J. Aaron Farr 馮傑仁 www.cubiclemuses.

Re: Community readiness-when does it show?

2009-06-23 Thread J Aaron Farr
leaves the incubator with the commit bit barrier too high, they'll have problems down the road. If they leave the incubator with users but no contributors, they're also going to have trouble. -- J. Aaron Farr 馮傑仁 ---

Re: Mentors role after Graduation?

2009-07-02 Thread J Aaron Farr
a former mentor, around on the private@ list to answer questions. New TLPs have a VP who can go directly to the board, so it's not like they're completely on their own, but at least having someone subscribed to the private@ list can help. -- J. Aaron Farr 馮傑仁 www.cubiclemus

Re: [Proposal][Vote] Traffic Server

2009-07-02 Thread J Aaron Farr
mber of mentors and > contributors, and also added and improved on the proposal. I would > like this to be considered our official application, and that the > Incubator votes (+ or -) on our acceptance as a podling. +1 -- J. Aaron Farr 馮傑仁 -

Re: Incorrect use of "Sponsor".

2009-07-05 Thread J Aaron Farr
to not water down the value of the > main ASF thanks page.) We put `nofollow` on the Bronze level sponsors and that was to stop the sponsorship program from turning into a spam-ridden link farm. I don't recall the PRC requiring other links to use nofollow, but perhaps I missed it. Lots o

Re: Does an incubation proposal require a codebase?

2009-08-08 Thread J Aaron Farr
need a concrete proposal to vote on anything. But to answer the original question: no codebase is initially needed. The incubator is bureaucratic enough as it is, no need to make up new requirements. -- J. Aaron Farr 馮傑仁 --

Re: Does an incubation proposal require a codebase?

2009-08-12 Thread J Aaron Farr
e the proposed committers worked on open source previously?" but again, I think that's a case by case decision. -- J. Aaron Farr 馮傑仁 - To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@in

Re: incorrect terminology: lead developers

2009-08-12 Thread J Aaron Farr
he same time, we need to balance the goal of having many contributors peer review the work and collaborate so that in the long run, the success of the project is not dictacted by any one person. If anything, we can say, projects need leaders, they don't need a pr

Re: [VOTE] Mothball/Pause Lokahi

2009-08-12 Thread J Aaron Farr
I know the last time there was any activity on the list was February (and that message was about retiring the project), but still, can one of the mentors at least ping them? Otherwise, I'm fine with retiring the project.

Re: Thrift release legal issues

2009-08-16 Thread J Aaron Farr
ution similar to the Apache license. The NOTICE file is *not* for notifications about other licenses. The NOTICE file is for required attributions as specified in the Apache license. You can put all the licenses or references to the licences in the

Re: [DISCUSS] Changing poddling release voting process

2009-08-21 Thread J Aaron Farr
y an general@ vote? My only concern is that we have some very great volunteers here on the general@ list who check release compliance and I doubt they want to deal with the traffic of every podling dev list. -- J. Aaron Farr 馮傑仁 www.cubi

Re: [VOTE] Accept Libcloud proposal for incubation

2009-10-29 Thread J Aaron Farr
r/LibcloudProposal> > > Please cast your votes: > > [ ] +1 Accept Libcloud for incubation > [ ] +0 Indifferent to Libcloud incubation > [ ] -1 Reject Libcloud for incubation +1 -- J. Aaron Farr 馮傑仁 -

Re: [PROPOSAL][VOTE] Subversion

2009-11-04 Thread J Aaron Farr
s > * Champion: Greg Stein > * Nominated Mentors: Justin Erenkrantz, Greg Stein, Sander Striker, Daniel > Rall > * Sponsor: Quite a collection of shady characters, but... +1 :-) -- J. Aaron Farr 馮傑仁 -

Re: [Proposal] Sling

2007-08-27 Thread J Aaron Farr
rward with just two mentors for now, given > that we have two other IPMC members (Carsten and Bertrand, both from > Day) as initial committers, so release votes and other such stuff > shouldn't suffer from lack of IPMC interest. I'll help. -- J Aaron Farr

Re: Request to accept the Sling project for Incubation

2007-09-02 Thread J Aaron Farr
sal [4]) for incubation. +1 -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905 - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The meta-data problem, redux -- call for help

2007-09-10 Thread J Aaron Farr
parsed by anyone or anything, but that's me. If people would rather have it in a wiki or database, then go ahead. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905

Re: [VOTE] Accept Composer in the Incubator

2007-10-22 Thread J Aaron Farr
; [ ] +1 Accept Composer project for incubation > [ ] 0 Don't care > [ ] -1 Reject for the following reason : +1 Good luck! Great to see this code and community joining Apache. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 cubic

Re: [VOTE] Accept project Buildr for incubation

2007-10-30 Thread J Aaron Farr
;t care >> [ ] -1 Reject for the following reason : +1 Good to see some Ruby code coming into the foundation, even if it is for compiling Java. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905 -

Re: [apachecon eu'08] Guide to successful incubation at the ASF

2007-10-30 Thread J Aaron Farr
submitted proposal. Cool. I did a couple of talks on open source communities and the incubator at OSCON and ApacheCon. You can find the slides at: Feel free to use anything

Re: Java Jabber Server

2007-10-30 Thread J Aaron Farr
the MIT license. And while I haven't used this particular feature of ActiveMQ, it does advertise XMPP support: -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905 -

Re: [Proposal Draft]BlueSky-Wish to ADD

2007-10-30 Thread J Aaron Farr
ferent from the other Apache software. This will make it difficult to to get help from other Apache committers. That said, if there's enough interest, I'll do what I can to help. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁

Re: [VOTE] Accept Bluesky Project into the Incubator

2008-01-06 Thread J Aaron Farr
accepting Bluesky into the Apache Incubator. The vote > will run 1 week, beginning now, and will conclude Saturday, January > 12, 2008. [X] +1 Accept BlueSky for incubation -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 cubicle

Re: Synchronizing PMC Membership rosters

2008-01-21 Thread J Aaron Farr
directory under /incubator in svn. But if you don't want to do that, then, yeah, a lab is fine. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905 - To unsubsc

Re: Business Framework Project

2008-01-22 Thread J Aaron Farr
make it much more adaptable/extendable to > organizations, and much easier to extend to more business domains. I understand it's technically different from OFBiz, but have you looked at Apache OFBiz? Would it be something that team could use? -- J Aa

Re: moving a failed incubation project

2008-01-23 Thread J Aaron Farr
kage name, or anything else in the source code. One arguably shouldn't then re-publish the binaries or source as "Apache Foo" [1], but the code itself can use the same namespace. If the fork wishes to do more than patch up the original or wishes to create its own identity unique fr

Re: moving a failed incubation project

2008-01-24 Thread J Aaron Farr
this and the PRC team is currently working on a "trademarks" FAQ that should also cover this. I agree that the "proper" thing for forks to do is change the namespace and it's reasonable to (politely) request this. However, beyond a request we're on shaky groun

Re: [PROPOSAL] Thrift

2008-01-30 Thread J Aaron Farr
velopment now and I'd like to better understand some of the code that's running behind those servers. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905 -

Re: [DISCUSS] CouchDB incubator project

2008-01-31 Thread J Aaron Farr
but Damien had just joined MySQL at the time and wasn't interested in changing the license from GPL. Glad to see it make it to the incubator. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905 ---

Re: [PROPOSAL] Thrift

2008-02-03 Thread J Aaron Farr
David Reiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > J Aaron Farr wrote: >> git could be an issue. > > Can you explain what the issue is with Git? Leo already gave a decent explanation. Basically, it comes down to two aspects: 1) infrastructure support 2) cultural bias There&#x

Re: [VOTE] Accept PDFBox for incubation

2008-02-03 Thread J Aaron Farr
[ ] -1 Do not accept the new podling (provide reason, please) [X] +1 Accept PDFBox as a new podling -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905

Re: [VOTE] Accept CouchDB for incubation

2008-02-10 Thread J Aaron Farr
ime to vote on the proposal which can be found on the > Apache Wiki, and reproduced below. > > I would like to proudly start this off with my +1. > > - Sam Ruby > > > +1 Very excited to see CouchDB here. -- J Aaron F

Re: [VOTE] as to Thrift Proposal

2008-02-10 Thread J Aaron Farr
> On Jan 23, 2008 9:07 PM, Mark Slee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> We've just posted the Apache Incubator proposal for Thrift onto the >> Wiki: +1 -- J Aaron Farr jadetower.c

Re: Putting a visitor tracker on incubator project web site.

2008-06-25 Thread J Aaron Farr
wer is: not yet, but a lot of people like the idea and we just have to work out the details. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905 - To unsubs

Re: Allow incubator releases?

2008-10-06 Thread J Aaron Farr
e to someone who can. As for motivation, escaping the neverending threads on this mailing list should be encouragement enough. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905 --

Re: [Vote] accept Droids into incubation

2008-10-06 Thread J Aaron Farr
Thorsten Scherler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Please vote on accepting Droids into incubation. +1 -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852

Re: [PROPOSAL - OpenWebBeans Project Proposal]

2008-10-12 Thread J Aaron Farr
etting to at least 3 committers is going to have to be the first order of business for this podling. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905 - To

Re: [PROPOSAL] ESME - The Enterprise Social Messaging Experiment

2008-11-04 Thread J Aaron Farr
ith the proposal. With ApacheCon this week, we'll want to give this a little extra time. I'd wait to hold a vote until next week at the earliest. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905 ---

Re: [VOTE] Accept ESME into the Apache Incubator

2008-11-19 Thread J Aaron Farr
and positive, we have a > Champion in J. Aaron Farr, and five mentors have signed up: > + J. Aaron Farr > + Bertrand Delacretaz > + Daniel Kulp > + Gianugo Rabellino > + Sylvain Wallez > > I think that now is the right time for a vote, so please vote +1 to > accept ESME int

Re: [VOTE] Accept ESME into the Apache Incubator

2008-11-26 Thread J Aaron Farr
not sure if there's a problem > with the mailserver somewhere or if people are just getting ready > for Thanksgiving in the USA. Probably Thanksgiving. I can help close up the vote. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁

Re: Could someone create the JIRA project for ESME?

2008-12-04 Thread J Aaron Farr
ted it and added you and the mentors. We need the new committers to create accounts: -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905 --

Re: UIMA [WAS Re: Suspending Projects]

2009-02-20 Thread J Aaron Farr
es, and so on. Generally, someone who is willing to regularly help, review and "commit" to the project can be brought on. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905 --

Re: New Incubator Proposal: Null - A cloud-aware Web 3.0 Container

2009-04-01 Thread J Aaron Farr
after: > > You know, the subversion classloader was a *great* idea. -- J Aaron Farr[US] +1 724-964-4515 馮傑仁 [HK] +852 8123-7905 --

Re: Dormancy

2006-07-17 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 7/17/06, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I'd suggest that the PMC declare a project as dormant, with the effect being that we set the SVN ACL to read-only. If people want to wake the project up, we can change the ACL. +1 I'm not sure what would be best for the mailing list. If

Re: [Proposal] Blaze

2006-07-18 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 7/18/06, Brian McCallister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Comments in line: On Jul 17, 2006, at 12:10 PM, Carl Trieloff wrote: > == Interactions with the specifications == > The specification is being developed by group of companies, under a > contract that requires the resulting work to be publ

Re: [VOTE] Accept Glasgow into Incubator

2006-08-03 Thread J Aaron Farr
+1 -- jaaron - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [VOTE] Accept Glasgow into Incubator

2006-08-04 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 8/3/06, Mads Toftum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Thu, Aug 03, 2006 at 05:54:14PM -0400, Garrett Rooney wrote: > I'm sorry, but I have to vote -1 (binding). > I very much agree with Garretts concerns - and would be much in favor of not bringing the project into incubation before they have prov

Re: [rant] seperate policy change from proposal discussion

2006-08-08 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 8/8/06, Leo Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Perhaps we should try and seperate this somewhat more rigidly. Eg we could have a "released" version of all the things we want a project to do and/or comply with (this is our website) and we could have an "in progress" version of the same thing (t

Podling Release Requirement (WAS: Re: [VOTE] Graduate Felix to TLP status)

2006-09-13 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 9/13/06, Justin Erenkrantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 9/12/06, Niclas Hedhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > As Leo pointed out, 'codebase quality' is not a graduation criteria. And > (hopefully) with Upayvira as the initial PMC Chair, I am not worried that the > PMC will overlook release req

Re: [VOTE] Policy on Initial Committership

2006-10-02 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 10/1/06, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I do too. And with the number of projects coming in with sizeable numbers of committers these days, I wonder how long it will be before the committers coming in this way will outnumber those whose committership is based on (ASF earned) merit.

Re: Anyone up for a docathon at ApacheCon Austin?

2006-10-03 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 10/2/06, Jean T. Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I've been holding onto posts with good fodder for the incubator site, but haven't had time to incorporate them yet. I'll be at the hackathon on Tuesday Oct 10. Is anyone else up for a docathon? (Or did I miss a post already suggesting one?

Re: Re: IRC chats

2006-10-10 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 10/10/06, Justin Erenkrantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: So, I'd urge against IRC chats, but if you're careful, it can work. -- justin I agree with Justin's concerns. That said, I've seen carefully planned and executed IRC chats work very well. That includes having an agenda and to limit u

Re: [VOTE] Retire AltRMI

2006-11-06 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 11/6/06, peter royal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The AltRMI podling, has become stagnant. Here is a vote to move it into retirement. [ ] -1 : It lives on, you someone missed my recent commits on it last week [ ] 0 : I don't do fall cleansing

Re: Retiring a project [Was: Retiring Agila?]

2006-11-06 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 11/6/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: So how do we retire a project? My checklist so far is: * move Agila to the Retired section of the Incubator site, * inform -dev/-user mailing lists (earlier than the rest) * ask that the mailing lists be shutdown, * update the wiki, * update

Re: [VOTE] - Restarting the vote to --- Ratify Tuscany PPMC vote to release SDO for Java M2 artifacts

2006-11-10 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 11/6/06, kelvin goodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I understand it is good practice to restart a vote if the vote thread becomes heavy with discussion. This is the case with the vote that was begun at which contains some i

Re: RE: [VOTE] Graduate OFBiz Podling

2006-11-14 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 11/14/06, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: As for my own vote, -1 on a procedural basis: > Based on early discussion about OFBiz at the ASF (around the time > OFBiz entered the incubator) the best place for the project seems > to be as a top level project (TLP). This is a separate

Re: RE: [VOTE] Graduate OFBiz Podling

2006-11-14 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 11/14/06, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: At this time you have, or will have, the required number of votes. We just need to see the Board resolution. I just sent a draft to the OFBiz mailing list. We'll have a resolution posted here soon. -- jaaron -

Re: Making a non ASF project, ASF friendly

2007-01-06 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 1/6/07, Chris Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Scenario: A project (Project A) is set up on Source Forge by individuals as the only legal entities. Project A is setup under the Apache License V2. What would Project A need to do beforehand to ensure that all code committed to Project A's SVN

Re: Making a non ASF project, ASF friendly

2007-01-06 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 1/7/07, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I don't agree. Any AL2 licensed work can be included in an ASF distribution, as a dependency. In terms of committing a piece of work that is not under our IP (and is not covered by a CLA), the Apache license doesn't make it a given. You would s

Re: [VOTE] graduate Solr to Lucene

2007-01-15 Thread J Aaron Farr
"Yonik Seeley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > The Solr community has voted and believes Solr is ready for graduation > from the Incubator and has met all incubation requirements, and the > Lucene PMC has voted to accept Solr. > > The Solr podling is therefore requesting to graduate from the > Incub

Re: [VOTE] Felix Graduation

2007-01-20 Thread J Aaron Farr
On 1/17/07, Richard S. Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The Felix community feels that we are ready for graduation, as indicated by the following community vote to request graduation: +1 -- jaaron - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [E

Re: [proposal] TripleSoup - a SPARQL endpoint for httpd

2007-01-29 Thread J Aaron Farr
Leo Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Hi all, > > This is a proposal to start a rdf database server project at apache. > > What do you think? About time! :-) +1 -- jaaron - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For a

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